BitterSweet Beach - KiriBaku

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The sun graced down on you as the two boys hollered, already locked in a fierce competition on who could skim stones the best, and you could already hear the gradual increase in noise as more and more people started to arrive and set up on the calm beach.

You had gotten here early, much before everyone else, yet you were surprised people were already arriving – it was listed on the weather app that today was meant to be great though. You drag your hands through the shiny wet pebbles that lay shimmering peacefully in the sand, and you're drawn to a perfectly smooth and rounded white one, weighing it in your hand with interest. It looked perfect for skimming. "Hey Bakugo! I found you a pebble!" You wave it in the air at him as he jogs up the small but steep pebble mountain, hair plastered to his forehead slightly from the ocean spray.
"Not bad Y/N." He grins at you, momentarily inspecting the flat stone you presented him with. He ruffles your hair, and offers you a hand, to get up presumably.
"What?" You question him, wondering what he wants you to do.
"C'mon, why don't you join me and Kirishima? If you pay close attention you might learn a trick or two from the best stone skimmer on this beach." He says proudly, a smirk playing on his face.
"Right..." You mutter sarcastically, but take his hand anyway, and let him hoist you up onto your feet. "Be careful down here, the stones are quite slippery." He says, grasping your wrist tightly.
"I'm sure it'll be fi—"
Uh oh.
Your sandal gets caught on a small rock, vision spiralling, and when you land, a sharp sting on your cheek dominates your senses, covering the pain of your knees and elbows that also bluntly ache.
"Y/N?" You hear frantic footsteps near you as you pull yourself up from the cold stones, tears threatening to spill down your face.
"...You good?" Bakugo frowns, stooping down to your level as you sit dazed on the floor, the impact making you shocked.
"I'm fine..." You murmur, a little embarrassed, wincing as he touches your cheek surprisingly carefully.

"Mm," He growls. "It's bleeding idiot, and I can already see bruising by your eye." You swat his hand away as he huffs in annoyance, concern beginning to wash over him.
"I'm sure I'll be fine." Your voice deceives you as wobbly tears stream down your face and pool at your chin.
It's not even the injuries that are causing you to cry, it was the actual shock of falling over, however stupid that sounds.
Katsuki watched your silent tears with narrowed eyes, a timid gentleness washing over his face as he scoots closer to your side.
"It's okay to cry you know." He whispers, patting you softly on the back as you hiccup, trying to swallow them back.
"Sorry..." You whisper-cry into his shoulder, trying to cover your face from the now staring people. You see him give them all a fiery glare, and soon enough they scatter away, soothing you just a little.

"Hey guys, what's going on over here?" You hear a confused Kirishima plod over to you both.
Sitting in a jumbled up heap in the middle of a pebble slope probably looked super weird from his perspective.
"I tripped." You utter, muffled by Katsuki's oddly caramel smelling shoulder.
"Sorry, what was that?" He jokes, face instantly melting from confused to comforting as he sits down closely to your left. You should have known, Kiri's way of comforting is always pulling cheesy jokes, and somehow they never fail to make you crack a smile no matter the situation.
"Ooh, looks nasty..." He says, eyeing your never-ceasing, bleeding cheek and your scuffed up knees with genuine pity.
"Nothing a kiss can't solve though!" He laughs, shuffling down to your knee and giving it a light, lingering kiss, making you squirm away at the weird feeling, a small laugh escaping your lips.
"Told you so! I'm so manly you see, a simple kiss can make anyone feel better!" He cheers happily, sitting up back next to you.
"You can't just go kissing their knee in public Kiri, you do realize someone could take a photo of that, and then the whole nation would think you have a knee fetish or something. Idiot." Bakugo sighs, suppressing a laugh. "Meh, let them think what they want, I just want this to be the best damned date ever, and the media can not stop that, no way hose!" He exclaims matter-of-factly. "Tch, as cheesy as that is, I agree. Let's not stop this unfortunate start from stopping us okay babe?" Katsuki says sheepishly, digging around in the beach bag.

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