Weird Is Okay

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(Name's) P.O.V
"It's just this way, Lady (Name)!" Blinky said excitedly as he lead me up a hill. Blinky came by today asking if I wanted to go for a walk. Next thing I know he's leading me through the woods and now up a hill. I'm not sure what's gotten into him, but he sure seems excited.

We were almost to the top when Blinky stop. "Just a moment." He then moves to stand behind me, covering my eyes with his hands. "It's is a surprise." He told me, making me giggle. "Ok. Just don't make me fall." I told him as we started walking again. "I would never, Lady (Name)."

I felt Blinky guide me up the rest of the hill and froward a bit, before he finally stop. "Alright." He removes his hands, for me to see. Before us was a breathtaking view of Arcadia, as the sun was setting, to bring wave for the night sky.

"Whoa! I've grew up in this town but I've never seen this before! How did you find this spot?" I asked him, Blinky moves to stand at my side. "A dear friend of my show it to me. Do you like it, Lady (Name)?" He asked me, I look at the view again smiling.

"It's beautiful." I said mused. "Yes... yes it is." I heard Blinky said next to me. I turn my head to look at him, only to my surprise, his eyes were fixed on me and not the view. When he saw I caught him starring, he snap his head forward, his face and the tips of his ears turning red.

I smile at him, feeling my heart skip a beep. Slowly I reach for his hand, intertwining our fingers together. Blinky look at our hands, then at me, giving shy smile. "Thank you, for showing me this, Blinky." Now taking notice of how close we were. Our noses were almost practically touching.

"O-of course Lady (Name). S-such beauty show be gaze upon by...." He gulps as he starts sweating bullets. "B-b-by someone of.... of equal b-beauty, wouldn't you say?"

I feel my whole face heat up at this. Did he really think that?! Well he must have... he just said it after all... but still hearing a guy say something like that... it make just about anyone feel pretty special.

I glance down for a second, bashfully. "That's quite the complement there..." I look up, meeting Blinky's eyes. "Your pretty handsome, yourself, Blinky." I told him, Blinky smiles as he his cheeks turn so red, you swear he was turning into a tomato.

We stay this was for a moment, hold each other's hand, and starring into one another's eyes. Without even realizing it, I started leaning closer, closing what ever little distance we had between us. I almost place my lips against his, when Blinky suddenly let go of my hand and pull away in a panic.

"M-my my my! L-look at the time! It is getting rather late! Come Lady (Name) I'll guide you back home." Blinky started walking back down the hill, I look at the ground ashamed of myself. I then smack my forehead. Idiot! Why did you just trying to kiss him?!

I follow after Blinky, thinking it over. Why did I try to kiss him? Was I catching feelings for him? How did I not realize it till now? It feels like that's something that be hard to not notice.

"Blinky?" I called out to him as we walk through the woods. The sun had fully set now, so we only had the stars and the moon to light up our path. "I'm sorry for what happen back there. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Blinky stops and turns to look at me. "It is quite alright, Lady (Name). You didn't make me feel uncomfortable... I believe you only caught me by surprised." He told me, making me smile a little. "Maybe I can make it up to you... how about you come over tomorrow. I can make you coffee, with super extra whip cream."

Blinky smiles at the idea. "Yes! That sounds..." His smile drop, as his mouth hanged open in shock. I rise an eyebrow at his expression, and went to turn my head, to see if he was looking at something.

Just as I was about look behind me, Blinky pull me into a hug, placing his hand on the back of my head, to keep me from turning my head. "Ah! Blinky what are you doing?!" I ask trying to break free from the sudden hug.

Blinky's P.O.V
I smile at (Name's) suggestion. "Yes! That sounds..." Right at that moment I saw Jim and his friends fighting one of Angor Rot's mindless puppets, far down from where we were. But they were still very noticeable from where we stood.

(Name) rose her eyebrow at me, then went to turn her head, to look at the sight. I acted fast, pulling her into a tight embrace, and placing my hand on her head. "Ah! Blinky what are you doing?!" She asked trying to pull free.

Think Blinkous! (Name) can't see Jim and his friend fighting, nor can she see the puppets! You need a reason as to why you are holding onto her so tightly. Come now... there has to be a good enough reason to give!

"T-the dark! I just remember... I'm a tad scared of the dark, Lady (Name). I apologize for holding on to you like this. But it makes me feel safe." I told her, feeling my palms became warm and wet. I believe this what humans call sweat.

"Well, how about you just take my hand and we get out of these woods." (Name) suggested still trying to pull herself free, but I wouldn't allow her. "No! Please Lady (Name), just a little longer. I think I'll be fine after...."

Right at that moment, Jim finally defeated the last puppet. Claire uses her Shadow Staff to open a portal and they warp away. Once they were gone I released (Name). "Ah-ha! I feel much better! Thank you Lady (Name), you are my savior."

(Name) rise her eyebrow at me suspiciously. "So, your just suddenly not afraid of the dark now?" She asked, I smile nervously throwing my hands up into the air. "It's a miracle!"

(Name) stare at me for a couple more seconds before she started laughing. "Your really weird sometime, Blinky." She told me, causing me to slowly frown.

"But that's okay...." She said next, she stops laughing at smiles at me, with her face turning red again. "I like weird.... I really like you." She told me, causing my jaw to drop slightly. I managed to close my mouth to smile back at her. Feeling my face heat up, almost like it was on fire. "I really like you as well, Lady (Name)."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now