Mistrial And Error

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(Name's) P.O.V
We stood in the Hero's Forge with Jim locked up in a cage, hanging us while the Tribunal look down at us from above in their podiums. "The Trollhunter is on trial for choosing to go into the Darklands, allowing the release of Gunmar The Black. James Lake, Jr. has admitted responsibility for his actions. What say you of the charges?" Queen Usurna asked, acting as judge for this trial.

"We'll fight the charges!" Blinky responded. "Once convicted, the Trollhunter will be sentenced to exile in the Deep." Usurna announced. "What's the deep?" Toby asked. "A place of unknown madness. No one exactly knows what resides at the bottom of the deep, because no troll has ever returned from it." Blinky explains.

"What do I do?" Jim asked him. "Shall we begin?" Usurna asked. "One moment, if you please." Blinky said to Usurna then he turns to speak with Jim. "You cannot fight these allegations." He told the boy. "I have to. Merlin visited me in a... sorta dream. And he wants me to fight." Jim said.

"Merlin?" Aaarrrgghhh!!! asked while Blinky gasp. "Visited in a 'sorta dream'? Ha. I believe you!" Blinky said. "Really? Jim asked, surprised. "I believe you've finally cracked!" Blinky exclaimed and Jim frowns. "So much for having you represent me." He muttered.

"Unfortunately, Trollhunter, Troll Law states that the accused may only be represented by his own tribe." Vendel explained and the rest of the Tribunal agrees. "But these children and Lady (Name) doesn't know the slightest about Troll Law." Blinky said as he stood behind the kids, placing his upper hands on Toby and Claire's shoulders, while grabbing my hand with his lower hand.

"Be that as it may, the rules are quite clear on this matter. Only a human may speak for the accused." Usurna said, making this whole thing even more complicated. "Give is a minute to talk it over?" Jim asked. "Hm. Very well." Usurna agreed.

We all turned to look up at Jim, who had kneeled down in his cage. "Okay. We can do this. Auntie (Name)." Jim said, looking at me. "Sorry Jim, but I'm no good at negotiating." I told him. "Alright. Claire." He said, looking at his girlfriend. "Nah-uh. I don't know anything about law. Let alone Troll Law." Claire said.

"It's not as hard as it looks. All you gotta do is walk around like you own the place. And throw around fancy words like, subpoena! Hearsay! Redirect! Res ipsa loquitur! Nolo contendere!" Toby explained. "Fancy." Aaarrrgghhh!!! said.

"How did that metal mouth of yours just mange to garble out all those exquisite words?" Blinky asked him. "Eh, I watched every episode of Mistrial & Error with my nana. Also Mistrial & Error: New Orleans, Mistrial & Error: Jury Duty, oh, and Mistrial & Error: Try, Try Again." Toby said.

"Your time is up. Have you made a decision on who will represent you?" Usurna asked. "We have. Toby Domzalski." Jim replied, standing back up. "Wait. What? Me?" Toby asked, shivering. "I can't believe I'm agreeing." Claire said, pushing Toby to face the Tribunal.

"Very well. The Tribunal will permit a short recess to allow Mr. Domzalski to prepare his case." Usurna said. "And by short, you mean a month, right?" Toby asked, with a nervous smile.

"You can do this, Tobes." Jim reassured him. "As your counsel, I advice you this is a terrible idea!" Toby told him. "But not our worst. Right?" Jim asked. "No, it's worst." Aaarrrgghhh!!! said.

Minus Jim who had to stay locked up in his cage, we returned to Blinky's library where the four arm trolls gave Toby a stack of books on Troll Law. "You'll need this book, also this one. And, yes, especially that one."

"Uh, this idea of me representing Jim is getting less and less appealing." Toby said, as the stack of books he's holding gets higher and higher. "Jim's life depends on this, Blinky. Throwing around big words from a TV show isn't going to save him." Claire said to the troll, who continue to look for more books to give Toby. "And your meaning?"

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