Double Date

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I sat at the bar typing on my laptop, while Barbara fix something up in the kitchen. "You've been spending quite an awful lot of time with Mr. Blinky lately." Barbara suddenly said in a teasing tone, causing me to blush.

"He's nice to be around." I said, looking away as I scratch my cheek. "You've been smiling lot more too." She added. "So have you. When am I going to meet this, Walter Strickler?" I asked looking back at my friend as I rest my chin on my hand.

"You really want to meet him?" She asked. "Yeah. I rather not wait till your wedding to see what kind of guy he is." I said teasing back, Barbara laughs. "Alright. I was going to see him for lunch today, why don't you come with?" 

"Sure. Sounds like fun." I said, as Jim comes down stairs and enters the kitchen. "Hi Mom, hi Auntie (Name)." He greet us as he walks up to the fridge, taking a paper bag out. "Morning sweetheart."

Jim walk up to his Mom to taste what she was making, which caused me to gag. "Maybe try adding a little less sugar next time, Mom." He told her. "The box said two cups." Barbara said as she pick up the box to check it. "Oh... wait." She frowns as she realizes she read the instructions wrong.

I couldn't help but let out a snicker at Barbara complete lack of skill when it comes to cooking. "So Auntie (Name), how things with Mr. Blinky." Jim then ask me. "Oh, there okay. Why do you ask?" I asked. "Just wondering." He then exited the kitchen heading to the front door to leave. I wonder what that was about.

Later in the day, Barbara and I exited the house just as Blinky happen to be coming up the sidewalk. "Ah-ha, Lady (Name) and Barbara! Good day to you both!"

"Hi Mr. Blinky, are you here for (Name) again?" Barbara asked, glancing at me with a smug smile, causing me to blush and look away. "Why yes! How did you know?" Blinky asked, in a cheerful tone, which causes Barbara to laugh. "Just a feeling. Would you like to join us for lunch? We were going to see a friend of mine."

"I would be honored. If I'm not intruding." He said. "Not at all. It can be a double dat..." I already knew what Barbara was going to say and quickly cut her off. "D-double fun to have you along! Let's not keep Barbara's friend waiting!" I said, grabbing Blinky's hand and pulling along. "Oh! Then I am glad to join you then." Blinky said, as Barbara laugh could be heard behind us.

Blinky's P.O.V
The ladies and I enter a restaurant on Delancey Street, looking around for Barbara's friend. "Barbara, over here." I freeze up at the sound of that voice. Turning my head, I see it was in fact the Changeling, Strickler.

This is not good. I need to keep (Name) and Barbara away from him. But how can I do so without drawing suspicion?

The women walk over to Strickler to greet him, with no other choice I follow them over, while trying think of a reason why we should leave. "Walt, I like you to meet my friend, (Name). (Name), this is Walter." Barbara said introducing them.

"Lovely to finally meet you, (Name). Barbara has told me quite a lot about you." Strickler said, taking her hand and kissing the back palm. I glare enviously at the changeling. Oh how I wish I had a Dwärkstone on me right now.

"It's nice to meet you as well. I can see why Barbara has taking a liking to you." (Name) said, causing Barbara to playfully slap her shoulder. "(Name)." Strickler smiles at the two. "And you already know, Mr. Blinky." Barbara said gesturing to me, causing me to drop my glare and freeze up again.

"Mr... Blinky?" Strickler asked, looking at me surprised. It was too late to escape now, I will have to play along. "Yes. Good to see you again, Strickler.... Outside of work that is." I said, glaring at him. Strickler glares back at me. "Yes... it is. I see you have change your attire."

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