Movie Night

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Tonight I invited Blinky out to see a movie. We looked at the many movie posters that are hanged outside the theater, trying to decide on which one to watch. I look over at Blinky, seeing he was staring very intently at one very bright poster with colorful creatures on it. "Is something the matter, Blinky?" I asked. "These trolls are highly inaccurate." He said. "Huh?"

"They all are too bright and colorful! They look as if they have fur instead stone skin! Their ears are far too human shape and their hair, HA! What kind of troll has hair like that? And what in Great Gronka Morka is that?!" He points to one of the creatures on the poster, that was pink with a long neck, blue hair and a green hat.

I look back and forth between Blinky and the poster before letting out a giggle. "Blinky, it's just a kids movie." I told him, Blinky crossed his arm glaring at the poster. "Children deserve more accurate films."

"You must know a lot about trolls." I said looking at some of the other posters. "Quite a lot, actually." He mumbled to himself. I never would have guess he would have a interest in trolls, they'll not the most popular fantasy creatures.

We were finally able to decided on a movie and enter the theater to get our seats and some snacks. I'm glad Blinky wasn't interested in that troll movie, cause I get the feeling he spend the whole movie pointing out all of it's incorrections.

"This... popcorn was it? Is very tasty! I've never had anything quite like it." Blinky said grabbing a hand full of popcorn and chomp it down like an animal. I laugh not caring of the odd looks other people were giving us.

The movie started playing, so far it was alright. Nothing about it really stood out to me... until there was a scene that had a puppet that came to life. Not proud to say I have a slight phobia of human-like figures.

Wax figures and mannikins just creep me out a little, but there's just something about dummies or dolls that are just so much more unsettling. I can't look at them without freaking out.

I try to keep watching, but every time that dummy came back on screen I would just have to tear my eyes away. "Lady (Name), are you alright?" I heard Blinky whisper, as to not disturb to other people in the theater. "Yeah, it's just..." While I was trying to explain myself, that dummy lunge at the screen. Causing me to yelp and grab onto Blinky's arm as I bury my face into his shoulder.

Blinky's P.O.V
(Name) let out a yelp, grabbing onto my arm and pressing her face against my shoulder, as she looks away from the giant screen before us. I bite my bottom lip, as my feel my face become warm like it often does when I'm around her.

I look ahead on the screen to see that small human like creature, speaking to the other characters in the film. Was that thing causing (Name's) distress? I look down at the human next to me, seeing she still could not look at the screen again.

"Lady (Name), would you like to leave?" I asked her. She lifted her head a little to look at me. "Y-yes." I took (Name's) hand and guided her to the exit, while she looks at the floor, so she would not have to see the screen.

"I'm sorry Blinky, I didn't mean to ruin the movie for you." The human said as we exited the room. "Do not apologize, Lady (Name). If the movie was making you uncomfortable then I have no trouble at all with leaving."

(Name) smiles as she looks at the ground again, her face turning a little red. "If you do not mind me asking, was it that small human like figure that cause you to jump like that?" I asked her. "It was. Puppets, dummies, dolls... they're all just so creepy! I can't stand to look at them."

"Is that so? Well then, I will try and make sure you never have to lay eyes on them again!" I announced, (Name) stare at me for a moment before laughing. "That's really sweet of you, Blinky. Thank you."

(Name's) P.O.V
We exited the theater, seeing it was now dark out. Making our way back to the Lake's house on foot, the wind started to pick up a bit. Which caused me to shiver and hug myself to try and keep warm.

Suddenly I felt a jacket being place on me. I look down to see it was Blinky's leather jacket. My jaw drop open a little at this chivalry, before I look over at Blinky who smile back at me. "You seem to be a little cold, Lady (Name). I would not want you to fall ill." I smile at Blinky, feeling my heart skip a beep as I blush.

The more time I spend around Blinky, the more I find myself liking him more and more. I know it's only been a couple days but... could I be falling in love?

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now