Grand Theft Otto

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(Name's) P.O.V
Tonight, we were having a stakeout, to find someone that can lead us to the Janus Order. Using Barbara's damage car that Jim had drive into Trollmarket two weeks ago, as our cover.

Though I wasn't so comfortable letting Blinky be in the driver seat. Even though he's improved a lot on his driving skills, he still has a hard time learning to ease up on the gas. "Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. Nope, not him." Blinky said, using binoculars to look at a policeman that pick up some trash.

"We've been on this stakeout forever. Do we even know who we're looking for?" Claire asked from the backseat. "It appears Strickler corresponded with a German named Otto Scaarbach." NotEnrique climb onto the back of Blinky's seat. "That's his name? Might as well call him, Mr. Evil Man. How do you even know he's gonna be here?"

"I interneted him." Blinky started, NotEnrique, chuckles at this. "Interneted." He said, repeating Blinky's words. "Silence, you impudent runt! I interneted him as Strickler, asking to meet. But when he discovers he's been stood up, he'll lead us back to the Janus Order."

"But what if he doesn't show up? He must know Strickler betrayed the order by helping us save Barbara and fight Angor Rot." I said, sitting in the passenger side. "That is a possibility, but this is the only lead we have of finding the Janus Order."

Toby then sticks his head through the front seats, holding his bag. "If anyone's hungry, I got peanut brittle, popcorn, marshmallow goop, and 16 flavors of bubblegum." He said, sitting back in his seat behind me. "We get it, Tobes. You just got your braces off." Claire said, causing Toby to show his teeth. "Oh. Oh, did you notice?"

"Do you have any sour apple flavor gum?" I asked turning in my seat. "Of course!" Toby hands me a piece of bubblegum. "Nice. Thanks Toby." I said turning back in my seat. "No problem, Ms. (Last Name)."

"I think I see Mr. Evil Man." Claire said, before I could toss the bubblegum ball in my mouth. We all look across the street to see a very shifty man. "Ah, aha." Blinky uses using his binoculars to get a closer look. "That's gotta be him!" NotEnrique said.

"Shhhhh. Slip out quietly. One false move and we might spook him." Blinky told the kids. "Right, follow him back to the Janus Order. Piece of cake. Let's go!" Toby opens the car door and immediately fell onto the ground, dropping his candy and making a lot of noise.

"Shh, Toby." Claire told him, as Toby stands up. "Sorry." Toby then immediately trips on the bubblegum balls and fall down again, spilling even more candy. Now that's just wasteful.

Mr. Evil Man gets spook and runs off. "We can't lose him. You'll drive, Blink. Toby and I'll follow on foot." Claire told him, getting out of the car. The kids follow after Mr. Evil Man, while Blinky stomps on the gas and zooms NotEnrique and I down the street. "Driving! What a pleasure!"

As Blinky drives and I held onto my seat belt for dear life, NotEnrique climbs into my lap so he can stick his head out the car window, like a dog. "T.P.'s down guys. But I've got Otto heading into the alley between Meadowlark and Main." Claire said over our walkie talkie.

I pick up the walkie talkie, since Blinky was busy drive. "We're on Main. Heading into the alley. Let's box him in." I told her, Blinky drives us into the alley and stops, right as Claire points her staff at some guy that was graffitiing a wall.

Claire let's our a groan of frustration as she lets the guy go and walks over to us. Blinky and I step out of the car, just as she reaches us. "Where'd he go? We had him. Oh. This was our one shot." Toby walked over to us, rubbing his jaw. "I think I broke my jaw."

"Great Gorgus!" Blinky said, shocked by this. "Did we lose him? He's gone?" Toby asked. "And, I fear, so have our chances of finding the Janus Order, and with them, the antidote for Aaarrrgghhh!!!"

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