Finding Out The Truth In The Worse Possible Way

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(Name's) P.O.V
"Jim, are you home?" I called out when I enter the house. Jim came running out of the basement, and ran up to greet me. "Hey Auntie (Name)! Back so soon?" He asked giving his famous nervous smile.

"I couldn't get any work done. Your Mom call me and said she was going to be working late again." I told him, Jim look somewhat relieved by this news. "Oh okay. Well I'll start on dinner." Jim then made his way to the kitchen to cook. "Do you need any help?" I asked him. "Nah I got it."

I smile and shook my head before heading up to my room. It still a little unbelievable he can cook so well at his age. Not only that but he's interested in cooking. Most boys his age wouldn't dream of actual cooking something that that wasn't an Instant meal.

Blinky's P.O.V
I open the door that led to main floor or Jim's home. "Master Jim?" I called out, poking my head out. "Blinky, what are you doing? Auntie (Name), could come back down at any second!" Jim told him, coming over to the door, holding a bowl full of human food ingredients and a wooden spoon.

"I know this might sound foolish but... perhaps we should tell Lady (Name), about the troll world." I told him. I miss being in (Name's) company so much. I'd do just about anything, to speak with her again.

"I know you miss her, Blink. But it's too dangerous right now. With Strickler, Angor Rot, and Gunmar. Plus how do we even tell her about Trolls without her freaking out and telling my Mom?" Jim explained, causing me to lower my head in disappointment. "Yes, you are right. Forgive me Master Jim, I was not thinking." Jim frown, reaching his hand out to me. "Blinky..."

"Jim?" Hearing (Name's) voice made us both jump. Jim pushed me back through the door, shutting it in my face. "Y-yeah, Auntie (Name)?" Jim asked. "Have you see the charger for my laptop?" Hearing (Name) voice again, made my heart ache. "Uh, I think I saw it in the dinning room." I miss her so much, it's almost painful. "Thank you." I need to see her face again.

I slowly open the door again, enough for three of my eyeballs, to peek though the crack. I could see (Name) in the room with the table, grabbing a wire that laid on the ground, plugging it into the electric device she typed on.

I stare at the human woman, unable to tare my eyes away from her. Jim looked over his shoulder at me and slam the door in my face again. "Ah!" I rub my face, where the door had hit me. "Hehe. We really need to fix this door. It's always creaking open." Jim said to (Name), as I glared at the door that was separating me from her.

I let out a sigh of defeat and return to the basement where AAARRRGGHH!!! and Draal stood. "You okay?" AAARRRGGHHH!!!! asked me. "Yes, I am fine." I answered, glancing at the ground. "You must let her go, Blinky. It will be easy for both you and her." Draal told me.

Perhaps he is right. There is no telling how long it will take to kill Gunmar, if such a task really can be done. (Name) will probably move on by then, and find a human who can treat her better than I. I should just... let her go.

(Name') P.O.V
After dinner Jim went right to his room, to go to bed. Saying he needed a full nights rest for a test, tomorrow. I let him go, not questioning him further about it. Instead I decided to check in on him after ten minutes, after he supposedly went to bed.

I open the door to his room, from the looks of it, he was in the bed. But there was something off. I walk up to the bed and pull off the covers, to see he had stack bunch of objects in his bed to make it look like a person was under the blanket. The oldest trick in the book.

I ran out of the house and to my car, dialing his number, trying to find out where he was. But it just went to voicemail. I drove around the neighborhood trying to find him but saw no sigh of Jim or his friends.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now