Escape From The Darklands

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It's been two weeks since Jim enter the Darklands by himself. Toby, Claire, and I have been covering for him so no one is suspicious. By using the Glamour Mask, Toby is Jim at home, Claire is Jim in Arcadia, and I'm Jim at school.

Which has been more of a challenge then I thought. School work got so much harder then when I was in school.

x2 - 3|x - 2| - 4x =

Like what even is this? This ain't math! Math is 2 + 2 = 4. Not solve for x. That's like rocket science math. Even easy classes like English is a headache cause the teacher wants you find the meaning in the character's chose in curtains. Just because his curtains are blue does not mean he's depressed, Susan! Maybe he just likes the color blue!

School being dumb aside, I've also been training in Trollmarket. Ever since Blinky refused to let me fight Angor Rot, I knew he would stop me again from fighting. Unless of course I learn how to fight.

Despite his protest, he let me train in the Hero's Forge. According to Toby, Blinky put the training equipment on easy mode, but it doesn't feel like it. Just the other day I almost got impaled by a giant blade, if Blinky hadn't turn off the equipment at that moment.

As scary as the training it, I'm glad I'm doing it. I want to be ready the next time there's a battle. Next time I want to help! The Amulet hasn't called for anyone. Which means Jim is still alive. Which also means, we have to be ready to get him out of the Darklands.

I frown as I look at my test paper, that had a big old F on it. "I thought adults are supposed to have all the answers." Toby said looking at the paper. "It's okay (Nam...) er I mean Jim. You tried you best." Claire told me. "I hope he wasn't planning on going to collage." I said, stuffing the paper in Jim's messenger bag.

"Come on, let's check to see if Blinky got anything." Claire said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the school. Once we made it to the canal, I took the mask off changing back into myself. "Ugh! I'll never get use to that sweaty troll smell." I said, putting the mask in Jim's bag. "I know right? It's horrible!" Toby said, as Claire opens the entrance.

Walking through Trollmarket, reaching Blinky's library we heard the troll himself talking to himself. "The quandary is confounding. Think, Blinkous, think!" Toby immediately walked over to Aaarrrgghh, who was moved here, while Claire and I check out the chalkboard like stone wall. "Any luck, Blink?" Claire asked.

"Per usual, I'm never short on plans, but a working one? No. I must say, it is most frustrating to find oneself without any options. What about you, Tobias? Any fortune with the fetch?" We look over at Toby, who pulled his head out of the fetch. "I've been sticking my head through this thing everywhere in Arcadia. All I see is endless Darklands. No Jim."

Toby then takes out a food bar to toss it through the tiny portal. "But I have been leaving Nougat Nummies to let him know we haven't given up... and to provide a boost of nourishment." He then sighs. "This is hopeless, isn't it?" Blinky walked over to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "As my brother Dictatious used to say..." Blinky then speaks in Trollish.

"Even the word hopeless..." Claire said. "...isn't void of hope." Blinky finished, smiling. "Glad to see you still know your Trollish. Which is precisely why we mustn't give up in helping Master Jim. Our adventures have already taken one friend from us. We must no lose another. The answer to saving Jim is in here somewhere."

We begin looking through notes a books to see if we can find some loop hole to get Jim back. "Lady (Name), I believe I have finished creating a weapon for you." Blinky told me, holding something behind his back, with his lower arms. "Really?" I asked eagerly, setting the book I was reading down.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now