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Blinky, Aaarrrgghhh!!!, and I were wrap up in chains and hanged from the cavern ceiling. Blinky and Aaarrrgghhh!!! at least had ground under them. Me, I was hanged off over on the side, with a pit of green mist and darkness under me. I look down at the pit, gulping. I'm gonna end up having Nyctophobia if we ever get out of the Darklands.

"Dictatious, I thought you were dead. I mourned you." Blinky told his brother, who finally came to speak with us. Dictatious scoffs at this. "Sentimental sap. Despite a plenitude of eyes, you remain blind to the truth. Gunmar is trollkind's salvation."

"No. This isn't you, brother. This is the cursed blade of Gunmar talking." Blinky told him. "This is not the blade's work. I chose to follow Gunmar." Dictatious told him. "I idolized you. Your books fill my library."

"And your words waste my time. Gunmar's restoration of Earth is finally upon us. Once you disclose the location of the Killahead Bridge." Dictatious said. "Help you free Gunmar? Ha! You could torture me a thousand years on hot pokers, and I'd never tell." Dictatious then punched Blinky's nose, making him grunt in pain. "I'll never tell you!"

"Hmm... Oh, really, brother?" Dictatious asked cracking his knuckles. "Oh no." Blinky said, right before he is punched again. I couldn't bare to see Blinky be tortured, especially by his own brother. "S-stop! He's your brother! He told me so many stories about you, Dictatious. He thought of the world of you!"

"What a small world it must have been." Dictatious turn to look me in the eye. "Tell me human, has my brother ever told you about his hatred for your kind?" He asked grinning. "Lady (Name), I..."

"So what?" I asked, causing Dictatious' grin to drop. "What?" He asked. "If Blinky hated humans in the past, he must of had his reasons. I'm sure humans didn't treat trolls fairly in the past, why else would they need to hide themselves. I wouldn't blame him or any other troll for hating us."

Dictatious surprised look, turn to a glare as I continued. "Besides the past is the past. He doesn't hate human now and changed for the better unlike you! I'm honored he trust me enough let me into his world." Blinky looks at me touched with a smile. "Lady (Name)."

"Blah! I can see why you like this human, Blinkous. Just like you, she doesn't know when to silence herself!" Dictatious then reached his hand out to spin me around. "Wah!" I closed my eyes to try and stop myself from getting dizzy, but it did little to help.

"Leave Lady (Name), alone Dictatious! If you going torment anyone, let it be me!" Dictatious responded by punching Blinky again. "Blinky!" I yelled, slowing spinning now, before coming to a stop. "Look away, Lady (Name)." Blinky told me before he is punched again.

"I didn't think you'd bring pillows to this fight." Blinky said to his brother, before he is poked in the eye and punched again. "I thought I ordered meat sauce, not weak sauce." I closed my eyes and just listen to Blinky being punched over and over by Dictatious.

"How about now?" Dictatious asked, I open one eye to see he had stop using Blinky as a punching bag. "If I wanted to be tucked in, I would've called Mother!" Blinky responded, panting.

Dictatious, laughs. "You always had a weak stomach, didn't you?" He asked, grabbing Blinky by his horn. "Oh, no!" Dictatious, then spins Blinky. "Noooo!" He then grabs Blinky by his horn again, to stop him. "Where did you move the bridge?" He asked. "Your bark is worse than your bite."

Dictatious spins Blinky around again. "Tell me! Where is it?" He asked as Blinky spun around. "Don't you know it's not in my nature to break?" He grabs Blinky's horn once again to stop him. "I once admired you. But now I see, you are the rotten apple in the family tree. I'LL NEVER TELL YOU!"

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now