Just Add Water

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I carried my set of Maces & Talons down to the basement for a game with the Blinky and Aaarrrgghhh!!! when I ended up stepping wrong on the last step and nearly fell to the hard ground if not for Draal grabbing me by the back of my shirt, and holding me just an inch off the floor. "Whoa. Thanks Draal." I said, smiling up at him.

"You humans are always so clumsy." Draal said, setting me down on my feet. "What is this?" He asked, looking at the box in my hand. "Maces & Talons! It's a role playing game." I replied, walking over to the table to set the hand up. "Role playing game? What is it's purpose?" Draal asked, watching the pieces being set in their places.

"It's just a game you play for fun. You see you can either be a, a skilled fighter, a devout cleric, a deadly rogue, or a spellcasting wizard. While Someone takes on the role of the Dragon Master, who leads the other through a story and referee the game." I explained as Draal picks up a piece to look at it closer. "Hmm. Is blood ever shed?" He asked.

"Imagination blood yes, if the player wants that to happen and gets a good roll. But no real blood. Everything is up to your imagination." I said, pointing at my head. "What about this game is fun, if blood is not being spilled on a battlefield?" Draal asked, looking puzzled by this.

"Why don't you join Blinky, Aaarrrgghhh!!!, and I for a game? To better understand it better." I suggested and the troll thinks on it for a moment. "Very well. But I will like to be the fighter." Draal said and I smiled, picking up piece and handing it to him. "Good pick. I like to play as the rogue." I told him.

Draal stares at his piece as he goes sits on the ground at the table. "Lady (Name), we have arrived!" Blinky announced, as he and Aaarrrgghhh!!! enter through the hidden tunnel. "I've already set up the game. All that's left is to pick your character. Draal will be joining us." I told them.

Aaarrrgghhh!!! goes to sit on the ground at the table, looking at the characters to chose from. Blinky came up to me, giving me (another snack you like). "Oh, thanks Blinky, I was getting a little hungry." I said, taking the snack and setting it on the table next to me. "It is my pleasure, Lady (Name)." Blinky said, then he kisses me on the cheek, making me giggle. "Ugh! A savage custom." Draal said, looking away.

Blinky and Aaarrrgghhh!!! picked their characters and we begin the game with Blinky having the role as Dragon Master. "Adventures, you all stand before a massive cathedral. Magic fills the air. Clearly, the chalice you seek is inside."

"If we are to conquer this realm, we must show NO MERCY! I'll charge the doors and tear the men limb from limb!" Draal said, getting really into the game. "Careful. Guards will notice." Aaarrrgghhh!!! told him. "That does not matter if none survive to tell the tale!" Draal said, aggressively.

"But it's still too risky. Let me unlock the door and take them out from the shadows." I told him. "And let you have all the fun? I think not! I will split them with my axe!" Draal exclaimed and Blinky shakes up the dices in his upper hands. "This role playing game is addictive." He said and tosses the dices onto the board, letting them roll until they came to a stop. "Ah! That strategy works. My, you are on a killing streak today. Next time, I get to be the wizard." Blinky said and Aaarrrgghhh!!! chuckles.

"Blinky!" We heard Jim call as the basement door is opened and the kids come running down the steps, carrying flour. "Ah! Master Jim." Blinky said, turning to look at the kids. "Tobes was just attacked near his house by some thing." Jim announced.

"It was like sludge, but smart." Claire said. "Smart sludge? I'm concerned about this smart sludge, but more alarmed you're stockpiling flour. Are we expecting a shortage?" Blinky asked, pointing at the flour in Jim's hands.

"No, it's my baby! It's for health class. About babies." Jim said. "Wow, they still do the baby flour assignment? Huh. I guess some things never change." I said, picking up my drink to take a sip.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now