Angor Management

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Jim asked us to look into finding the last Triumbric stone as it's known as. Toby told us Jim will catch up when he can, while he look into the stone. Oh also AAARRRGGHH!!! didn't leave with his family. Instead he just went to Toby's house.

"Are you sure this is what you want my friend? You do understand that the poison will consume you." Blinky told AAARRRGGHH!!! who only smile. "AAARRRGGHH!!!'s family here. AAARRRGGHH!!! stay."

"If that is the case all I have to say is...." Blinky then rap his four arms around AAARRRGGHH!!!'s uninjured arm. "I am so very glad to see you, my friend. I was upset with myself last night for not telling you goodbye. But Lady (Name) reassured me we see each other again."

AAARRRGGHH!!! smile as he pats Blinky on the head. The big troll look over at me. "AAARRRGGHH!!! thank Auntie (Name) for helping Blinky." He told me. "No problem big guy. I'm glad your back." I told him, walking over to hug him too.

After the hugs and greetings, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! took us to a almost vault like place that had Killahead Bridge lock away behind a really cool door. "If we're looking to research the last stone, shouldn't we be in the library?" Toby asked as we walk down a few steps. "Yes. Why did you bring us to look at Killahead Bridge?" Claire asked.

"Before her departure Queen Usurna suspected a depiction of the last stone may very well be inscribed on the bridge itself." Blinky explained look at the destroy ruble of the bridge.

Blinky move some of the stone ruble out of the way and gestured to the in scribbled picture on the bridge. "The missing eye of Gunmar!" He told us. "His eye is the third stone? What?" Toby asked, as Blinky starts digging through more of the ruble, to dig out the piece.

"Indeed. The first stone we procured was affiliated with his birth. The second, his first kill. This stone..." AAARRRGGHH!!! then shoves Blinky out of the way. "I got it." He picks up the big piece of the bridge and pulls it out of the ruble so we could see the full picture. "Why, this stone commemorate... he's vulnerable."

"How did you mean?" Claire asked. "Before Gunmar took power, Gumm-Gumms were mostly disorganized tribes of savages, taking orders from Orlagk, the Gumm-Gumms Warlord. Gunmar betrayed him in hopes of taking his army as his own. The battle lasted weeks. Gunmar lost an eye. Orlagk lost his head. I fear this may be the most difficult Triumbric stone to find. For if his dark servants worked so hard to steal it from the Krubera, they would not had it over so easily."

Suddenly we hear an electricity crackling sound as a small portal that is on the ruble of the bridge, comes to life. It glows a bright green as green lighting sparks around it.

"Wait, the fetch." Claire said looking at it. "Something's escaping from the Darklands! Look out!" Blinky said, moving in front of the kids and I quickly to protect us. A garden gnorm climbs out of the portal, grunting and moaning.

Toby gasp. "Gnome Chompsky! You're back!" He cheered running to greet the little guy. "By Deya's grace, he survived!" Blinky said, I step closer to Blinky to whisper to him. "This is a good Gnome right? Not like the other ones?" I asked him. "Do not worry Lady (Name), after taking up residence in the little house in Tobias's home. This Gnome has become quite friendly. I was quite surprised by the change myself!"

The Gnome falls onto the ground whimpering. "Chompsky! Hey bud!" Toby picks him pick, hugging him. "Tough little guy." AAARRRGGHH!!! said lowering his head to look at the Gnome.

"Oh, I thought your were lost forever. Hey, bud. Hey." Toby sets the Gnome down on a piece of ruble. "Chompsky? The one who was looking for Enrique?" Claire asked, walking over and kneeling down in front of this Chompsky.

"Uh-huh. Wait." Chompsky chatters in gibberish as he searches for something. He pulls out a baby pacifier, holding it up proudly. Claire gasp taking the pacifier. "Enrique! Your found him! Is he... is he okay?" She asked, Chompsky gives her a thumbs up. "Mm-hmm."

Claire holds the pacifier to her chest. "Thank you for giving me that." Chompsky laugh before bowing his head a little. "What did you see, my tiny fellow? Did you see.... Gunmar?" Blinky asked, causing Chompsky to jump in a fright. He then whimpers as he takes off his hat, to show the horn on his head was broken. Everyone gasp as Chompsky whimpers.

"Gunmar did that? How did you escape?" Blinky asked. Chomsky puts his hat back on and started taking in gibberish again as he runs around. "What is he saying?" I asked Blinky. "A game of pantomime!" He answered. "Panda... mine?" AAARRRGGHH!!! asked.

"Charades!" Toby told them, as Chompsky starts getting angry. "You-you-you escaped the Darklands by looking, uh... angry?" Blinky asked. "By.... by being constipated! Ha!' Toby answered. "No Gunmar." AAARRRGGHH!!! answered, Chompsky stops to give him two thumbs up. AAARRRGGHH!!! chuckles. "Like panda-mine."

Chompsky walks up another piece of ruble so he could starts punching Blinky's upper arm. Blinky starts laughing. "Oh, oh, I like this. He's... he's tickling me."

"You escaped Gunmar by tickling him? No, by massaging him!" Toby said. "A message!" I said, Chompsky chatters happily as he stops punching Blinky and hop back down to the other piece of ruble.

Chmpsky the starts swinging his arm in the air. "To... to swipe? To purloin!" Blinky answered, Chompsky sigh as he kept hitting the air. "Badminton! Wait, why badminton?" Toby asked scratching his head. "Sword?" AAARRRGGHH!!! asked.

Chompsky stop hitting the air and hook off his hat, pointing at his broken horn. "Gunmar wants to deliver a message to Jim." Claire said, making Chompsky giggle. "That's why he's alive! That's how he escaped!"

"And I hope it's a short message because we don't have all day." Blinky said crossing his upper arms as his lower hands are place on his hips.

We went to Blinky's library so we could sit as we try to guess the rest the message. "He wants to twist Jim." Blinky said. "Juice Jim." AAARRRGGHH!!! said. "No, I got it! Tie him into a pretzel!" Claire said. "Does Gunmar even know what a pretzel is?" I asked as Chompsky starts yelling.

We then hear a phone vibrate. "Speaking of which..." Toby said getting up to answer his phone. "Yello, Jimbo! You'll never guess who's back...." Toby stops talking as we could somewhat hear Jim yelling about something. "Hello! Oh no. Horngazel! HORNGAZEL!" Toby yelled as he ran out of the library. "Did I... miss something?" Blinky asked us.

By the time we made it to the front of Troll-Market, Barbara car was there damaged. Jim was holding his Mother in his arm as Strickler sits in the car holding his neck. "We need help! Please!"

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