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(Name's) P.O.V
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror as I bush my teeth. Once I was done scrubbing I place my toothbrush down, to hold my hands together to catch the water coming out of the faucet. I brought up my hands up to my mouth quickly, to rinse out the toothpaste.

I notice Barbara stopping at the bathroom doorway as I shut off the water and wipe my hands and mouth with a towel. "I can't believe you been back in Arcadia for one day and you already have a date." She said in a teasing tone.

I roll my eyes. "It's not a date. We're just having coffee. I think my dating days are over." I said, setting the towel back on it's hook. "(Name) the Temptress, dating days over? Ha! I don't believe it."

"Believe it Barb, times have change. I'm not the kind of girl, that's on guys' radar anymore."  I told her as I slip pass her to head downstairs. "You still look good for someone in your late 30's. I'm sure you could still find the right guy, if you wanted to."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that... I'm not the only one who's change. Guys have change too. It's hard to find a good guy now. They don't just drop out of the sky." Right at that moment the doorbell ring.

Since I was the closest to the door, I went ahead and answered it. To my surprise, there stood Blinky. "Good morning Lady (Name)!" He said with a cheerful smile. "Blinky? What are you doing here? I thought we were going to meet at the café."

"Yes, but I thought it be more appropriate to escort you to our destiination!" He told me, flashing another smile as his cheeks turn pink. Barbara lean in to whisper in my ear. "You right they don't drop out of the sky. They come right to your doorstep."

Blinky and I walk to the Café together, taking in the good weather and sun. We talk about the odd thing here and there. You know, how was you night, hey that cloud looks like a wizard's hat, did you enjoy your trip to Arcadia?

Blinky seem nervous at most times, like he was afraid of something. I'm making a mental note to ask him if he's ok, if he keeps acting this way when we're at the Café.

We finally arrived at the coffee house, stepping inside at up to the counter to order. "What can I get you?" A young boy with black hair that had indigo streaks in it, asked us. "I'll have a Double Cappuccino. Half-caf, non-fat milk, with just enough foam to be aesthetically pleasing but not so much that it leaves a moustache."

I look to Blinky waiting for him to order, but he look lost on what to say. "I'll have uh..." He starts playing with his fingers nervously. "Want me to order for you?" I asked him, cause Blinky to brighten up. "Y-yes! Thank you." I turn back to look at the boy. "Give him a cappuccino as well."

"Oh! And please put that whipped cream on it! A lot of it!" Blinky told the boy, who chuckles. "You got it." He then walks off to make the coffees. We walk over to a table by the door, in front of a window, sitting down. "I apologize for my behavior..." Blinky started. "No it's ok. You've seem a little nervous today. So I'm glad I could help."

"I suppose I have. I apologize again, Lady (Name). I've been worry I might do something... odd." He confessed looking down at his hands. I give him a sympathetic smile. "Blinky, you don't have to worry. Odd people are my favorite kind of people." I told him, Blinky lifted his head to look at me, his eyes lighting up with joy. "They are?"

"Yeah, just be yourself." I told him, Blinky chuckles lightly. "If only it was possible at this moment." He told me, I raise an eyebrow at this comment. before I could ask what he could mean, the boy arrived at our table with our order. "Here you are... A cappuccino with extra cream and a double cappuccino, for the lovely couple."

This cause Blinky blush so bad, even his ears turn red. "N-no young man. You... you miss understand our...." I let out a giggle, getting Blinky's attention. "Blinky, he's just joking." I told him, picking up my coffee to take a sip. "Or am I?" The boy said in a teasing tone before leaving us.

"We're not..." Blinky try once again to tell this boy we weren't on a date. "Blinky, it's ok. He's a tease. Trust me, I use to be like that when I was his age." Blinky look at his coffee for a moment, unsure. "I would have like a bit more whipped cream... but this will do I suppose." He picks it up to take a sip.

He smiles as he swallows the hot liquid. "This is a Fantastic beverage! What was it called? A cappuccino? It's remarkable!" He said before taking another sip, I let out another giggle. "I'm glad you like it. But slow down there you don't want to burn your tongue."

At that moment, Blinky put his coffee down, sticking out his tongue and fanning it with his hands. "Hte arevgbee sha aktcat em!" He told me making me laugh. (The beverage has attack me!)

As we drink our coffee, Blinky ask me why I move from and back to Arcadia. I went on to explain to him my goal of becoming an author and the unfortunate situation I found myself in. "You write books you say?! My brother was something of an author himself!"

"Really? What's his name? Maybe I read something he wrote." I said, taking another sip of coffee. Blinky started playing with his fingers nervously again. "Umm... Unfortunately he perished, before he could get his work out. So only I have read his books."

My smile drop. "Oh. I'm so sorry Blinky." I told him, Blinky look at me and gives a half smile. "It is quite all right. They do say it gets easy, ever passing day. I know he is in a better place now."

We went on talking, with Blinky wanting nothing more to do then hear me talk about myself. It is flattering, it have someone so interested in me. But I haven't heard him say anything about himself, besides his brother.

"Blinky?" I said, interrupting our current conversation. "Yes, Lady (Name)?" The man asked, eagerly. "I've been talking about myself since we got here and it feels like I've been hogging in the spotlight. You haven't talk about yourself much. How about we hear your story now?"

Blinky looks at his hands nervously, playing with his fingers once again. "I um... you see there isn't much to tell... really! I was born in a small cav... erm I mean town. Grew and move to Arcadia. I'm sorry to say I have live a very boring life."

"Really? That's kind of hard to believe. Because your a very interesting man, Blinky." I told him, causing Blinky to lift his head, stun. "You believe I am interesting?" He asked, his cheeks turning pink.

"Yes, very interesting. I've never met anyone like you." I told him, giving a toothy grin, that made his pink cheeks explode to red. He smiles as he plays with his fingers yet again. "I could say the same for you, Lady (Name). You are quite interesting yourself."

Blinky's P.O.V
I escort (Name) back to Jim's house safety. "I had a great time Blinky. We should do it again soon." The lovely human told me, standing in front of the door. "Yes, soon would be most excellent. I look forward to being in your company again."

(Name) gives another smile, that makes it feel almost impossible to stand. "So do I." She opens the door stepping inside, before closing the door behind her. I turn around and walk down that stone path, feeling lighter then air.

"Oooh someone in love." Tobias said, as he and Jim roll up on their form of transportation. "How did it go, Blinky?" Jim asked me. "Splendid, Master Jim! Lady (Name) has said she enjoy our time and wishes to do it again!"

"Wow, even Blinky doing a better job then you, at asking a girl he likes out. And he's a troll!" Tobias told Jim, who roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

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