It's Okay If You Don't Say Goodbye

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I step into Blinky's library to see the four arm troll himself, holding a book in each hand. Like he was reading all four books at once. "Blinky?" I called out to him, walking further into the library. "Ah, Lady (Name)! I thought you had return home."

"I just wanted to check in with you and make sure your alright." I told him. "Me? I'm well! AAARRRGGHH!!! has return home to his family. I couldn't be happier for him!" Blinky told me, I bit my lip with worry. "Are you sure? Cause it sounds like your in a bit of denial."

"Denial? That's absurd! In fact... I hardly know the meaning of denial. That's how much I'm not in denial I tell you. Like I said I couldn't be happier for AAARRRGGHHH!!! He's where he belongs and he'll be saved and...."

Blinky trail off, looking down sadly. "Blinky?" I said about to walk over to him, when he suddenly close all four books and threw them onto the ground angrily. I jump back, startles by the sudden outburst by Blinky. I have seen Blinky anger before, but it was still a very rare sight to see.

"And he left and I couldn't even give him a goodbye! All those years we've spend together, practically inseparable.... and I just stood there, not able to say anything when he finally agree to leave. What kind of friend am I?" Blinky slump down to the ground, covering his face with his two upper hands.

I walked over to Blinky, carefully stepping over the books he threw down, and sat down next to him. "I understand how hard it is to say goodbye, Blinky. I couldn't say it either when I left Arcadia." Blinky lift up his head to look at me. "Really?"

"Yeah... I guess I saw 'goodbye' as a poison word. I thought if I had said it, then I would never see Barbara or Arcadia again. It work out in the end cause I did come back... and come to think of it. You didn't tell me goodbye either and we were able to see each other again."

"Yes... but our obstacle was much more easier to overcome. I could had at any moment told you who I truly was.... but AAARRRGGHH!!! he can never return to Troll-Market and we can never go in the Deep Caves." Blinky explained to me. "Never say never Blinky. I believe you'll see AAARRRGGHH!!! again."

Blinky sigh, placing his upper hand on my shoulder. "I only wish I had your optimism, Lady (Name).... but I will try to believe you are right, that I will get to see my friend again." Blinky then smile at me. "Thank you, for comforting me, Lady (Name). You truly are a hero in your own unique way."

I giggle at his complement. "That might an overstatement but thank you, Blinky." I took a quick glance at the books on the floor, trying to ignore the burning feelings on my cheeks. "So, what were you reading before I came in?"

"I was reading my brother's books, hoping I could find a cure. Unfortunately I have yet to find one." He explained. "You've mention you're brother before when you were human. If you don't mind, now that I know your a troll... can you tell me more about him. If it bothers you don't have too."

"Why would it bother me? My brother was one of the greasiest trolls I ever knew, I love him dearly." Blinky told me. "I just thought it be hard to talk about him since he's... gone." I replied. "Trolls aren't as weighed down by death as humans are, as I come to learn from, Master Jim. It also has been centuries since the Battle of Killahead Bridge. So it no longer hurts to speak of my brother. What would you like to know about him?"

"I guess for starters what was his name?" I asked. "Dictatious Galadrigal." Blinky answered. Dictatious? ...and I thought Blinkous was an odd name. I feel like I'm gonna accidentally call him dictionary.

"Dictatious huh? That's an interesting name. What was he like?" I asked next. "Dictatious was an admiral troll, who I admired and idolized. Though there were times we had disagreements we always got along rather well. There was one time when we were young I wanted him to read the History Booklet to me and this book was very very large! After that day he taught me to read, I guess he didn't enjoy it as much as I did."

Blinky started going on and on telling multiple different stories about his brother. Taking his mind off of AAARRRGGHH as he remember fond memories of Dictatious. Blinky's six eyes light up with joy as he talk about his brother. It made me only wish I could meet Dictatious.

It sound like he was a pretty amazing Troll.

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