Something Rotten This Way Comes

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"Lady, (Name)! Is Barbara doing well?" Blinky asked, as I walk down the steps that lead up to the entrance of Troll-market. "Yeah, she's doing much better. She'll be out of the hospital soon." I answered. "That is marvelous news!" Blinky said rising all four of his hands up in the air. "AAARRRGGHH!!! like to see pretty lady again."

"Don't worry big guy. Once all this stuff with Gunmar is settle, Jim promise he'll tell his Mom everything again." I told him. "TROLLHUNTER! HELP!" We heard Strickler shouted, as a mod of trolls, head towards up, holding him by his legs.

"Get out of our way, AAARRRGGHH!!!" The troll holding Strickler said. "No." AAARRRGGHH said, hitting the ground his giant stone hands. "Let us discuss this matter like reasonable trolls!" Blinky said, right before something is thrown and hits in the face. "Ruffians! Who threw that?"

"Please everyone, he help us. There's no reason to hurt him." I told the angry mob. "What do you know human!" A troll asked, right before I am hit in the face by tv remote. "Ah!" I press my hand down on my cheek, where the remote hit me, as Blinky move to stand in front of me. "Who did that?! How dare you harm, Lady (Name)!"

"Where's Jim? He gave me his word!" Strickler said. "Put him down! He helped save my mother. He's with me." Jim said moving through the mob with his friends, to stand with us. "He tried to release Gunmar!" A troll said. "Get him out of here!" Another said.

"Changelings ain't right in Troll-market!" A female troll, with her hair tied up said, pushing her way to the front of the mob. "It's not going to make a difference. Angor Rot wants me too, and the protective barrier won't stop him." Jim explained to the trolls.

"What do you mean?" Blinky asked him. "He has.... a Horngazel." Jim answered, causing the mob to throw many items at him. "Look, you have a right to know!" He told the mob. "Let's throw them both out!" The troll holding Strickler said. "It's time the amulet calls for another!"

One of the trolls picks Jim up by his legs. "Jimbo!" Toby called out. "It's not his fault!" Claire said, but the mob didn't listen. "Can't we be reasonable here?!" I asked the mob as they drew closer to the stairs. "Throw out the human pet too!" Another troll said, right before I am pick up by my legs. "Hey!"

"Unhand, Lady (Name) and Master Jim at once!" Blinky order, but the trolls started up the steps. "When you finished throwing them out come back and throw me out, too." Vendel said, climbing up on Barbara's call, to look out over the crowd of trolls that have finally calm down.

"Yes, the boy has made grace errors. But he's come through for us more times than I give him credit for. Troll-market is in danger and our greatest defense has always been our Trollhunter. He's earned my trust. He should have earned yours." Vendel told the crowd, Blinky climbs up on the car to join Vendel. "You can throw me out, too." AAARRRGGHH!!! walks over to join them as well. "And me." He said, hitting the hood of the car.

"Us too, though technically we don't live here. Just saying." Toby said. "Same for me. I've always stood with our Trollhunter." The female troll who was just on the mob's side, said patting Jim's face. "Psss okay, yeah." Toby said.

"I have to admit it's true." The troll holding Jim said, right before the three of us are drop onto the steps. "What now, our infallible leader?" Strickler asked, as we pick ourselves up, so we are sitting on the steps. Jim stood up to speak to everyone. "Now, we get ready to give Angor Rot the fight of his life!" Everyone cheers, throwing their fist up in the air.

Everyone in Troll-Market started getting ready for the fight, with some trolls coming up to Jim saying their to scared o fight. "Don't worry, just stay indoors. Not everyone has to fight." Jim told one troll that came up to him. The troll cries as he runs back to his home. "Whatever." Another troll said as he pass by.

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