A Look Into Unbecoming

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(I was going to skip this episode even though it's one of my favorites, since the Kellahead Bridge would have been used before (Name) moved back to Arcadia. And since Jim wouldn't have become the Trollhunter, he wouldn't started acting out. Barbara wouldn't be worried and she wouldn't feel the need to call up (Name) for help.

But then I thought it be fun to take a peek into what it would be like if (Name) and Blinky never met since Jim didn't become the Trollhunter. I hope you like this short What If story.)

3rd Person P.O.V
(Name) walked up to the Lake's house, knocking on the similar to her first day back in Arcadia. However instead of Blinky answering the door this time, the door was open by Jim. "Auntie (Name)! Oh I've missed you so much!" Jim said, leaping at the older woman to hug her.

"Whoa! You did? I guess I didn't have to worry about you not recognizing me after all." (Name) said, wrapping her arms around the boy to hug him back. Jim pulls away,  grabbing her arm and guiding her inside. "Oh man these past couple days have been crazy. You'll probably won't believe me either." He said. "I used to get up to some crazy stuff when I was your age Jim. Try me." She said.

"Okay... uh well... you see I had this magical Amulet that gave me a giant sword and made me this thing call a Trollhunter. And I fought all crazy bad guys with my friends and then you joined our team. Also you start dating my mentor who is a four arm, six eyed troll. Anyway I got stuck in the this place call the Darklands but you guys got me out. But then the Tribunal didn't like that and thinks my actions put everyone at risk so they locked me up to make a decision on whether or not I will give up the Amulet. Then I said I wish I was never picked and Unkar The Unfortunate, took me back to the day I found the Amulet so I can choose not to pick it up. But now that I'm not the Trollhunter everything is normal but also super weird at the same time and I think I might have made a huge mistake."

(Name) stare at Jim, who stare back at her, then she bursts out laughing. "Oh Jim, you're still making up crazy stories. Your imagination never cease to amaze me." (Name) said, turning and heading to the door to collect the boxes from her car. "What? No I'm not making it up. That all really happened, I swear!" Jim said, but (Name) went back outside and Jim sighed heavily.

The next couple days go by will still no adventure in Jim's life. It's as average as any other teenager's life. Which only made Jim more and more depressed. Until he sees Killahead Bridge is being put together and ready to free Gunmar from the Darklands.

So Jim sneaks into Trollmarket by stowing away in a cart. "Perhaps you should consider reading my books instead of eating them." Blinky said to Aaarrrgghhh!!! as he pulls a book out of the moss troll's mouth.

"Blinky!" Jim called out, running into the library. "Hm?" Blinky turns in Jim's direction and once he saw a human down here in Trollmarket, he freaks. "Aaah!" Blinky drops his books as he jumps back, bumping up into one of his bookshelves. Which only causes more books to fall out on top of him.

Aaarrrgghhh!!! stares at Jim, unsure of what to do. "A human!" Blinky said, he then picks up one of his books and stood up, waving it at Jim like a weapon. "Be gone, fleshbag! Or... or else my sizable friend here will eat you!"

"Aaarrrgghhh!!!'s a pacifist." Jim said, pushing the book down. "Pacifist." Aaarrrgghhh!!! said, surprised. "How did you know that? Blinky asked him. "Unkar sent me back in time to give me a second chance." Jim replied. "Unkar?" Blinky said, then he and Aaarrrgghhh!!! laugh.

"That's impossible! No troll, even a spirit, holds the power to change fate itself!" Blinky said. "Fate changed, okay? And now I need to find the Trollhunter. They're building Killahead Bridge." Jim told them. "Killahead?" Aaarrrgghhh!!! repeated.

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