The Best Place In Troll-Market

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Blinky and AAARRRGGHHH!!! continued on with the tour of Troll-Market, till near the end. When AAARRRGGHHH!!! suddenly excuses himself, heading off towards the Heartstone. "Is something the matter with your friend?" I asked Blinky, looking back in the direction AAARRRGGHHH!!! limped off in.

"I'm not quite sure. AAARRRGGHHH!!! has been acting rather distance ever since my human transformation. I thought turning back into formal myself, would hopefully restore order, but at last... it has not." Blinky looks down the street, with a sad expression. "I only wish I knew what was troubling him."

I look up at Blinky, seeing that soft gently look on his face is the same as when he was human. Even with stone skin and multiple eyes, he still looks the same... in a way.

"I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready." I said, Blinky nodded and smiles softly. "You are right Lady (Name). AAARRRGGHHH!!! will tell me in his own time. And if you can patient with me, than I can be patient with him."

Blinky then started walking again, with me following behind. "There is one last stop on our tour Lady (Name), I do hope you'll like it." Blinky lead me through the market, until we reached a place that was, well for me a thing a beauty.

A library that was full of all kinds of books and scrolls. Everywhere I looked there was stacks upon stacks of book, most of which were really big and thick! Books so big, it looks like it would take months, no years to read them all!

My mouth drop at the sight of all the reading materials before me. "Ah-ha! I had hope you would like my little library, Lady (Name)." Blinky said, with a joyfully smile. "There's so many books... This is my dream home. I want to live here! Can I live here?" I asked, probably sounding like a child.

Blinky laugh at my enthusiasm, as place his upper right hand on my shoulder, as he guide me to the table that sat in the center of the room. "What mines is yours, Lady (Name). You showed me the wonders of the human world, now allow me to show you the wonder of the troll world."

I sat down at the table, watching Blinky walk around his library, gathering up certain copies of books. Once done, he had a stack in each of his four arms, that he carried over to the table. "Having four arms, must really come in handy." I said. Blinky laughs, dropping the books on the table, with a thud. "It does have it's advantages. Now then, I suggested you start with A Brief Recapitulation Of Troll Lore, Volume 48."

Blinky sets one of the books in front of me, while his other arms, set the rest of the books in an order. "Afterwards I suggested you read, Troll History Volume 46, History of Merlin, The Battle of Killahead Bridge, A biography of Deya The Deliverer, oh and you must read this, it is a classic!"

I looked at the tower of books that continued to grow and grow, with an amusing smile. "Is that all? I can read through a stack like this, within two week!" I said proudly. "Two week? Ha! It only took me five days to read all of these." Blinky said, also with an amusing smile.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked, with a smirk. "I believe it is, Lady (Name). Only if you wish to take it, of course." He told me. "Hm. I accept your challenge, Blinky. But I'm going to beat your record, and read them all within, FOUR days!" Blinky smiles grow with delight. "Then I wish you luck, Lady (Name). Let me know if you should need anything."

I smile a Blinky before I open up the book and quickly ran into a small problem. My smile drop as I stare at the unusual language, blankly. I have absolutely no idea, what this page is saying. "Uh... Blinky. I don't understand your troll language at all."

"Hm?" Blinky turn away from what he was doing to walk over to me. He stood right behind me. His chest press against my back and his chin hover over my head, as he looked down at the page, I couldn't understand.

I held my breath for a moment, feeling the heat from his body. He's surprisingly warm despite being literally made of stone. I don't think he's ever been this close before.... Well not so close where I'm fully conscious and able to enjoy it. Having a knife in your shoulder, kind makes it hard to enjoy being carried bridal style.

"Yes. I can see how this can be an issue." Blinky step away from me, making me already miss him being so close. He held his chin, in thought, trying to come up with a solution. "Perhaps I could teach you Troll."

"Really?" I asked. "But of course. You can't read Troll if you don't understand the language." Blinky walked to the back of his library, taking out a book and carrying it over. "This was actually the first book I ever own. It seems only fitting we start here." He sets the book down, allowing me to get a good look at it.

It's without a doubt, it was the most worn down book here. With the pages in an old yellow color, old books have. The cover had scratch marks and some strange looking old glue, bleeding out of it spine. Was probably put there, to help keep the book from falling apart.

"I know it had see better days, but it is still readable." Blinky said, bringing a chair over so he could sit beside me. "This a Troll speech book. It taught me how to read and write in Troll. I believe it will be able to do the same for you, Lady (Name)."

I open the book before looking up at Blinky with an eager smile. "Let's get started then." Blinky smiles, as he scoots closer and place his hand on top of mine. "Let's."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now