Parental Guidance

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I was getting ready to meet with Blinky and Timber when Barbara called me down to the living room. I walk down the stairs and saw the kids were seated in chairs in front of their parents/guardians in the living room.

"Come have a seat, (Name). We need to talk." Barbara said, sternly and suddenly felt like I was a teenager again about to receive a lecture from my parents. "Barbara, what's going on?" Mrs. Nuñez asked. "This is bad." Her husband said, pacing around the room.

I came in and took a seat next to Toby's grandmother. "On the phone, you said our children's lives were in trouble." Mrs. Nuñez continued. "My Toby-Pie would never be in trouble. He's an angel." Nana said, picking up a cookie from a plate on the coffee table and eats it.

"Actually, Mrs. Domzalski, I'm afraid they're in serious danger, but it'd be best if they explain." Barbara said, turning to the children. "Kids?" She said and they all chuckle nervously.

"Uh... I don't know what she's talking about." Claire lied. "Neither do I." Toby said, then elbows Jim in the ribs. "Jimbo, maybe you could help us out." He said and Jim stares at us, stammering as Nana eats another cookie.

"It's the drugs, isn't it?" Mr. Nuñez said, worriedly. "It's not drugs, it's trolls." Barbara said, causing the kids and I to all gasp. "The internet! I knew it." Mr. Nuñez said, dropping down onto the sofa.

"Not Internet trolls, real trolls." Barbara said, and the adults exchanged a look then laugh. The kids and I exchanged a look and join in too. "Trolls? Barbara." Nana said, pausing to take a sip of her tea. "Are you on the drugs?"

"No! There are these creatures that live beneath us. It's not entirely clear my head, but our kids are helping them and fighting them." Barbara explains. "Oh no. It's is the drugs." Mr. Nuñez whisper to his wife.

"I believe you, Barbara." Mrs. Nuñez said, standing up. "You do?" Barbara asked, hopeful. "I too have dealt with stress and anxiety and have the number to an excellent therapist." Mrs. Nuñez replied.

"It's not stress, Ophelia." Barbara said, annoyed then she turns to me. "(Name), please. I know you know something about this. Back me up on this." She pleaded but I just stare at her, holding my tongue.

I wish I could just have her back and confess everything. But I can't throw the kids under the bus like that.

Toby then laughs. "Trolls living beneath us? What? That's crazy town banana pants fosters." He said and Claire laughs. "With extra nuts." She said. "Jim, tell them. Please." Barbara pleaded and Jim looks conflicted.

"Uh... um..." He muttered, then sighs. "The hospital asked her to take some time off." He said. "Oh no." Mr. Nuñez muttered. "Oh dear." Nana said. "What?" Barbara asked, looking at Jim surprise then at the adults then glares back at the kids.

"Look in their bags! Search them!" Barbara said, stealing the kids bags from them and tossing them to the respective guardian. "I'm sure you'll find a few surprises." She said, then reaches into Jim's bag and pulls out the amulet, tossing it onto the coffee table. "Mom."

"That's an invitation of my privacy." Claire said as her parents open her backpack. "Nana, don't." Toby said, running over to her and Nana pulls out the handle for his Warhammer. "Oh my." She said, adjusting her glasses.

"I don't know what's going on, but what do you call this?!" Mr. Nuñez asked, holding up a pink protractor to his daughter. "That's a protractor, Dad." Claire answered, seeming very relaxed now.

"I think he meant this." Mrs. Nuñez said, holding up Claire's retracted staff and Claire loses her confidence. "Isn't it clear? your son stole these artifacts from the museum." Mrs. Nuñez said, accusingly to Barbara.

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