The Exorism of Claire Nuñez

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So quite a few things have happened the past few days. One, Strickler and Nomura have been back in Arcadia ever since Gunmar took over Trollmarket and have been the one's training Jim. And uh... oh yeah, Claire might be corrupted by dark magic.

Blinky and I race over to Claire's house to help Jim and Toby. We heard a loud bang as we went to her room and burst inside to see Claire was sitting in a chair and floating in the air, glowing yellow with chains around her.

"Apologies for our delay." Blinky announced, racing forward to pull Claire back down to the floor and restraining her with a Horngazels. "We were waiting for Aaarrrgghhh!!! to come back from Trollmarket but he never showed." I said, kneeling down to check on Jim, who sat up against the wall next to the door.

"I'm sure he's fine, we've got bigger problems." Jim said as Claire growls and bites at Toby, really sounding downright demonic. Gonna need the help of two brothers in an Impala for this one.

Jim gets up and grabs Claire, pushing her back and away from a frighten Tobey. "After I feast on your souls, agony will rule for a thousand millennia." She said. "How long is a millennia? Like a million years?" Toby asked. "I think it's a thousand." I corrected him. "Indeed, Lady (Name)." Blinky said to me.

"I would not like my soul to be feasted upon, if that's all right with everybody in the room." Toby whimpered, then Claire begins laughing. "What's wrong with her?" Jim asked. "She is most certainly possessed." Blinky replied.

"Does the name Morgana mean anything to you?" Jim asked Blinky, who gasps. "You cannot hope to contain me trollish whelp. I am the Eldritch Queen of the Seventh Plane." Claire said, then she rolls back in her chair and glows yellow again.

"Baba Yaga. The Pale Lady. I have slain scores of Merlin's fools." She said, flowing in air again as some of the smaller things in Claire's room whirled around her like a tornado, the light above her burning out. "I do know that name! This is far worse than I could've ever imagined!" Blinky yelled and we pulled Claire back down to the floor as everything drops to the ground and she stops glowing.

"Morgana le Fay, Merlin's apprentice." Blinky announced. "Like Merlin who made my Amulet?" Jim asked. "I spit on his name as I spit on his grave!" Morgana sneered. "Sounds like they didn't get along." Tobey mumbled.

"He thinks he can be rid of me? The fool. Haha! I will erase his name and all of his creations." Morgana taunted and laughs. "The sorcerer and sorceress dueled for centuries until Merlin sacrificed himself to banish her from our world. But now she's here." Blinky explained.

"Oh, what little lambs. My work here is done. Gunmar knows how to bring the Eternal Night." Morgana said, the she summons the pillow on Claire's bed over to her, setting it behind her head as she leans back in the chair. "All you can do is sit back and watch the world as it burns."

"Oh, boy." Jim muttered, tiredly. "This is definitely not good." I muttered. "It's not possible. With what relics? What magics?" Blinky asked, shaking Claire-Morgana and cause the pillow to drop to the floor. "Blinky!" Jim exclaimed as he and I pull Blinky off of her.

Blinky groans, stepping away with us as Morgana hums. "Hi, Madam M. I'm Tobias." Tobey muttered, waving to her and Morgana growls making Toby scream as he gets thrown onto the bed and wrapping up in the blanket like a burrito.

"Can you save Claire?" Jim asked Blinky. "If the Eternal Night comes to pass..." Blinky said, his mind more focused on what's to come. "Blinky, can you save Claire?" I asked, sternly and Blinky stares at us for a moment. "I cannot." He admitted. "I think I know someone who can." Jim said as Toby shrieks behind us.

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