Returning To Arcadia

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Arcadia hasn't really change at all had it? Everything's just how I remember. The building, the roads, the trees. As to be expected from a boring small town. Last time I was here, Jim was Six years old. Now how old is? His birthday was a couple days ago so he would have just turn Sixteen. Has it really been Ten years? Where does the time go? Down the drain in my case...

I left Arcadia to try and pursue a career in writing. But my books never sell very well. I kept hoping I come across that one story that would make all these years worth it... But it never came. Long story short ran into money troubles and I'd be homeless if there wasn't someone out there looking out for me, I guess.

Barbara Lake, and old friend of my, call me out of the blue. Telling me about how Jim been acting different lately and how she's worry about him. She asked if I could come down for a visit, hoping it would help Jim get back to his old self.

I told her about my problem and she change the plan for me to come live with them, so I could help keep an eye on her son for her. Find out what's going on with him. Like I said I was about to be out on the streets so I didn't hesitate to accept her offer. Beside this gives me a chance to catch with her and Jim. Hope he stills remembers me.

I pull up in their driveway, smiling up at the familiar house. Another thing that hasn't change. Stepping out of my car, I went up to the door and knock on it. I only had to wait a couple seconds before the door was open by a middle age man.

He had brown balding hair, hair on his forearms, a large nose, and a sort of long face. He wore a leather jacket, a light blue buttoned sweater, brown jeans, and brown work shoes

His eyes widen surprised, while I smile back awkwardly. Did I get the wrong house? Barbara said they still live here? Maybe I got turn around somewhere and found their twin house.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm looking for Barbara Lake. I thought this was her house." I told that man, who was looking at me rather oddly. His mouth hang open a little as he continue to stare at me. I look off to the side nervously, then back at the man. "Umm.. Hello?" I asked but he continued to stare.

Blinky's P.O.V, A Minute Earlier
After a trip to the facilities I walk down the steps, wiping my hands. "I have to say, indoor plumbing is the most remarkable..." When I reach the bottom step there was a knock at the door. Oh! I've always wanted to answer a door like a human! Troll have no need for doors in Troll-Market, so this will be an experience!

"I'll get it, Master Jim!" I told the young Trollhunter as I run up to the door excitedly. "Blinky wait!" Jim called from the kitchen but it was too late. My new fleshy hand was already turning the knob.

I pull the door back to see.... The most remarkable human two eyes could ever lay on. I only wish I had the rest of my eyes to gaze upon her. It feels as if the world changed color and slows down around us. My mouth slowly drops as I stare at the human.

Who was speaking, but I couldn't hear anything she was saying. She stops talking and stares at me, I stare back at her not saying anything. She says something again that I couldn't hear and looked at me. Oh I need to speak now... But I didn't hear anything she said. I can't even bring myself to speak!

Blinkous Galadrigal, what are you doing?! Are you just going to stare at this beautiful human or are you going to say something to her?

Before I could even attempt any form of communication, I feel a hand being place on my shoulder. I am then push back by Jim, who was now talking to the human, whiles I continue to stare at her in awe.

(Name's) P.O.V
Suddenly a young familiar looking boy appeared, pushing the man back. "I'm sorry about him, h-he's a little shy." The boy told me smiling nervously. That smile trigger a memory I had... Of a four year old Jim, trying to lie about eating a cookie from the jar before dinner.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now