Another Human In Troll-Market

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Blinky's P.O.V
"Human!" "What is another human doing here?" "This place is going to the fleshbags!" "Get that thing out of here!" "It's an infestation!" "Not another one!"

These words echo around my friends and I, as we made our way to the Heartstone of Troll-Market. I ignore their hateful words, only caring of (Name) well being. If we didn't get her to Vendel soon, she might..... I don't want to even think of that possibility.

No! That won't happen. We will get her to Vendel and everything will be alright. I took a quick glance down at (Name) to see her eyes were close, but luckily she was still breathing. As along as she keeps breathing everything will be alright.

"Master Vendel! Master Vendel please we need your help!" Jim begged as he runs up to the old troll. "What is it this time Trollhun..." Vendel stop mid-sentence, when he saw the human in my arms. "Blinkous Galadrigal! Why have you brought yet another human down here?!"

"Please old Friend!" I begged walking up to Vendel. "I will face any punishment you see is fit! But first, please help her! I beg of you!" Vendel stare at me for a moment, then glances down at (Name). He stroke his beard in thought, before he points at his stone table with his cane. "Place her down there and I will see what I can do."

I walk over to the stone table, and gently lay (Name) down. I took a moment to push any strand of hair away from her face. "Please hold on for a little longer, Lady (Name). My friend here will help you." I whisper to her.

Vendel had us leave the Heartstone so he could perform his medical care with no distractions. We waited next to the exit, feeling as if no time was ticking by at all. Waiting for Vendel to come out and give us the news, was more painful than the sun itself.

Claire took out her phone to check the time. "I'm sorry, Jim. I want to stay to see how she is... but if I don't get home now, my parents will kill me." Tobias takes out his phone as well to see how late it was. "Same here, Jimbo. Even Nana will know something wrong if I'm not in bed by now."

"No, it's alright guys. Go on home, I'll let you know how she is tomorrow at school." Tobias and Claire gives us their goodbyes and they use the Shadow Staff to return to their residence. "How much longer are we going to have to wait?" Jim ask, getting frustrated.

"Patients, Master Jim. We can not rush Vendel and his healing process. We must have fate that he is doing everything he can and that...." Right as I am calming Jim, Vendel finally step out of the Heartstone. I forgot whatever I was telling Jim in that moment and ran up to the old troll. "Great grumbling gruesome! What took you so long?!"

"Calm yourself, Blinkous." Vendel told me. "How is she?" Jim asked walking up to stand beside me. "She is resting. Do not worry, she will live." Vendel told us, releasing a ginormous amount of worry and stress off of my shoulders.

"I do ask Trollhunter, that you allow her to stay here and rest. She is in no condition to travel." Vendel told Jim, who becomes nervous by this news. "Okay. But what am I supposed to do about my Mom? She's going to want to know why Auntie (Name), just suddenly disappeared."

"I believe I have something that can help. Go see... Auntie (Name), I will retrieve it for you." Vendel walks away to acquire the item to help Jim with his dilemma. Jim and I enter the Heartstone to see (Name) was still asleep.

Jim and I stood next to (Name), who was laying there, so peacefully now. "I'm so glad you're okay, Auntie (Name). You really worry me there." Jim told her. I remained quite, staring down at the human that has enchanted me. Seeing her almost parish, was one of the most terrifying things I've even experience. It made me wish I had the power to protect her from all harm. So she never have to experience anything painful ever again.

"Here it is..." We turn around to see Vendel holding the Glamour Mask. He walks up to Jim and handed the enchanted item to him. "What is this? It smells like sweaty troll." Jim told us, holding the mask as far away from his face as possible.

"It is the Glamour Mask. It's an enchanted item that allow wearers to assume the appearance and voice of any other individual, troll or human." I explained to Jim. "Whoa really?! Why haven't you told me about this thing before? It would have come in handy multiple times!"

"To be fair you would know about it, if you read Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lord." I reminded Jim, giving him a stern glare. Jim lets out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah... I've been meaning to do that." Jim holds the mask with more care now, staring down at it. "So all I have to do is put this on and I will look and sound just like Auntie (Name)?"

"Precisely. But take care, Master Jim. Despite their believable appearances, it doesn't affect the user's limitations. Only use it keep your Mother from worrying where Lady (Name) might have gone." I told him. "Got it." Jim turn to look at (Name). "I'll come by to see how your are after school, Auntie (Name)." Jim then gives us his goodbyes and left to return home before his Mother becomes worry over him again.

Vendel took his leave as well, giving me a chance to speak to (Name) alone. "Lady (Name)... I can never stop apologizing for the harm I cause you when I disappeared after returning to my original form. I only wish I could take all your pain away and inflicted on to myself. But no such way exist. I can only hope that when you wake, I can tell you the truth and show you my world just as you have show me yours."

I reach one of my four hands out, to gently take her hand in my. "Please recover swiftly, Lady (Name)...." I then mimic something I saw, in one of the human movies (Name) show me. Bringing her hand up to my lips to place a kiss on to the back palm. "....I love you."

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now