Jotaro (&Dio) - Rapunzel

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Pretty dark, trigger warning for abuse and non con. NSFW? Maybe, I tried to not be too explicit.

This can be very upsetting to some audiences. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Don't expect me to write these kinds of things often.

This was written after the Rapunzel Doujin by Cooljazz on Pixiv. Pictures belong to them as well.


The only world you knew was a few inches square. A tiny, barred window that only showed you a spec of sky and light.

As far as you could remember, you always lived in this small room underground, only lit by that one frame closed by metal bars.

You were kept in this room of yours by Dio Brando. You didn't know a lot about what he did because he didn't talk about himself much, but you only knew that he was very powerful and respected. Stronger than anyone and feared by everyone.

You never really questionned why he kept you, or if you should ever leave. You never lacked of anything here and didn't know much about the outside world. He gave you everything you needed, and so you accepted your life as it was.



You were disturbed by the sounds of angry voices and heavy footsteps outside not too far from your room. It was evening already and you wanted some peace while reading your books.

The sounds didn't stop after a while and, lead by curiousity, you decided to climb on your desk to reach for the only window in your room and check out the commotion.

"He shouldn't be far! Find him and capture him!"

You looked out more closely to find a tall boy with dark hair and a hat, whipping his head around, searching frantically for a hiding place.

"Pssst! Hey! Over here!" You called out to him and he turned his head, noticing you.

At first he looked confused, but upon hearing the voices getting closer, he instantly ran towards you, not having any time to think.

"Hide in these bushes there, quick!" you instructed and he almost dived in said bushes.

After a few moments, you saw the man you knew as Vanilla Ice walking along your wall, searching for the fugitive. He stopped next to your window when he saw you peeking.

"...Hello Y/N. How are you?"

"Hi Vanilla! I'm good."

"Tell me, you wouldn't happen to have seen a tall boy running around here? He's wearing a long jacket and a hat." The tan skinned male asked.

You paused for a moment thinking of your next words.

"Aah... I think I saw someone running off to the right just a moment ago."

Vanilla didn't say anything for a second and you broke in a sweat, thinking he didn't believe you.

"...Okay, thank you Y/N." He walked off.

You sighed in relief. When you were sure he was gone, you called out to the boy. He slowly came out and walked towards you.

Now you could get a better look at him. He was actually very handsome, with sharp features and deep blue eyes that stared right into your soul.

"Thanks. I owe you one." he bluntly replied with a deep voice. You smiled in response.

"Try not to get caught. They can be ruthless here with tresspassers."

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