A Night To Remember

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I move through the trolls and up to Jim and Barbara. "Jim! Barbara! What happened?" I asked looking at the cut on Barbara's neck. "(Name)? What are... you... doing...." Barbara was unable to stand any longer. I caught her as she fell and help her down more gently to rest.

"JIM!" Claire shouted running over with Blinky and the others. "Great Gronka Morka, what happened?!" Blinky asked. "Angor attacked Strickler. The binding spell!" Jim answered. Strickler who was still in the the car, steps out coughing. "The changeling!" "Let's crush him!" Two trolls said, causing AAARRRGGHH!!! to run over and defend Strickler. "No."

"Stop!" We all turn looking at Vendel. "Not unless you want to kill his mother too. Quickly! Bring them both to the examination dwell." AAARRRGGHH!!! picks up the man, with his strong stone hand, hurting him and unfortunately Barbara.

They both let out a painful yelp. Blinky picks Barbara up in his upper arms, carrying her towards Vendel. "You're going to be okay, Barbara." He told her. "Mr. Blinky?" Barbara asked, before she slump down. "Quickly, this way." Vendel told us, leading the way.

"I closed the gate before Angor Rot got in." Toby said handing the Key to Troll-Market over to Claire, for her to put in her purse. "Vendel's going to be able to fix this. Right, Blinky?" She asked. "Only the fates can tell now. Barbara's only hope is to break the spell the entwines her fate with Strickler's. If Vendel can, maybe, just maybe, she'll be strong enough to survive on her own."

Vendel stop in front an entrance that had a neon sign of an hurt troll on the wall. "Bring the changeling. I must treat him as well." He said, taking Barbara from Blinky and heading inside, with Strickler and AAARRRGGHH!!!.

Jim and I stood at the entrance, as his armor goes away, causing the Amulet to appear in his hand. "Is there anything we can do?" I asked, turning to Blinky. "I'm afraid not, Lady (Name). All we are able to do is wait."

"This is all my fault. What was I thinking? Setting a trap in my own home! Of course Mom was gonna end up getting hurt." Jim said, hitting himself on the head with the Amulet. "Jim stop." I said grabbing his wrist, to stop him. "If Vendel was able to help me, then I'm sure he can help your Mom."

Jim looked at me not saying a word. Then he glances at the ground before he lunge forward, rapping his arms around me, as he buried his face into me. I frown down at the boy, that was been through so much, no normal 16 year old should. I rap my arm around him, hugging him tightly. Knowing this is the only thing I can do to comfort him.

Time tick by slowly, once AAARRRGGHH!!! came out to join us. Jim and I tired too sit down and wait like the other, but it wouldn't last long as we were both too anxious to stay still. It was just, pacing, more pacing, sitting for about five minutes, and back to more pacing.

Finally the elder troll stepped out, with Strickler. "Vendel, how's my Mom?" He asked as everyone stood up. "She is resting, for now, but we must move her to the Heartstone." He answered. "Blinky, says that we need to break the binding spell."

"I agree with his assessment. She cannot properly heal while still bound to the changeling. Unfortunately, this is Gumm-Gumm magic and thus, I don't know the proper incantation." Vendel explained. "No, but he does." Jim said pointing at Strickler.

"Are you waiting for an invitation, or do I have to beat it out of you?" Toby asked, Strickler as he and AAARRRGGHH!!! glare at him. "I don't have it...." AAARRRGGHH!!! Growls at Strickler. "...With me. It's in the book of Ga-huel. In my office."

"We have to go get it." Jim said looking at his girlfriend. "We'll have to be careful. That crazy psychopath will be there." Toby told him. "Oh! I forgot about Angor Rot!" Jim said. "No, Coach Lawrence! It's the Spring Fling Dance and he's gonna be roaming the halls."

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