A House Divided & Jimhunters

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After revealing he wants Gunmar to release Morgana so he can kill her, we started arguing with Merlin while Jim stares at a Vespa poster, seeming to be disconnected from the world around him.

"...if not Gunmar, then another monster." Merlin said. "Let me get this straight. You want Gunmar to release Morgana?!" Blinky asked. "Merlin, I thought you were here to save the world, not destroy it!" I said, angrily.

"I'm not destroying the world, I'm risking it! The world harbors greater dangers, not just the ones in your little town." Merlin said. "Whoa, what dangers?" Toby asked. "You could not hope to understand." Merlin replied.

"Uh, Jim? Jim! Jim!" Claire said, getting her boyfriend to snap out of it. "Want to weigh in here? Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose!" Toby said. "Wait, he destroyed my Vespa." Jim said.

"HE WHAT?! See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. MINE!" Blinky exclaimed. "Gunmar has the Staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we'll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts." Merlin explains.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry, you want him to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot AND MORGANA?!" Toby asked, hysterically. "Now is the time to strike. She's been in prison for centuries, and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance." Merlin explains.

"Wait. If Jim defeats Morgana You get your magic back." Claire pointed out. "That would be a pleasant bonus, yes." Merlin replied. "So, you only want your magic back?" I asked, angrily.

"Aaarrrgghhh!!!, my friend, put your fist through the old man's face." Blinky instructed. "Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever." Aaarrrgghhh!!! said. "I'm with Blinky and (Name). Sounds like Merlin just wants his magic back." Toby said.

"What if Merlin's right? He's been right about everything else." Claire said. "Thank you." Merlin said, smiling and Toby chuckles, nervously. "Claire, Gunmar and Morgana want to destroy the world. WE LIVE IN THIS WORLD!"

"Yet, this world is protected by the Trollhunter. The choice is his to make. What say he?" Merlin asked and Jim looks scared, like he was just told to give a class presentation. "I need to think." He muttered.

"Then, I await your decision." Merlin said. "Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we'll need an army. Aaarrrgghhh!!! and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting, I'll leave that to Master Jim." Blinky said.

Before the sun comes up and Blinky departed with Aaarrrgghhh!!!, he and I decided to take Timber over to Toby's house across the street. Nana was nice enough to look after Dictatious for us and she agreed to babysit Timber while we get ready for whatever Jim decides we should do.

"Can't I help you and the Trollhunter?" Timber asked, a bit upset about being left out. "I'm afraid not, my little oak. You are far too young to face the dangers ahead of us." Blinky replied and Timber pouted.

"Aww come on, don't pout." I said, kneeling down to her eye level. "Aaarrrgghhh!!! tells me Toby's Nana got the smelliest socks in town." I said and Timber's ears perk up at this. "Really?"

"Mm-hmm." I hummed, nodding. "Plus, you can watch all the TV you want." I said and Timber smiles. "I do like the magic picture box." She said. "There you see? You will have far more fun than we will, fighting for the fate of the world." Blinky said, smiling.

"You won't loose right?" Timber asked. "Of course not. If the Trollhunter can survive the Darklands, he can certainly survive the Eternal Night." Blinky reassured her. "I'm talking about you and (Name). I'm not ready for you to go like mother and father." Timber said, frowning.

Trollhunters: From Two Separate Worlds (Blinky x Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now