Blinky Saves The Day

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(Name's) P.O.V
I was waiting for Blinky in the park. He called me a couple minutes ago, saying he was going to be held up a bit, so I didn't mind waiting a little longer. It did give me a chance to look over the park, reawakening old memories from all the shenanigans I got up to here.

From playing here as a child with Barbara, to the many dates I had as a teenager. It was definitely one of the places that hold a lot of sentimental value for me in Arcadia.

"(Name)? (Name) (Last Name) is that you?" I turn my head to see a man with brown hair and green eyes, wearing a white shirt, a blue tie and a grey jacket, pants and shoes. He look very familiar to me, but I just couldn't place it.

I squinted my eyes at him, till it finally hit me. "Derek?" I asked, the man smile. "It is you! Oh it's been so long. How have you been?" He asked coming closer. "I've been fine. I just recently move back to Arcadia after my dream job didn't quite work out."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But hey guess what I'm a Weatherman! You can see me everyday if you tune in to Channel 5." He told me, steering the conversation to focus on him. I give a polite smile, holding my tongue from calling him out on it.

He hasn't changed at all has he? Everything gotta be about him. Why did I ever date him when I was younger?

"That's nice Derek. Have you kept in touch with anyone from high school?" I asked him. "Nah. Pretty much everyone left town once they graduated. Can't say I blame them. Nothing ever happen in this boring town."

Derek the close any distance between us by wrapping his arm around me. "So (Name), how about you and I have dinner and rekindle that spark we had when we were young. You know time has pass and I'm sure you've grown into a better person. I forgive you for your flaws back then and I want to give us another shot."

I give a nervous laugh as I duck out from under his arm and crouched away, before standing up straight again. "Sorry Derek, but I got plans. I'm waiting for a friend." I told him, Derek cross his arm annoyed. "Who?"

"Lady (Name)!" I smile hearing Blinky's voice, before I turn around to see him running over. Once he reach me he gives me a bow. "A thousands apologies, for making you wait so long, Lady (Name)." I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up. "It's alright Blinky, you don't need to apologize."

Blinky stood up straight and smile at me. "Where would you like to go today, Lady (Name)?" He asked. "I was thinking maybe the bookstore. I want to see if there is anything new I should read." I said, causing Blinky eyes to light up. "Oh an excellent choice Lady (Name)! Let's make our way there now. And please tell me how was your day. Do not leave out any details."

I open my mouth to say something when Derek cut in. He steps in between Blinky and I, looking at me as he block Blinky from my view. "So (Name), when are we going to have dinner. Cause the big man here getting hungry. Let's go to the diner and I can tell you about this new send off I made up right before we ended the News the other day."

I try to move around him, to get to Blinky. "I'm sorry Derek, but I told you. I have pla...." Derek cuts me off by sliding it front of me, blocking me from Blinky once again. "What? With long nose here?" He asked pointing at Blinky with his thumb. Blinky look down at his nose and touch it, self-consciously.

"Listen (Name), babe. You can do better than this guy. In fact, you have done better! You went out with the most attractive man in Arcadia here! Save yourself the shame and just come with me. What are you going to talk about any way? Books? Lame! They should just get rid of books. Such a waste of good paper you know. Besides you can get everything on your phone so why waste money on them?"

I bit the bottom of my lip, getting more and more annoyed by Derek. I didn't want to be rude, but he was really pushing all the wrong buttons.

Derek then puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I put my hands on his shoulders to push him away but he had a good grip on me. "Now, like I said. Let's ditch this loser, go get some food, and maybe we can go back to my pla..."

Suddenly Blinky puts his hand on each of our shoulders and push us away from each other. The second I was free from Derek's grip, Blinky stands in front of me, holding his arms out to keep Derek away as much as possible.

"I regret to inform you, but you seem to be making Lady (Name) uncomfortable. I ask that you please leave her alone or I will have to do something drastic." He warn Derek, in a very serious tone. One I never heard from him before.

"Oh really? And what can you do Long Nose? I have you know, I never skip leg day. You see I didn't get this body by accident. If you try and fight me I will knock you down in three seconds flat. Okay? Don't try it. I will mess you up! Mess you up so bad you'll be eating through a straw! So don't even...."

Blinky responded by upper cutting Derek's jaw. Derek falls to the ground as a tooth shoots out of his mouth. "I apologize but you were talking to much." Blinky told him, before he takes my hand and guides me away from Derek.

I look back at Derek as he slowly gets up, holding his jaw. I then look ahead at Blinky, who was leading us towards the shopping District. I stay quiet trying to process what happen.

That was very surprising. I didn't know Blinky had that in him. Derek did deserve it, no question about that. But it was still a shock to see Blinky punch someone.

When we reach the bookstore, Blinky let go of my hand and turn around to bow at me. "I sincerely apologize, Lady (Name). I lost my temper. I didn't mean for you to witness such behavior from me...  but I couldn't bare the sight of that man making you so uncomfortable."

I felt chest tighten as my heart skip a beep at this moment. He did that just because Derek was upsetting me? No one has ever defended me before. Especially not like that. It was like Blinky was a knight in shining armor.

I feel my whole face heat up as I tug the fabric of my clothing. "Lady (Name), are you alright? Your face has change color!" Blinky told me, causing me to giggle. "I'm fine, Blinky. I'm just really happy is all."

Blinky smile. "Really? Marvelous! I was worry I might have frighten you." He told me. "No, not at all. Thank you, Blinky. You really save the day." I told him, Blinky blushes as he plays with his fingers like he does. "You are welcome, Lady (Name)."

He then spun around clapping his hand. "Now then! Let's browse the selection." Blinky grab the door and held it open for me, causing my cheeks to burn up even more. He's such a gentleman... I wouldn't be surprised if he came right out of a fairytale book or something.

Blinky and I chatted as we look at the multiple different books that were available to buy. In that shop, I found myself watching Blinky more than I ever had before. I know this might be sudden and I might be rushing things a little....

But I think I'm starting to like Blinky as more than just a friend.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now