A Day Off For Yourself

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Blinky's P.O.V
I was reading through my brother's books with (Name), trying to find some way to cure Aaarrrgghhh!!! "'Second part of harvest.' No, you fool!" Dropping the book on the ground. I let out a groan of frustration, dropping my head on to the books on the table.

I turn my head to look over at (Name), seeing she had fallen asleep. I smile at her, finding it strangle enchanted to see her asleep. Even in her slumber, (Name) remade beautiful as ever. I stood up grabbing a cloth that I had in my library and draped it over (Name), to help make her more comfortable.

At that moment, Tobias enter the library, carrying a book, that was much larger for his size. "Did you bring me what I asked?" I asked, walking around the sleeping lady and up to him. "Never told me the storage tombs were infested with scorch beetles." Suddenly the pink beetles starts shooting out of the book, scaring Tobias. "Bug bomb!"

Tobias starts stomping on the beetles. "Shhh! Do you want to wake, Lady (Name)?" I asked him, taking the book and carrying it over to the table, to read it. "Now, where is it? Where is it?" I asked myself as I begin flipping through the pages. "Why would a book about the thing that killed Aaarrrgghhh!!! help us now?"

"Because, Tobias, if we can uncover who created the poison, perhaps we can find who holds the antidote. Aha!" I said, finally got finding the page I was looking for. "What?" Tobias asked, I was about to tell him but notice a slight problem. "Oh, no, grumbly gruesome."

"Is that good news or bad news?" He asked. "It was created by the ancient guild of changeling spies, as old as they are mysterious. If you're fortunate enough to find a member, you'll unfortunately find death. Where they walk, footsteps disappear. They are the Janus Order."

I show Tobias the page, causing him to gasp. Until he notice a beetle on him and yelp, dusting it off so he could crush it. I let out a sigh as I walk up to my old friend. "If the cure for Aaarrrgghhh!!! lies with the Janus Order, it may as well lie with your... Easter Bunny." I told him. "Hey, what was all that about finding hope when things are hopeless? We'll find a way."

"Find a way to what, exactly?" We heard Vendel asked, turning around we saw the old troll had enter the library. "We were just tidying up! This place is a disaster, per usual." I said covering up the table, and grabbing some of the books to hide them.

"Need I remind you, after yesterday's incident, the Tribunal has you four on my strict probation. Out with it!" Vendel told us. "Just... looking for a miracle to save my wingman." Tobias answered. "So, you aren't meddling with the Tribunal's edict to bury Killahead Bridge where no troll nor mortal can ever find?"

"They're moving the bridge?!" I asked, frighten by this news. "No, but we need..." Tobias started. "...to move on without Jim." Claire said, joining us. "Don't worry, Vendel. We've accepted the Tribunal's decision." She said bowing her head and nudging me. "Wait, we have?" Tobias asked, I then nudge him as well. "We have, we have."

"I wish it were different, but, to go against the Elder Word, is to court treason, war." Vendel told us. "Jim put more than himself in danger by going into the Darklands. We all have to live with the consequences." Claire told him. "Very well. Tidy away." The old troll said, taking his leave.

"Great Gizmodius, they're taking the bridge! How will we rescue Master Jim now?" I asked. "Don't worry, I saw this coming. I had NotEnrique stow away in one of the crates when the pieces were shipped out. That way, I'll have an emotional anchor." Claire explained.

"An emotional anchor for us to shadow jump in, to get the pieces back!" Tobias then gasps, excitedly. "Oh, my gosh! We're gonna steal a bridge! Magic bridge heist!" He said. Claire looks over at (Name) who still slumber away, despite all the noise we were making.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now