No Wizards & ROTT

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Sadly this is where the story is going to end. I know there's Wizard and Rise of The Titans, but I have no real motivation to continue pass Trollhunters.

The movie's ending was so bad it honestly kill my motivation to even finished up to Trollhunters. If I didn't love Blinky so much as a character, I probably would've discontinued this.

Plus I don't want all of Blinky and y/n's development to get erased. They're together and they have an adopted troll daughter, so there's no need for Jim to go back in time and make Toby the Trollhunter, even though there was very important episode all about why he needed to be the Trollhunter. 😒

I know some of you might be disappointed and I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel and I'm sticking with it.

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