I've Missed You

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(Name's) P.O.V
Ugh my shoulder hurts.... must have slept wrong or something. That wicked nightmare I had probably made me toss and turn. Wonder if Barbara has any Advil... what am I saying? She's a doctor she's bond to have a bottle laying around somewhere. Okay I better get up.

I open my eyes expecting to see the same ceiling above me... but instead all I saw was Orange Crystal walls that extend up to nothingness. I turn my head left to right to see nothing of my surroundings look familiar.

This wasn't my room or the Lakes' House. WHERE THE HECK AM I?! I spring up in a fright, causing the top of blanket that was over me to slide down to my legs. I hug myself, trying to figure out where I was and why I'm here.

"Ah your awake." I let out a small yelp, hearing a voice behind me. Slowly I turn my head to see a light tan monster with large horns and long, white hair and a beard. It wore a brown leather skirt with three glowing gems on his right hip and was holding a orange staff thing. "Hello Auntie (Name), my name is Vendel." The monster bow his head slightly at me.

I freaked.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I fell off the stone table I was laying on. When I try to run, my legs got tangled in the blanket as I squirm and crawl on the ground. I managed to get free from the trap cloth and I struggle to get back on my feet as I ran to what look like an exit.

However when I got out of this crystal room, instead of being greet to the outdoors. I was greet by town full of different monsters ranging from tall to small. I ran through the town, trying to find a way out, while also trying to avoid getting grab by the monsters that were now trying to capture me.

"Get the human!" "Fleshbags don't belong in Troll-Market!" "Capture it!" "Where's the Trollhunter?!"

I ran around a corner, turning around and backing up slowly as I try to catch my breath. I thought I manage to give those monsters the slip. But a bag was suddenly pull down on top of me. A felt a par of stone hands grab my legs and held me upside so I slide further down into the bag, so it could close the bag and trap me inside.

"I got the human!" A voice said, as I felt it move, causing me to be swing back and forth. This how I die? Being stuff into a bag, by a stone monster, in a city of stone monsters. At least it's a little exciting. But I don't want to die here! Not now!

"What in Great Gronka Morka is going on here?" I heard a familiar voice asked. "The human you brought here, was screaming it's head off!" The monster that trap me said, as it shook the bag a little. "Auntie (Name) wake?" I heard a deeper voice asked. "What are you doing trapping, Lady (Name) in a bag?! Let her out a once!"

"Tell your human pet to be quite. Some trolls are trying to sleep around here." I landed on my butt, as the bag was drop. I slowly grab the cloth and pull it open. I was greet by the six eyes, four arm, monster from my nightmare, who smile joyfully at me. "Lady (Name)!"


"See? It's doing it again! Make it stop!" A monster told the six eye monster, as I continued to scream. The six eye monster place two of it's four hands, over my mouth to stop my screaming. "Do not be alarm everyone. Lady (Name), is just getting her bearings. Move along. AAARRRGGHH!!! and I have it from here."

The bystander continue to stare at us for a moment before they went back about their day. The six eye monster then look at me again. "Please reframe from screaming any further, Lady (Name)." It told me, as the giant monster from my nightmare walk up to stand beside him. "Auntie (Name) says 'Ah' more then Jim."

"It's understandable, after a near death experience from Angor Rot. Even the most bravest of souls would be as the humans say, 'scared yellow'." The six eye monster told the bigger monster, as he kept his hands over my mouth.

So that nightmare.... it wasn't a dream... it was real. Jim in that armor.... his friends holding weapons... these two.... and that monster that stab me... I could have die... but these two saved me didn't they?

"Lady (Name)?" The six eye monster said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I'm going to remove my hands now... please do not scream or run away." The monster remove his hands from my mouth, allowing me to speak. But my words fail me... I didn't know what to say or do in this moment. I was still trying to remember everything that happen in my so call 'dream'.

"To be honest, I expected her to still scream and run away. I'm not sure what else to do here." The six eye monster said, to it's friend. "AAARRRGGHH!!! like to meet, Auntie (Name)." The bigger monster said. "Ah yes! Good idea, AAARRRGGHH!!! Introductions are in order!"

The six eye monster folded his four arms behind his back. "Lady (Name), this is my companion, AAARRRGGHH!!!" The bigger monster now know as AAARRRGGHH!!!, smile at me. "A-aargh?" I asked, still shaken up by all of this. "No. AAARRRGGHH!!! With three R's." AAARRRGGHH!!! corrected me as he holds up three fingers.

The six eye monster then look at me, giving a shy like smile, as AAARRRGGHH!!! pats me on the head. "Believe it or not, Lady (Name). We have already met, though my appearance was much different then. But I assure you I am still the same human you befriend. I am Blinkous Gladarigal!"

It felt as if the world just suddenly stop in this moment. This was Blinky.... he was actual this stone monster the whole time. Explains why he might not want to eat me alive. But so many things were still left unexplained. Like why was he a human in the first place? Why did he want to befriend me of all people? Why didn't he turn human again instead of disappearing?

"Lady (Name), are you alright?" Blinky asked, bring me out of my thoughts again. "Y-yes... I'm fine.... I-I'm still just trying to wrap my head around..... everything. This place... you.... these... creatures.... it's all so much." I explained, gripping the edge of the bag, that I was still sitting in.

"Yes, I understand. How about AAARRRGGHH!!! and I show you around Heartstone Troll-Market? We will answered any questions you might have." Blinky holds one of his four hands out to me. I look up at his smile that was still as handsome as ever. Even with this new look of his. I took his giant stone hand and allowed him to help me up and out of the bag.

Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!! show me around the place known as Troll-Market. Explained Trolls, Jim, Trollhunters, Gumm Gumms, Darklands, and such. While also answering any questions I have. "Are you feeling better, Lady (Name)?" Blinky asked me. "Yeah, I think so... but I'm still confused about one thing. If you're a Troll... why were you a human when we met."

Blinky starts playing with all four of his hands, even as a troll he still has that nervous habit. "I'm afraid that story is a tad complicated. To keep things brief... I was... put in an uncomfortable situation with Tobias. Which lead to me transforming into a human. I had no control over it and all I could do was wait to change back. Which ended up happening that day at the Café when we last saw each other."

"I see." I said, my eyes moving to the ground. I now understand why he disappeared on me. But I be lying if I say it didn't still hurt, that he just left without a word.

Blinky takes both of my hands and hold them with two of his four hands. I look at his hands then up into his six eyes. "Lady (Name), I know I must have hurt you when I left. But please know that I never wanted to go. I wanted to tell you of my world and who I truly was... but I couldn't for your own safety. I only know that I wish I had done so. If I had, you might not have been injured last night. There's no one to blame but myself. Please if you can and I will not think ill if you if you can't... but please forgive me for all the pain I cause you."

I couldn't help but smile at this. Human or Troll... this was still the same kind hearted Blinky I knew and care for. There was no way I could stay mad at him. "Blinky, it's okay. I'm just glad you didn't go far and we can have our talks again."

Blinky gives a smile, the biggest I ever seen. "Lady (Name), you do not know how happy it makes me to hear you say that." He then picks me up and hugs me as he spins around. "Oh I've missed you so much!" I laugh as I try to wrap my arms around his stone neck. "I've missed you too, Blinky."

*sniff* "AAARRRGGHH!!! happy for Blinky."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now