Hiss Hiss, Bang Bang

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I sat at the counter bar, typing on my laptop, while Barbara was on the other side of the counter, in the kitchen cooking. "Ugh. Did I put salt in instead of sugar?" Barbara asked herself, when Jim snuck up on her to give her a surprise hug. "Well, good morning, kiddo. Yeah, you may not want to eat that."

Jim taste the batter and stuck his tongue out in disgust. "Mm. Tastes like home. Don't change a thing." He told her walking to the fridge. "You're chipper this morning."

"Yeah, well, better chipper than dead, huh?" Jim asked grabbing his bag lunch from the fridge and kissing his mom multiple times on the cheek. "That's true, I guess."

Jim then enter the dinner him to hug me tightly. "Auntie (Name)! What are you writing?" He asked looking at my screen as he hugs me. "Just a story I've been working on these past couple weeks." I answered. "Great! I love stories!" Jim then kisses me on the cheek multiple times before heading to the door.

"Everything okay?" Barbara asked him. "Are you kidding? Everything is great!" Jim said, grabbing his messages bag that was hanging in the newel post of the stair railing. But when he pull on his bag, the post broke off. Jim chuckles as he pushes the post back into place with his foot.

"It's back to normal. It feels good to be back!" He cheered opening the door and heading outside, to ride his bike to school with his friends. "Back? Back from where?" Barbara asked before she taste her food again. "Ooh! Definitely salt."

I smile, looking back at my laptop to proof read my work. "What exactly did you and Jim get up too, yesterday?" Barbara asked me. "Oh... he and his friends wanted to go to a concert in the other town." I answered.

"A concert? I didn't know, Jim was interested in that sort of thing. Who was playing?" She asked. "Oh uh..." I glance down at my laptop, saying the first word that I saw. "The Darkland...ers? Yeah the Darklanders." I answered, with a smile. "Hm.. must be a heavy metal band."

Later in the day, I made my way down to Trollmarket. "Stinking, horrible traitor!" I enter Blinky's library to see a pile of books on fire, with Blinky was adding more to it. "Blinky! What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm rid myself of my traitorous brother's books. His words can no longer be trusted. Spoken or written!"

"Can't you just put them away somewhere? Burning them seems a bit extreme." I said, never liking the sight of books being destroyed.  Suddenly Aaarrrgghhh!!! came up to me and begins sniffing me. "Uh... hello to you too, big guy."

"Do not mind him, Lady (Name). Since returning from death, his sense of smell has been heightened." Blinky told me. "Oh, that's gotta be cool. You got like a bloodhound nose, Aaarrrgghhh!!!"

"Mm... you still smell like Blinky." He told me, making me frown. All the chaos happening in the Darklands made me almost forget what Blinky's brother had said. I look at my arm and sniff it, smelling nothing different. But apparently I smell like Blinky to Aaarrrgghhh!!! and Dictatious.

I drop my arm, looking at Blinky who was looking through the books that were left on the shelves. "Another one. Ugh! Away with you!" He said tossing more books into the pile. "Hey... uh Blinky, can I ask you..."

"Blinky?" I heard Toby called, before he and the kids came into the library. "What are you doing?" Claire asked him, looking at the book burning. "You love your books! This isn't like you!" Toby said. "Not my books! I'm destroying anything that bear my traitorous brother's name. Full of lies! My Gumm-Gumm brother cannot be trusted and neither can these!"

"Blink! But they've been useful before, so they can be useful again!" Jim said, pulling a few books out to save them. "Aren't you gonna stop him, wingman?" Toby asked the moss troll, as he begins sniffing him. "Uh, what's with Aaarrrgghhh!!!?"

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now