The Reckless Club

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Another night, another Trollhunter mission. This one involved gnomes hijacking a truck and taking it for a joy ride. Yet despite their size they're actually a better driver than Blinky.

Everyone split up into teams to try and stop the tuck.  Blinky kind of just took ownership of Barbara's damage car from several weeks ago, so him and I used that. Jim and Claire used his vespa, and Toby and Aaarrrgghhh!!! were running on ahead to try and block the gomes.

I managed to drive us along side the gnomes, so Blinky can stick his head out the window to try and talk the gnomes down. "I know the allure of operating one of these noble machines, but stop this instant!"

The gnomes ram the truck into us, sending our car to steer off the road and nearly crash into a white picket fence. I slam on the breaks just in time, causing us to launch forward before our seatbelt pulls us back into our seat.

"Lady (Name), are you harm?" Blinky asked unbuckling his seatbelt, so he can turn in his seat easily to check me for injuries. "I'm okay. I just hope the others got them." I replied.

I drove after the gnomes and we found Aaarrrgghhh!!! had caught the truck. Jim and I parked our vehicles and we all got out. "Freeze, you pint-sized punks!" Jim said, when he open the truck door. The gnomes inside chitter at him.

Jim then grab all the gnomes and stuff them in a bag that Blinky was holding. Once they were inside, he closed the bag, so they can't escape. "You two take the gnomes back to Trollmarket. We'll get Señor Uhl's truck back before anyone notices..."

At that moment we hear sirens approaching us. "Oh no." Jim said, as we saw the red and blue flashing lights get closer and closer. I yelped when Aaarrrgghhh!!! grabs me as he and Blinky made a run for the woods to get out of sight. "Hands where I can see them!" A police officer said, as the cop car comes to a stop and the kids held up their hands.

"Looks like your little prank is gonna get you serving a little time. You wanna press charges?" The officer asked, getting out of his vehicle. Another man steps out, who must be the teacher that owns the truck. "Hmm. No, I have something far worse planned for them. Saturday Detention." Rough.

Saturday Morning soon rolled around and Jim was eating his breakfast before he's shipped off to school with Toby. I sat at the counter working on my laptop. "I'm actually looking froward to Detention." Jim said to me. "Really?" I asked, surprised and a little confused.

"A whole day at school where I don't have to worry about me or my friends almost getting killed. This will be like a vacation!" Jim said, smiling. "I guess that's a good point." I said, glancing over at a photo on the wall that was of me and Barbara at graduation, making me smile.

"Hey Jim, did you know your Mom and I got Saturday Detention when we were in high school?" I asked and Jim stopped mid-bite to look at me. "Mom, had Saturday Detention?!" He asked, shocked.

Barbara then enters the kitchen, who was gonna drive him and Toby to school on her way to work. "Please tell me your not telling Jim that story, (Name)." She grumbled. "Are you still embarrassed you got detention over skipping class to go shopping?" I asked her.

"Whoa wait! Mom you skipped class?" Jim asked, standing up from the table. "It was only one day, I swear!" Barbara said in a panic, making me laugh. "This one here got in trouble for pulling the fire alarm and talking back about it." Barbara said, pointing at me as I continued laughing.

"Saturday Detention wasn't so bad. You can actually learn a lot about your classmates when you're all sharing the same punishment." I told Jim, who had taken his seat again to finish eating. "I think I know the people in my classes good enough." Jim said.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now