Bonus: D'aja vu

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(Happy holidays, everyone! Enjoy a special chapter as a Christmas present! Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, I hope y'all are having great day!)

Another Troll came to visit Arcadia and guess what he wanted to do. That's right! Destroy the world! What is with trolls and wanting to destroy the planet they live on?

Anyway, the Trollhunters and I were chasing this troll through the woods. Jim and Claire were on his vespa, while I rode on Aaarrrgghhh!!!'s back with Toby. Blinky trailed behind us, quickly reading through one of his books.

"Just once, I'd like a Troll to visit Arcadia for another reason than destroying the world." Jim said, as we chased after the reddish orange troll, avoiding the trees on fire the troll had thrown at us. "Take it up with the tourism board!" Toby said, as Aaarrrgghhh!!! dodges the trees as well.

"According to the Venerable Bedehilde, Porgon is a Trickster Troll causing chaos and trouble." Blinky told us, reading as he runs. "With a name like Porgon, can you blame him?" Toby asked. "Being a trickster troll, I be surprised if he didn't want to cause trouble. No matter what his name is." I said. "Yeah, that's a good point." Toby said.

Porgon then threw boulder on fire at us, that Claire teleported away with her Shadow Staff. "Nice one." Jim told her. "Dabbling in magic, Trickster Trolls herald discord and disorder..." Another tree on fire was thrown at us, as Blinky spoke. "Incoming!" Toby yelled and the tree flew over our heads, right at Blinky. "BLINKY, LOOK OUT!" I shouted.

" both human and Trollkind alike." Blinky look up from his book, to see the tree coming right at him. He scream and lunges forward, dropping his book, that went flying to Toby, knocking him off. Toby's Warhammer hit me, causing to me fall off of Aaarrrgghhh!!! along with him.

Aaarrrgghhh!!! manages to catch us, saving us from the fall, but at the expense of knocking Jim's vespa and getting him to crash into a bush. "Is everyone alright?" Jim asked, helping Claire out of the bush. "I think something's broken.... No wait." Toby said, taking out a cookie, that was broken in half. "False alarm." He said, and ate one of the broken pieces.

"Lady (Name)! Lady (Name), are you alright?!" Blinky asked, running over and placing his upper hands on my shoulders as he looks for any injuries. "I am, thanks to Aaarrrgghhh!!! Thanks big buy." I told the moss troll. "Hmm. Anytime, Auntie (Name)."

"Come on, before the Trickster Troll gets away!" Jim told us, running ahead. We follow Jim and found Porgon, holding a weird big long stick, that starts flashing. Jim uses his shield, while Blinky pulls me to cover and Porgon suddenly disappear out of thin air.

"Well, that Porgon guy sure knows how to make an exit." Toby said, coming out from around a tree, while Claire teleports over to us with her staff. "Where'd he go?" Jim asked, rubbing the back of his head. "He just... vanished."

"Can trolls just disappear like that?" I asked, looking to my boyfriend for answers. "Perhaps the trickster caused a disturbance in the continuum." Blinky suggested. "Well, what do we do now?" Toby asked. "I guess... we go home?" Jim replied, sounding unsure.

"♪Easy peasy, lemon squeezy♪"

My alarm blared, awaking me from my slumber. I hit the snooze button and sat up in bed, stretching. It's strange, I went to bed early but yet I feel so restless. Maybe I slept wrong or something.

I climb out of bed to begin my morning routine. Once I was dressed for the day, I walked down stairs to see Jim pacing in the hall. "No, that won't work. I gotta stop him before that flash of light happens."

"Uh, are you okay, Jim? You look anxious." I told him, reaching the bottom step. "I'm living the same day over and I'm getting really, really tired of explaining this you again and again." He explained, not even looking up as he continued to pace.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now