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Toby used the Glamour Mask, to change into Vandel and steal the walking staff. Once he successfully got away with it, he, Claire, Blinky, and I stood in the canals, to hand it over to Mr. Evil Man.

"Dealing business with these vile agents... I dearly hope we are doing the right thing." Blinky said holding Vandel's staff, tightly with all four of his hands. "Me too, this feels wrong." I said. "Anything to get Aaarrrgghhh!!! back." Toby told us.

"Brace yourselves. Looks like the creep patrol is here." Claire said, as three cars drives towards us and stop a few feet away. "Follow my lead. I've seen enough spy flicks to know how a handoff works. It's a precise ritual of nuance and power." Toby told us.

Mr. Evil Man steps out of his car and begins to walk towards us. "Not another step, wiener schnitzel!" Toby said making Mr. Evil Man stop. "That's far enough! Now, throw us the antidote, and we'll throw you the staff!"

"Are you serious?" Mr. Evil Man asked. "Deadly." Mr. Evil Man takes out a piece of paper and throws it. Only it doesn't get far before it floats down to the ground. He picks it up to try again but it still doesn't get any farther.

"Now what, Agent Toby?" Claire asked him. "Um, okay, fine! Let's meet in the middle, but no funny business! Hands where I can see 'em!" We then meet with Mr. Evil Man in middle. "Enough theatrics. Do the exchange now!"

Mr. Evil Man hands Toby the paper in one hand while he grabs the staff in the other. Neither one of them let's go and instead play tug-of-war with the items. "Would you let go?" Finally they managed to do the exchange. We get the paper and he gets the walking staff. "Yes. This will do quite nicely."

Toby unfolds the paper. "'Twig of Worm's Root, ounce of silver...' This isn't an antidote! It's a shopping list!" He told Mr. Evil Man. "It is the ingredients to the antidote. Boil these in oil until it burns, and that will bring your friend back. Pleasure doing business with you."

Mr. Evil Man walked back to his car and tried to get in, but the goblins inside locked the door on him. "Fragwa, open the door. Auf Wiedersehen!" They unlock the door so he could get in and drive away, with the other two cars.

"We did the right thing. Right, guys?" Claire asked us. "Desperate time, desperate measures. Now, we must concern ourselves with some shopping." Blinky takes the list from Toby to read it over. "Hmm... Where might we find the tears of one untouched by love's first kiss?"

Claire, Blinky, and I smile as we look at Toby. "What? I've been kissed. Many times." He told us. "Your nana doesn't count." Claire told him. Toby looks down sadly. "Oh." I patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Tobes. You'll get the real first kiss someday. They do say, there's someone for everyone."

Toby smiles a little. "Yeah, I do already have a kind of sort of girlfriend. Thanks (Name)." I smile and patted his back. "Come on, let's do some shopping." Claire open the way to Trollmarket and we begin walking down the crystal stairs.

"Lady (Name), is what you said true?" Blinky asked, as the kids headed on ahead of us. "That Toby will get his first kiss?" I asked. "No, the other one. The one about... there being someone for everyone?"

"Oh yeah. No matter who you are, ain't no one born into this world to be alone." I answered, Blinky is quite for a moment, then he smiles at me. "I believe that is a statement I can agree with very much."

With help from Draal, we managed to move Aaarrrgghhh!!! to the Hero's Forge where he brew the antidote for him. "Ugh, slimy. Slimy, gross." Toby said dropping some of the ingredients into the cauldron. Claire smells the spoil milk before she drop it in the pot. "Blech!" Toby drop dead rats into the pot next. "Ew, gross! I'm gonna wash my hands."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now