In The Hall Of Gumm-Gumm King

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Blinky informed us that Vendel's has been killed, making everything much worse then it already is. First Trollmarket loses it's Trollhunter then it's leader? What else could go wrong today?

Vendel's remains were picked off the ground and place onto the table where Blinky stood lost in thought, staring at his walking staff. "First Jim, now this." Toby said, sniffing. "Why did you leave us. It was not your time." Blinky said, setting the staff on the table next to Vendel.

Suddenly a crystal that was among Vendel's remains starts glowing and Blinky gasps. "You crafty old goat." He said and runs over to grab something. "What?" Toby asked. "What is it?" Claire asked. "He was holding an Anamnesis stone." Blinky replied, carrying a device over to the table and setting it down.

Blinky then places the stone in the device, which causes a yellow bubble to be created around us. Then we saw a hologram of Vendel walking. "What did you want to show us?" Blinky asked Vendel as we follow the hologram over to the table.

We then see Usurna appear behind Vendel speaking to him. "There are only two agents of Gunmar... the changeling and the changeling's master." Usurna said, taking out a weapon and approaches him. "How do you know that?" Vendel asked, turning to face her, only to be stabbed in the chest. "Because I'm the master."

"Vendel." Blinky said, watching his friend struggling as he turns to stone. "I'm sorry, Vendel. I was hoping you'd live long enough to see Gunmar's glorious return." Usurna said and Vendel falls to the ground. "Usurna..."

"He used his last moments to warn us." Blinky said, before the hologram disappears and we saw Jim was back from the Deep. "She took control of Trollmarket." He muttered.

We all gasp, seeing he is alive. "Master Jim." Blinky said, amazed. "Queen Usurna, said I'm responsible." Jim said and Toby circles around him. "Whooooa." He then pops Jim, making sure he's real. "Jimbo, you're alive! You're not a ghost!" He said, hugging his friend.

"We saw you fall to your doom." Blinky said. "How did you survive the deep?" Claire asked, running to hug him. "Claire." Jim said, with a little smile as he returns the hug. "No, troll's ever come bask." She said, pulling out of the hug.

"But I'm not a troll." Jim said and I walked up hug Jim too. "Troll or no troll. Don't you ever scare us like that again." I said, sternly and Jim chuckles. "I'll try." He muttered.

We part from the hug so Jim could greet Blinky and Aaarrrgghhh!!!, before he looks at Vendel. "No, no. I'm sorry. This is my fault." He said to the stone remains of the wise troll, as he begins to cry. "No, Master Jim. Vendel, believed in you. He knew you'd return to make things right." Blinky reassured him.

"Usurna liar, traitor. Crush Queen now!" Aaarrrgghhh!!! said, getting anger as he glows green and hits the ground with his fists. "No, we can't take her on now. She's to heavily protected." Blinky told him.

"Blink's right. There are too many of them." Jim said, getting Aaarrrgghhh!!! to calm down and return to normal. "Everyone in Trollmarket trust Usurna. Even if we manage to take her, that would just make everyone believe Jim really is the traitor she says he is." I added. "But we can't just let her get away with killing Vendel." Toby said.

"Plus, if she's working for Gunmar, what's to stop him from taking Trollmarket?" Claire asked. "Us. If Gunmar thinks I'm dead, we've at least got the element of surprise." Jim said. "Taking on Gunmar himself? Oh, what a day. Where would we find him?" Blinky asked.

"The Janus Order. They were getting all ready for his return." Toby said. "Okay, then we better move before we lose Trollmarket for good. This time, I'm not stupid enough to go alone. We're stronger together. Come on." Jim said.

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