The Scent

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Ever since that moment in the Darklands when Dictatious stated I smelled like Blinky and called me his mate I could not stop thinking about it. How could I? No one can just carry on like that didn't just happen!

I was to nervous to asked Blinky about it the other day, he was already busy burning his brothers books so I didn't want to stir him up anymore. Now that he's calm down since then and Jim was at Claire's house for a Barbecue, now seem like a good of time as any to talk with him about this.

"Blinky?" I asked, getting the four arm troll to turn to me, with a cheerful smile. "Yes, Lady (Name)? What can I do for you?" He asked, sounding eager. "You're brother said I reek with your scent. Do you know what that was about?"

Hearing this causes Blinky's smile to immediately drop. He scratches his head as he looks away, embarrassingly. "Oh... do not worry about that. We spend so much time together. I sure my smell must have just rub off on you, as you humans say. I apologize."

"I guess that makes sense. But he also said something about..." I bit the bottom of my lip nervously. I mean this isn't a normal situation, how could anyone go about this? "You taking on a human... to be your mate."

Blinky let's out some kind of nose of either embarrassment or annoyance. He turns to look at me as he starts playing with four hands, nervously. "D-d-d-did he now? Hahah! I... uh... well you see... hmmm... what I'm attempting to tell you is.... uh..."

Blinky then spun around so his back was facing me. He placed his upper hands his face, as his head looks down. "This isn't how I plan for this to happen. I'm not properly prepared yet!" He said to himself, seeming on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

I walked around Blinky and took his hands on his face, pulling them away so I could hold them. "Blinky, it's alright. Just say what you need to say. I won't judge you." I said calmly, Blinky stared at me, with just mouth hanging open a little.

He then close his mouth to laugh. "Once again Lady (Name), you amazed me." Blinky let's out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes. "Very well, I'll with cease my stalling and tell you." Blinky guided me over to stone seats, so we could sit down as he explained.

"I think it is wise I start with why other trolls can smell me on you. For you see Lady (Name), when trolls have found a...." Blinky becomes nervous again, and starts playing his his hands as he looks at the ground away from me. "When trolls find.... someone they wish to court.... their smell become a part of them. As to let other trolls know they are taking for. Though humans do not seem to process that ability."

My jaw drop at this. If I smell like Blinky to the other trolls... then this mean he want to be with me? ...In a relationship? "Blinky..." I said, the trolls look at me in a panic. "Lady (Name), I apologize for not asking you first! To be honest I didn't realize I had done it until the Queen Usurna arrived. I didn't know humans didn't process the same ability so I couldn't have known, unless you had told me I've done it. Though I suppose the looks I was getting from my other fellow trolls, as well as them referring to you as a pet, would have sufficed in telling me."

"Blinky." I said again, getting his attention. Blinky plays with his hands again as he looks like a dog that knows he's in trouble. "Y-yes?" He asked. "Does this mean that you... like me?" I asked, Blinky stays quite for a few moment.

"How could I not, Lady (Name)? You are utterly quite enchanting. You are kind, compassionate, understanding, beautiful... From the moment I lay my two human eyes on you, I was under you spell. And it is one spell I had no desire to break free from."

How could I not blush at this? I smile shyly, blushing as I look down. "You really think that of me? I don't know what to say." I let out a nervous giggle as I grip the fabric of my pants. I feel like a teenager again, trying to ask her crush out. Only I'm now the crush and I like the person that likes me!

"You're not the only one that's fallen under a spell." I said, before I look back up at Blinky, who looks shocked by this. "As a human I saw you as the nice guy, probably the nicest I've met in years. But when I was let into your world, I got to see you in a whole new light. You're smart, inspiring, devoting. Just seeing you as an amazing father figure for Jim is enough to make my heart flutter."

Blinky smiles at he looks bashful. "Is that so, Lady (Name)?" He then take my hands with his upper hands. "If I had know I managed to charmed you as well, I wouldn't have taken so long to finally tell you."

"I think I'm just as to blame as you are. I did use to be a sort of love witch when I was Jim's age. If anyone shouldn't have taken to long, it should have been me." I said jokingly, Blinky laughs. "So, you did cast a spell on me."

"Not intentionally no... but I glad I did." I said smiling as I start leaning my face closer to his. "As am I, Lady (Name)." Blinky said, leaning down, until our lips collided with each other.

Despite being made of stone, Blinky's lips were actually a little soft. Still hard but not enough to where it's unpleasant. Though if it was unpleasant I don't think I be able to notice. This rush of warmth that wash over my body as my heart starts beeping like it's ready to busty off of my body at any second. I've had my fair share of kisses with guys but none of them could measure up to the feeling I'm getting from Blinky.

It really makes me believe that people can find the right person for them. Someone that they can take on the world with. I feels as though I certainly have with Blinky. And it's not like how it was when I was teenager with my first boyfriend. This feeling is so much stronger then the first time it appeared.

It's a feeling I never want it to go away, again.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now