Courting Like A Human

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Blinky's P.O.V
I was taking this opportunity of 'free time' as the human would say, and being trap in this human body, to walk around the shopping area of town. Usually I see these shops when they are close, but as a human I can see them open and inviting me in to borrowers their selection.

It was one of the few things that made me happy to experience life as a human. But most certainly, being in (Name's) presents was what made this experience one of the best things I've had to go through, in my over 1000 years of being alive.

I walk by each store and seeing the different customers inside, till my two eyes caught sight of something. I walk up to a small flower shop, seeing a pot of pink flowers, sitting outside among many other pots of flowers. My thoughts seem to wander back to (Name). Something about these flowers made me think of her.

I plucked one of the many identical pink flowers from the pot, twirling the little plate in my hand, smiling at it. "I've seen that smile before many times." I heard a voice beside me say. I turn to see a woman standing in the shop's entrance. "So, who's the lucky lady?"

My feel my face heat up. "Oh there's no... I mean there is... but it's not like I assure you... I... well..." I kept rambling on to the point where even I didn't know what I was saying anymore.

"Calm down, young man. You lost me after you started talking about King Arthur." The woman said, making me stop, before I tell her anything I shouldn't. "Your a nervous one aren't you?" She asked me, with a smile. I look down at my human body. "Not usually..."

"You're about the most entertaining customer I've ever had at my shop. Tell you what, you can take the flower. Free of charge. I say it the perfect flower for your lady." I look at the woman before me, then down at the flower in my hand. It was almost as beautiful as her... perhaps she would like it.

Jim had mentioned before that human court with flowers. Seeing how (Name) is a human I need to court her as one!

I thank the woman for the flower and continued on with my walk. I look at the flower, thinking of (Name). Perhaps I should rehearse what I'm going to say to her... I made my way to the park and took a seat on one of the benches, looking at the flower, as I think of what to say.

"Good evening, Lady (Name)! You look lovely today. Well you always look lovely but today you look... lovely-er? W-well... you see this flower... a woman gave it to me... and it made me think of you. With it's peddles and stem... It's pretty isn't it? Your pretty is what I'm trying to say here... and uh a pretty flower should be with a pretty lady. Right?"

I stare at the flower feeling this wasn't it. I can say something better. I take in a deep breath, preparing myself to start again. "Hi Blinky." I let out a frightful scream, jumping up from the bench.

I look to my right to see (Name). "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She said, walking closer. "Y-you didn't scare me. I was merely practicing my screams. That's all." I told her, straightening myself up. (Name) then noticed the flower in my hand. "Hey, is that a Camellia?"

I look at the flower in my hand. "You know it's said the pink ones mean, 'Longing For You'." I feel my face heat up yet again. So that's what the woman meant by it being the perfect flower. "R-really? I had no idea." I said, scratching my neck.

"There's like a meaning for every flower. I only know a few though, from when I research them for a story." She told me, I stop scratching my neck, looking at the flower again. "So, who's the girl?" (Name) asked, making me jump.

"O-oh well uh...." I started to panic, no words were coming to me. It was if my mind ran away leaving me to speak for myself. "S-she uh... DIdn't like it... s-so ya... you can have it... if you like..." I said, holding the flower out to (Name), while mentally bashing my head into the ground for saying I try to give it to someone else.

(Name) took the flower, looking it over. "I'm sorry she didn't like your gift, Blinky. If you ask me this girl is out of her mind." She told me, as I started playing with my hands. "Oh it's alright. I rather you have it anyway. S-something so beautiful... s-should be with someone of equal beauty."

(Name's) cheeks turn pink, almost the same shade of pink as the flower. Very interesting. Humans can change color. Hold on a moment... Did I say something wrong? If only she was a troll, it be easier to tell! "Thank you, Blinky." My eyes widen and my mouth dropped open a little. "That's probably the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me in a long time." (Name) smiles, causing me to close my mouth to smile back.

It seem I got an handle on courting like a human!

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