Courting Like A Troll

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(Hey guys, I'm sorry you had to wait so long for an update. But I'm really trying to buckle down and finish all the things I have on hold and that includes this fic. I'll try to keep a consistent update for y'all, maybe every Sunday. We'll see how it goes.)

"Blinky, is this all really necessary?" I asked, standing off to the side in the Hero's Forge. Even though we both confessed to having feelings for each other and agreed to date or court as Blinky prefers to call it. I love that he's so old fashioned.

He still insists on going through the ritual of courtship for trolls. At first I wasn't against the idea cause this is important to Blinky and part of his culture. I'm not one to turn down a lesson of culture but... the first task is a display of strength. Blinky is known for his intelligence not his strength.

"Lady (Name), I have waited millenniums for a partner to perform the ritual for! I given up hope until I met you. Trust in your... what was you humans call it? Boyfriend? That I will succeed in defeating Draal!" Blinky said.

"You sure you rather not fight Aaarrrgghhh!!!?" Draal asked, seeming just as unsure as I was about all this. "Aarrrgghhh!!! would let me win. I need to prove to Lady (Name) and to myself, that I will be able to protect her!" Blinky said, placing his right upper hand on his chest.

"Go easy on him, Draal." I told the troll. "Do not go easy on me, Draal!" Blinky said, and Draal scratches the back of his head with his metal hand. "Uh... okay. You do know if you lose, you'll be shamed and can't continued the ritual?" Draal reminded him but Blinky gets into a battle stance. "I am well aware of that!"

Draal shrugged his shoulders and leaps forward, using his roll attack and Blinky narrowly dodges the on coming attack. Draal turns himself around, not breaking from the roll and came hurtling towards Blinky again. Causing the four arm troll to dodge again.

I look up at Aaarrrgghhh!!! who was standing beside me, watching as well. "He can do this... right?" I asked and Aaarrrgghhh!!! let's out hum as he waved his hand in an unsure gesture. I look back at the battle, with a grim expression.

The fight continued on with Draal giving up on his roll attack and switching to try and just hit Blinky. Blinky got knock down a few times but continue to stand up and throwing multiple punches at Draal that seem to do nothing.

It seem this would not end well for Blinky, until... Blinky used rule number 3 and kick Draal in the gronk-nuks. Draal let's out a painful squeal as he fell to the ground, holding his hands in between his legs. Aaarrrgghhh!!! looked away placing his hands in between his legs as well. "The horror."

Blinky threw all of his hands up into the air in victory as he turned to look at me with a big grin. "Lady (Name)! I have succeeded!" He exclaimed abd I walked over to Blinky as Draal stayed lying on the ground in pain. "Does that really count as a win?" I asked, feeling like that was cheating.

"Of course! Rule number 3, when in doubt always kick your opponent in the gronk-nuks." Blinky said as he pointed up with his right upper hand and folding the rest of his hands behind his back. "Well play... Blinkous." Draal said, still on the ground. "Are you going to be okay, Draal?" I asked. "Yes...... I only need a moment. Carry on with the ritual. Do not pay me any mind."

Blinky and I went to his library to continued the ritual, with Aaarrrgghhh!!! tagging along, cause he wants to be the first one to see Blinky and I become mates....... Okay not the best way of putting that. He wants to be the first one to see us become a couple in trollish tradition.

The next task was head bump to show compassion. Blinky was very gentle, taking extra care to not harm me. If he harms me or if I feel he is being to violent with the head bump, then that is a sign of rejection and he'll have to start all over.

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