Don't Spill The Beans

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(Name's) P.O.V
These past couple days have been... well to put it simply, wonderful. Anytime Blinky had free time he could come over inviting me out for a walk or coffee. Or sometimes I invite him in to chat or watch a movie.

Blinky was an absolute delight to be around. His nervousness had seem to disappear, only ever popping up when he would start to say one thing and then corrects himself by saying another. In a way you would do to stop yourself by saying something, you shouldn't.

It is odd and rather suspicious. But I never pressured him for answers. It's probably none of my business anyway. If he felt I should know, he would tell me.

Blinky is a true gentleman, you only thought existed in fantasy. I never met anyone so polite and caring. Even the way he talks is unique from everyone else. I know I might have gotten ahead of myself, when I mention feeling like I was in love with him. But I've definitely develop a sort of crush on him.

It's probably still wrong to be falling for someone I've only know for a couple days. But after ten years of failures, having this nice guy come into my life and enjoy being in my company.... Well it hard not to feel like a teenager falling for someone so easily.

Blinky came by today and I was already about to sit down and watch a movie, so I ask him to join me. The movie was about this Villain that actually defeated the Hero but found his life had no purpose. Until he started hanging out with the Damsel in Distress, disguising himself as a normal guy.

"I must say. They do make quite a good couple." Blinky commented, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're my favorite thing about this movie. Would have love a squeal, just to have them interact more."

The movie play on and we soon got to the scene where the Villain accidentally revealed his true self and the Damsel turns him away. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Blinky start to look uncomfortable.

"Blinky, are you alright?" I asked, getting him to snap his eyes off the TV. "Y-yes I am quite alright, Lady (Name). I just..." He starts playing with his fingers like he normal does when he's nervous. "I believe I need to use the facilities." He then stood up and race upstairs to the bathroom. I reach for the control and pause the movie to wait for him. What's gotten into him?

Blinky's P.O.V
I stood in front of the mirror, starring at my own human reflection. Why did I allowed myself to get so close to this human? Why did my heart get trap by her so easily? Why did I continued to see her, even after Strickler reminded me of the inevitable outcome?

As compassionate and understanding as (Name) may be... she wouldn't love me if I had my original six eyes, or my four arms, or my long orange nose, or any part of my original troll form.

No troll has ever fallen in love with a human and certainly there's never been a human to fall for a troll. Our two worlds are separate from each other for a reason. I shouldn't go trying to change things now. No one in Troll-Market would approve of it and there's no telling how the humans would reacted to it.

....But why do I want to try and change their mind?

I look down at my human hands, with uncertainty. I've spend a short time with this human and I feel as if I want to spend the next centuries to come, with her.

Trolls aren't as easily captivate by Love as humans are. It could take centuries for a troll to find their mate. Some trolls could even not find their mate at all. But I think I have.... it no longer gravity keeping grounded on the planet, it's her.

It's very unlikely I'll ever meet anyone like her again. Human she may be, she in still a lady I do anything for.

But she has no idea my world exists. She knows nothing of the Troll world. If she were to see my as my true self... how would she react? Would she really scream and run away? What if she will want nothing to do with me, once she finds out I'm a troll?

A sudden knock on the door, jolted me out of my internal dilemma. "Blinky, are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for a while now." I open my mouth to respond, but I couldn't find my voice to answer.

"If your sick I can find you some medicine. Barbara, has a lot of different medicine. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll find one that might help." Oh (Name)... you're so caring and kind. How I wish I were really human. Or that I could tell you of what I really am....

"Blinky?" I couldn't bare hearing her be so worry for me, any longer. I unlock the door and pull it open. "I am alright, Lady (Name)... just have a lot to ponder is all." I told her, forcing up a smile.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked, cause my chest to tighten. Why must you be so enchanting?! It makes everything so much more difficult! I started playing with my fingers, looking down. "N-no I believe it not a matter you should concern yourself with."

"Are you sure?" She asked, I walk around her towards the stairs. "Yes, yes, it's nothing at all! Come! Let us finished the movie shall we?" I walk down the stairs, wishing I could have told her in that moment.

But I can't... My world is to dangerous for her to be a part of.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now