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"I'm really glad your okay, Auntie (Name)." Jim said as we hug. "Me too, Jim." We pull away from our embrace and I gestured to Troll town we're in. "So... this is what you've been up to." Jim rubs the back of his head, nervously. "Yeah. With how close you and Blinky got, I wanted to tell you. I just didn't know how."

"What about your mother? This is a pretty big secret you're keeping from her." I told him. "I know, and I wish I could tell Mom about all this... but I can't. Not just because it was against the rules, but I also don't want to worry her and keep her safe."

"Jim, you're child. Adults are supposed to keep you safe not, the other way around." I told him. "I know. But there's nothings else I can do. The Amulet chose me." Jim explained. "I understand that.... but you're going to have to tell your Mother sooner or later. If you don't, you risk her finding out the wrong way, like I did."

"Once Gunmar, is defeated and we get Claire's brother back.... I'll tell her everything. I promise." I bit my lip still not liking I'm now joining in on lying to Barbara. But waiting till all this... Darklands stuff is over is our best option right now. "Alright... I'll keep quite until then. Hopeful that won't be long." I said, Jim smile. "Yeah, I hope so too."

"So, does this mean we have a grown up on the team? Cause I don't know how I feel about that." Jim's friend, Toby asked as he and Jim's girlfriend Claire walk over to us. "We're glad you're okay, Ms. (Last Name)." Clair told me, ignoring Toby's comment of me joining their team.

"Please call me (Name), no need to be formal." I told her. "Alright. How are you liking, Troll-Market, (Name)?" She asked next. "I'm still taking it all in. This is... a lot." I answered, suddenly a horn is sound off as the lights go off. "Wha... what was that?" Clair asked.

"Not sure. But stay close." Jim told us as he activated his Amulet, putting on his armor and drawing his sword. "Put that sword away! Don't you know our guests are sensitive to light?" A female troll told Jim, as she push pass us. "Guests?"

We then see several AAARRRGGHH!!! like trolls are marching through the city, carting a female troll on a platform. A horn is blow and drums are beat. "Wow. They all look like AAARRRGGHH!!!" Claire said.

Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! walk over to join us. "Queen Usurna of the Krubera. They reside in the deepest caverns under the Earth's mantle. Rarely do they venture this close to the surface." Blinky explained to us, Jim look over at him. "Deepest caverns? You don't think that..."

"It's plausible, if not convenient." Blinky told him. Does this have to do with these stones that Blinky said Jim is trying to gather? The Krubera trolls set the platform down so the Queen could greet, Vendel. "Your visit is an unexpected honor." Vendel told her. "Vendel."

Everyone bow slightly to the Queen, including us. "They're as talkative as AAARRRGGHH!!! too." Jim said. "I thought AAARRRGGHH!!! was a Gumm-Gumm." Toby said. "AAARRRGGHH!!! was, but he born a Krubera." Blinky said, before reaching over to cover Toby's mouth. "Now hush!"

The Queen turn and walk over to AAARRRGGHH!!!, who now had a cloth rap around his left hand. "Aarghaumont, my kinstroll." The Queen place the long horns on her head, against AAARRRGGHH!!!'s horns. The marks on AAARRRGGHH!!!'s body glow the same color as her marks.

The Queen then raise her head to look at him. "The centuries pass, yet you remain forever in our hearts." AAARRRGGHH!!! bows his head to her. "My Queen." The Queen then walk over to us, stopping in front of Jim. Blinky place his arms on Jim's shoulders, like a proud father. "Allow me to introduce our Trollhunter. Slayer of Gunmar's son."

Blinky then shove Jim forward to greet the Queen. "Uh, James Lake Junior, your Queen-ness." The Queen grip Jim's chin and started examining him. "The human Trollhunter. I heard stories, but didn't believe." Toby walk up and nudged Jim in the side. "Ask her about the stone." He whisper to Jim.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now