In Your Hour Of Need

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I lay on the sofa in the living room, unable to concentrate on the TV anymore. The pain I was feeling in my lower abdomen was making it impossible. Yep, it was that time again. The time my body punishes me for not having a baby. Not like being single and in my late 30's isn't bad enough of a reminder.

Usually the monthly pains of being a woman are easy enough to endure. But there's occasionally that time when it want to be extra unbearable and painful for no reason. It already made it impossible for me to get any sleep last night. So, now I'm in a pain and tired, always a great combination to deal with.

Unfortunately the painkillers I took did little to help, just making this awful day worse. I thought about calling Barbara for help, but I don't want to bother her while she's at work.

So here I lay, arms wrapped around my midsection as I try to get some sleep. Failing miserably anytime I feel a surge of pain that would jolt me awake. When I closed my eyes for another attempt, I was awoken not by the dreaded cramps but instead a soft knock at the door.

I groan sitting up enough to see Blinky standing in front of the door, through the window. When he saw me, he smiles and waves to me. I waved for him to come in and lay back down. I hate not having the strength to greet him properly, but god my body is in so much pain.

Blinky open the door, quickly making his way to me. "Lady (Name), are you alright? You do not look well." He said, kneeling down to the floor, placing a hand on my shoulder as he looks at me with concern. "It's just that time of the month." I answered.

"Time of the month?" He asked, looking confused. "You know, periods... cramps. Things I'm sure you don't want to hear about." The men I've seen in the past always hated anytime I bring up my period. I know it's unpleasant to talk about, but they acted like it was a taboo thing to even mention. And when ever I mention the cramps, oh boy. They acted like I was overreacting about the pain.

"Oooh... yes... time of the month." Blinky said, looking unsure. He then holding up one finger. "One moment please. I'll be right back." He then stood up and headed up stairs. I shrug my shoulders and went back to holding my self as I feel another sudden surge of pain.

Blinky's P.O.V
I enter the bathroom upstairs and took out the device that Jim gave me, so I could communicate with him, where ever he might be. I open the contacts box and click on Jim's name, ringing him up.

I held the device to my ear as I wait patiently. "Blinky, this isn't the best time. I'm in gym class." I heard the young Trollhunter say, when he answered. "Master Jim, what is a 'Time Of The Month'?" I asked. "What?"

"Time of the month. Lady (Name) is experiencing this and she seems to be in pain. I would like to assist her but I have no knowledge of this. Do you get these, 'time of the months' she speaks of?"

"What? No, of course not! I... look hang on, let me get Claire." I waited, hearing chatter I could not make out before hearing Claire's voice. "Blinky, only women get a time of the month." She told me, giggling as she spoke. "That would explain why I never experience this, 'time of the month' while in this human body." I said to myself, causing Claire to laugh.

"What is it, exactly?" I asked. "Well... ever month, women's have to release blood from their uterus." She explained, causing my jaw to drop. (Name's) body is releasing blood right now?! "Is this deadly? Is Lady (Name) going to die?!" I asked, worry for not only (Name) safety now, but Claire's as well if this is something she has to go through.

"What? No Blinky, don't worry she's going to be okay. You see, a woman's body makes different amounts of chemicals called hormones to prepare for pregnancy. If she doesn't become pregnant, then her body needs to discards the monthly buildup, which causes her to bleed."

"So.... if I help her becomes pregnant will she stop bleeding?" I asked, only for her to not answered me. "Claire?" I asked, before I heard laughter. "Blinky, no. She'll stop bleeding in a few days. You don't have to do anything."

"But she seems to be in pain." I told her. "It must be cramps. They are by fair the worse part of a period." She told me. "Is there anything I can do to relieve her of the pain?" I asked. "There are a few things to help ease it. This is what I usually do..."

(Name's) P.O.V
I groan in pain as turn over, curling up. It's getting to be about the time I need to change. I sit up, arms still wrapping around my stomach, when I saw Blinky coming down the stairs.

"Lady (Name), I have prepared a warm bath to help relieve you of these horrible cramps that are tormenting you." I stare at Blinky, stun. "You what?" I asked, unable to believe it at first. "A bath. I am told it help with easing the pain. I am sorry to see you in such a state, so I would like to help in what ever way that I can."

I was completely speechless. Like I mentioned before the guys I knew in the past would hate it anytime I bring up my period or cramps. But when I tell Blinky about it, and he wants to help me? I'm sorry but is this really a man, or is this some kind of sweet angle in disguise?

"Blinky... thank you. That's so unbelievably sweet of you." I told him, Blinky smiles as he takes my hand to help guide me upstairs to the bathroom. "Think nothing of it, Lady (Name)."


After 30 minutes soaking in the warm water, I decided it was time to get out. I climbed out of the tub, wrapping a towel around myself before pulling the stopper out, so the water could drain. It was then in that moment I realized I forgot to grab a set of new clothes.

I went up to the door and gently opening it, to peek out. Luckily Blinky wasn't in sight, but I still didn't want to step out without knowing where he is. "Blinky?" I called, trying to get an sense of where he might be. "Yes, Lady (Name)?" I heard his voice, coming from downstairs.

"I'm done so I'll be down in a minute." I told him. "Take you time, Lady (Name). I will not go anywhere." He told me, making me smile. He's really starting to become the kind of guy you don't ever want to leave.

I made my way to my room, to change into some clean clothes before making my way downstairs, where I found Blinky sitting on the sofa waiting for me. "Lady (Name), I was unable to locate a heating pad. So I gather hot water into this bottle for you to use instead."

I smile at Blinky, taking a seat next to him and taking the water bottle. "Blinky... you are just wonderfully." I told him, as I press the bottle against my abdomen. "Not nearly as wonderful as you." He said softly, causing me to look at him surprised.

Blinky let out a cough into his hand as he looks away. "Are you feeling better, Lady (Name)?" He asked. "I am, thanks to you. Blinky, thank you. You... have no idea how much this means. This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me." I told him, Blinky looks back at me with a smile. "Yes well... I am happy I was able to assist you in your hour of need."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now