Holding Down The Fort

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(Name's) P.O.V
The kids, Blinky, Dictatious, and I went up to Jim's room to talk Claire's vision where she goes on to explain that the memory she saw was of an old man creating the Amulet.

"To find Merlin's tomb, the Trollhunter must destroy the Amulet. That's..." Blinky said, but is interrupted by Jim. "You really think it was Merlin making the Amulet?" He asked Claire. "I wasn't finished. That's deranged!" Blinky said.

"I saw vague memories in my head left over from Morgana." Claire said, sitting on the bed. "You're saying Jim should destroy his Amulet cause you think you saw some old man put a map inside of it?" Toby asked.

"It was Merlin. The key to finding his tomb, to finding his staff, is inside his Amulet." Claire said, poking the Amulet in Jim's hand. "The girl-child may be on to something. The Amulet and the staff are connected." Dictatious said.

"Both fueled by the magic of Merlin." Blinky added. "But if Jim breaks open his Amulet, he can't use his armor or the Eclipse Blade. Gunmar will win without them needing to fight." I argued. "If we don't get the staff first, none of that will matter anyway." Claire said.

"Maybe I don't have to destroy the Amulet. You said Gunmar has Aaarrrgghhh!!! captive?" Jim said, looking at Dictatious. "And Aaarrrgghhh!!! could be used as an emotional anchor." Blinky said. "We'd portal-jump right to him." Claire said.

"The plan is set. We save Aaarrrgghhh!!! and stop Gunmar by any means necessary begire he acquires the staff." Jim said, standing up from his desk.

We went downstairs to announced our plan to the others. "I can't say we approve of all your life choices, but if you're going to run off, you're going prepared." Mr. Nuñez said to Claire and held up her backpack. "It's got a poncho in there, waterproof matches, a flashlight, chorizo..."

"Dad, Jim's got a sword made of Daylight. And you give me chorizo?" Claire asked, accepting her bag and her parents hugged her. "It'll be a little taste of home." Mrs. Nuñez told her.

"I packed your favorite, Diablo Maximus breakfast burrito. Along with an extra pair of undies." Nana said, opening Toby's backpack to show him but Toby quickly grabs his bag to stop her. "Uh... thank you, Nana. I will take these two things that are completely unrelated."

"No underwear for me?" Jim asked Barbara, who hugs him. "Just call, okay? Text every once in a while. Oh and take pictures alright? Just to know you're safe." She said, pulling out of the hug to cup her son's cheek.

"Blinky, Blinky! I packed for you too!" Timber exclaimed as she runs up to us and held up a Jim's messenger bag. "Oh my, you shouldn't have." Blinky said, very touched by her graciousness.

"Isn't that my bag?" Jim asked, pointing at it as Blinky accepts the bag and opens it, taking out a pair of dirty socks. "And my socks." Jim muttered, frowning. "I found a basket full of smelly socks!" Timber said with a big smile, proud of her discovery. "You mean the laundry basket?" Barbara asked her.

Blinky chuckles, setting the bag on the table. "Thank you for the nutriments, Timber. But I am on a diet." He said, not wanting to take anything that belongs to Jim. Blinky then kneels down and hugs Timber. "You be a good girl. Listen to (Name) and Barbara and be sure to eat your minerals."

"I will Blinky." Timber said and Blinky pulls out of the hug, patting her on the head. "That's my girl." He said, with an affectionate smile. He then stands up and turns to me. "Are you certain you wish to stay here?" He asked.

"Someone has to hold down the fort and look after Timber. Plus if we're being honest, you and the kids are far more better at fighting than me. I'd probably just slow you down." I said. "Come now, Lady (Name). You underestimate yourself far too much." Blinky said, placing his upper right hand on my shoulder.

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