How To Train Your Human

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"I apologize, Lady (Name). But I believe I missed heard you. What was it, you want me to do?" The four arm blue troll said. "I said I want you to train me. Like you trained Jim and the kids. I want to be a Trollhunter."

Blinky looks nervous, glancing at Toby. "Don't look at me. I tried to talk her out of it." Blinky then looks back at me, letting out a nervous chuckle as he starts to play with his hands. "You do now? Well... I admire your enthusiasm, Lady (Name). But I believe we do not require another, Trollhunter."

"Blinky, I'm not going to just hide next time there's danger. When there's trouble I want to help this time. I want to fight." I told him. "But you could get injured or worst."

"It's either you train me or I train myself. Either way, your not going to lock me up in a cage again." I told him, Blinky looks down ashamed. He thinks on it for a moment before sighing. "Very well. Follow me, Lady (Name)." I look surprise, honestly thinking it would take more to change convince him. I then smile and eagerly follow Blinky and Toby to the Hero's Forge.

"Trollhunters have trained here, in the Hero's Forge since Heartstone Trollmarket was discovered. Here is where Master Jim and his friends train to fight Gumm-Gumm. This is where you will train as well... Lady (Name), your training begins now! Step back please!"

I take a few steps back, Blinky looks at me nervous. "Just a moment." He walks over to me, and guide me back a couple more steps before he smiles. "There we are!" He then runs back to the wall where Toby was standing. "Can I do it, this time?" He asked excitedly. "Goodness gracious no." Blinky asked, disappointing Toby. "Aw."

Blinky then places his two right hands onto a sphere in the wall and presses it inwards. Causes a giant blade to come down, right in front of me, just nearly missing me from where I was standing. "Whoa." I feel my legs go weak. I'm starting to think this might have been a bad idea.

"(Name)! You got to move before..." Toby told me, right before the giant blades start swinging, to try and hit me. I manage to doge all of the blades that come my way. "Excellent reflexes Lady (Name). Just like Master Jim."

I keep dodging and dodging, till I lose my footing a trip. A giant blade starts to come down on me, until... it suddenly stops and retracts back into the wall.

I lay on the ground panting heavily, turning my head to see Blinky had turn it off. "I believe that is enough for today." He said walking over to me. "What?! But that wasn't even five minutes!" Toby said. "Lady (Name), is new to this. I do not wish to overwhelm her." Blinky told him. "That didn't stop you from overwhelming me and Jim!"

Blinky held out his lower hand, for me to grab and  e help up. "I do hope I didn't frighten you, Lady (Name)." He told me. "No... I'm fine. I just didn't realize this was going to be so intense." I told him. "We can stop if you wish."

"No, I want to keep going. I want to be able to help next time. I put up with what ever this training dishes out at me! If it means I can help Jim, when he needs it." I said, Blinky looks at me stun then smiles. "Your kindness knows no bound. If this is truly what you want, then I will train you to the best of my ability!"

I smile at Blinky, before I leap froward to hug him. "Thank you, Blinky." The troll chuckles as he wraps his four arms around me. "You are most certainly welcome, Lady (Name)."

We pull away from the hug and started walking towards the exit. "You movement were excellent, Lady (Name). Where ever did you learn to dodge like that?" He asked me. "Cheerleader believe it or not." I answered. "Cheer what?"

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now