The Worse Possible Time

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(Name's) P.O.V
I was sitting at a table outside the Café reading the menu, and waiting for Blinky. I hear someone clear their throat and look up to see the man himself. "A thousands apologies, Lady (Name)." He told me as he bows.

"Oh please, don't apologize. I'm glad when we get the chance to talk." I told him, Blinky stands you straight, smiling and blushing. "As do I, Lady (Name)." He takes a seat. "I have almost read through, Shrek. It is a marvelous read!"

I feel my face heat up as I blush. "You really think so?" I asked, timidly. "I know so! If I could... I would march right up to the people who turn you down and demand they see you for the fantastic author you are!"

"Blinky stop, your making me blush!" I told him as I laugh and cover my cheeks. Blinky smiles as he blushes as well. "I must ask though, Lady (Name). What gave you the idea to write such a story?"

"Well at the time I wrote it, I felt very much like Shrek. Feeling like the whole world was judging me before they even knew me. So I started writing about an ogre that scared people off and seem to enjoy his loneliness. Until..."

Suddenly I saw something on Blinky's cheeks, but he slap his hand over it before I could even make out what it was. "What was that?" I asked him, Blinky look at me, then his hand still covering his cheek, then back at me.

"Mosquito." He answered, resting his elbows on the table, and leaning down. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yes, I'm fine. Please go on, Lady (Name)." He told me, giving a very nervous smile. "Well alright... until he met Donkey and whether he liked it or not he had a friend now. Who ends up helping him open up about his loneliness..."

As I started talking again, Blinky jolted up for a second. He looks behind himself then snap his head back at me, chuckling nervously. "Blinky, are you sure your alright?" I asked him. "I very much like this Fiona character. Can you tell me more about her?"

I stare at Blinky for a moment, worriedly. He's obviously hiding something. But it seems like he really doesn't want to tell me, so it not any my business. But it is hard to carry on with this conversation, like nothing's wrong.

Blinky then grunts and yelp. "Perhaps we should order! What do you think looks tasty today, Lady (Name)?!" He asked, looking more anxious by the second. "Maybe getting something on your stomach will make you feel better." I said picking up the menu and opening. "I am getting hungry."

"Yes! I am as well. As hungry as a... Troll!" Blinky said, I look up from my menu, just as Blinky pick up his menu in a flash. "As a Troll?" I asked, Blinky chuckles. "My, what a large salad selection!"

"Blinky, I'm getting really worried. Are you sure your alright? I could take you to Barbara, if your not feeling well." I told him, closing my menu and setting it down. "I never felt better!" Blinky the sneezes and farts, as his face turns greenish blue. "Oh, dear. Just gassy."

I gasp, leaning back in my seat. "Blinky! Your skin... You're turning blue!" I told him, Blinky chuckles. "Allergies." He told me. "I don't think that's it. You might be having a heart attack!"

Blinky chuckles more, before he starts groaning in pain. Smoke started coming up from his menu. "Are you smoking?" I asked him. "A filthy habit. I really must quite. Excuse me." Blinky leaps away from the table, knocking his chair down. In the flash he cover mouth with his right arm. "I-I must use the facilities. I'll just be a moment."

He walks backwards to the door of the Café, taking the menu with him. "Your taking the menu?" I asked, standing up from my seat. "Um, reading material." He then somehow open the door with out using either of his hands, and ran into the Café.

Blinky's P.O.V
Why now? Why here? Why today? Why when I'm with her?!

I grunt in pain as I ran into the men's facilities and right into one of the many stalls. I fell to the ground, screaming in pain as my body changes back into my original self. This also included loud farting, which I wish wasn't apart of the changing process.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now