Driving Lesson

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Blinky's P.O.V
Yesterday Jim was in trouble at his school. I could have arrived there a lot sooner to help, if only I could have made that human automobile go. But I have no knowledge of how to drive an automobile. This spark an idea... ask (Name) to teach me!

"I'm honestly surprised, you've never taken lesson before. Especially with how eager you seem to be about driving." (Name) said as we walk to her automobile, that's park on the side of the road.

"I've just been so busy you see. Never had the chance to learn. I say it work out in the end, because now the great Lady (Name) can teach me!" I told her, (Name's) face turn red as she gives her famous laugh, that I love to hear any time she does it.

"I'm no Speed Racer. I just know the basic things about driving." She told me, making me feel a tad envious. Who was this, Speed Racer?!

"Nonetheless I am proud to be learning from you, Lady (Name)." I told her, trying to take her mind away from this mysterious person she mention. "Well I hope I'll be a good teacher. Get in, I'll drive us to a empty parking lot for you to practice in."

Instead of going to the passenger side, I ran around to the other side to open the door for (Name). The young woman look stun by my action at first. She smiles with her cheeks turning red again, before she got in. "Thank you, Blinky." She told me, making me smile. "Of course, Lady (Name)." I close the door and ran around to the other side to get in.

I'm finally going to drive human automobile!

(Name's) P.O.V
I couldn't find a empty parking lot so I took us down to the canal instead. We switch seats, making Blinky seem even more excited about driving. "Alright! How do I make it go?" Blinky asked. Does he really have no idea how cars work?

"First you need to put on your seatbelt. A car can be a death trap, if you don't buckle up." I told him. "Ah yes! I knew that. Of course." Blinky look around for a moment, till he finally spotted the seatbelt hook. "Oh there it is..." He grabs it and starts looking around again. Did... did he not even put on his seat belt when we left?

"It go here..." I took the hook from him and pull it over to put it in the buckle. It feels like I'm strapping in a toddler. "Ah yes! Thank you, Lady (Name)." Blinky told me, as he blushes so bad, even the tip of his ear turn red.

"Ok, second, check your mirrors. Make sure nothing behind you." I told him, Blinky nodded in understanding. He checks the review mirror, then the mirror on his side, then my side. "I believe we are safe to go."

"Ok, put your right foot on the break. It's the middle peddle." I told him, Blinky looks down and does as I instruct. "Now put the key in." I hand him my key and he starts looking around again. I pointed behind the steering wheel. "Oh. Yes I see it now." He puts it in, but doesn't turn it.

"Blinky, you need to turn it." I told him. "Oh!" He turns the key and the car comes to life, making him laugh with joy. "Did you see that, Lady (Name)?! I turn on an automobile!" I couldn't help but giggle at his excitement. It's adorable how excited he gets.

"Now, you see this here?" I pointed to the Shifter, Blinky look down at it and nodded. "This is the Automatic Transmission Shifter. Or just Shifter for short. This is your main way of controlling the car. The 'D' is to make the car go forward, the 'R' is to make to go backwards, the 'P' is to make it stop, and finally the 'N' is for if we ever need to push the car or get it tow. Which hopefully we won't need to do."

Blinky nodded in understanding. "I believe I got all that. Now can we get to the driving part of this lesson?" He asked making me laugh. "Yes Blinky, we can. Put the stick to 'D'. Oh! And one more important thing! When ever you are shifting the gears, always have the car come to a complete stop before you shift to another letter."

Blinky nodded and grabs the stick, shifting it up to Drive. "Now take your foot off the Break." Blinky does as I say, and we started moving slowly. "I imagine driving would be a tad more exciting and faster." Blinky said making me giggle.

"You got to step on the other peddle to make it go faster. But first...." I was interrupted by Blinky stomping on the Gas peddle, causing the car to hurtle down the canal. I scream grabbing onto my seatbelt strap for dear life, while Blinky was laughing and cheering. "THIS IS REALLY EXCITING, ISN'T IT LADY (NAME)?"

"BLINKY STEP ON THE BREAK!!!" I yelled at him, Blinky takes his foot off the Gas peddle and stomps on the break. The car screeches to a stop, causing us to jolt forward, before our seatbelts yank us back in our seats. I grab the shifter and put it to Park, before unbuckling my seatbelt, opening the door, and falling out onto the ground.

"Lady (Name)?!" Blinky got out of the car and ran around to my side. "Are you alright?!" He asked kneeling down next to me, putting his hand under my head, and his other hand under my back, to lift me off the ground. "I'm ok... I just saw my life flash before my eyes..." I told him, Blinky smiles. "Really? How was it?" He asked. "Terrifying.... but also exhilarating."

"Ha ha! Wonderful! Shall we go again?" He asked helping me stand back up. "I think that's enough for today. I need to lay down." I said, putting my hand on the roof of the car, to help steady myself. "If you don't have the energy, I could drive us back to the Lake's residence."

"NO! That's ok Blinky, I can drive. Besides you shouldn't go out on the road without a drivers license." I told him, Blinky frowned. "Very well." We got back in my car and I drove us back to the Lake's house.

"I apologize for scaring you, Lady (Name). I didn't realize I could make the automobile excel at such a speed." Blinky told me as he help me up the stairs to the spare bedroom I've been using. "Blinky, I told you it's alright. You just surprised me is all. I'll be fine."

I took a seat on my bed, watching Blinky look around the room curiously. He then notice an open box that had all my books that were and weren't published. "Are these the books you wrote?" He asked taking out one of them.

"Yeah. Most of them weren't published." I told him. "Do you mind if I read them?" He asked, I smile. "Sure! They may as well get read by someone. Instead of sitting in a box forever."

Blinky gives a big excited smile. "Thank you, Lady (Name)! I will take extra care of your books!" Blinky look over the books carefully, trying to decide which one he wants to start reading first. When he finally made his choice we told each other goodbye and he left so I could rest.

Hopefully we don't started another driving lesson anytime soon. I don't think my heart can handle the way he drives.

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