The Eternal Knight Part 1 & 2

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(Rest In Peace Anton Yelchin, our Trollhunter.)

Today is the day... the day Gunmar and Morgana are gonna unleash the Eternal Night and attack the surface world. It's all up to Jim, Blinky, Aaarrrgghhh!!!, Strickler, Nomura, Merlin, the kids, and I to stop them. No pressure or anything.

Blinky uses various items in the house to make a model of the town on the dining room table. "I've taking the liberty of constructing a rudimentary model of Arcadia. If we focus our defensive efforts here, then when the Gumm-Gumms attack..."

Merlin sighs and mumbles to himself, causing Blinky to stop talking and glare at him. "Do you have something to say?" I asked, scowling at him as well. "This is a waste of time!" Merlin replied and knocks everything off the table.

"You broke the museum! You Philistine!" Blinky exclaimed, picking up an empty carton of milk only to toss it back to the ground. "Our focus is not Arcadia, it is Trollmarket. If we destroy Morgana, we stop the Eternal Night. The Trollhunter and I must venture into Trollmarket." Merlin explains as he and Blinky circle around the table until they are standing on opposite sides.

"Gas station." Aaarrrgghhh!!! said, placing a rain boot back on the table. "While Gunmar and Angor Rot turn Arcadia into an all-you-can-eat buffet?!" Blinky asked, angrily as the two begin circling around the table again.

"For having six eyes, you are very short-sighted. Defeating Gunmar is pointless if Morgana is still..." Merlin argued. "And defeating Morgana is pointless if everyone in Arcadia is DEAD!" Blinky shouted, pounding all four fist onto the table.

At that exact moment, the ground begins to shake and rumble. "I don't know my own strength." Blinky said as we wobble and try to keep our balance through the tremor.

"That was the third tremor today." Strickler commented. "At this rate, I fear the Eternal Night will be upon us within the hour." Merlin said, rubbing his beard. "The Battle of the Bands is on. The square will be packed." Claire said.

"Everyone in Arcadia is there! Well, anyone who's cool at least." Toby said and Aaarrrgghhh!!! burbs loudly from a can of whip cream that he ate. "On the bright side, with everyone clustered, we now know where the Gumm-Gumms will strike first." Merlin said.

"How is that the bright side?" I asked, annoyed. "Trollmarket will be deserted. Morgana will be unprotected." Merlin replied. "Gunmar and Angor Rot are my fight." Jim said, coming down the stairs and joining in to the conversation.

"First, we'll do what we can to clear Arcadia Square. So no one gets hurt." He continued. "Actually uh, Master Jim, there is no 'we' until night falls. In your current form sunlight will burn you as much as any of us trolls." Blinky reminded him.

"Maybe Merlin can whip up some SPF one million?" Toby asked but Merlin just looked confused. "We'll go with the children and put a stop to this Battle of the Bands." Nomura said. "Then am I to fight Morgana alone?" Merlin asked, annoyed.

"I'll go. Keep safe." Aaarrrgghhh!!! volunteered. "Thank you, oh very, very, big one." Merlin said, sounding slightly grateful. "The moment of truth is upon us all. With fortitude and bravery, we can end the threat posed by Morgana, Gunmar, and Angor Rot for all time!" Blinky said.

"Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Toby cheered with absolutely no one joining in and just staring at him with confusion. Toby slowly quiets down and looks at Blinky, who blink all six of his eyes. "It felt like we were all gonna do that." He muttered, embarrassed. "No, it wasn't." I said, quietly.

NotEnrique was given some stone Merlin whipped up, called a Cradlestone and he went across the street to recruit Chompsky in his mission to rescue all the babies in the Darklands that the gobbles have stolen over the centuries for changeling to take their place.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now