Envy - KiriBakuTodo

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[ 5688 words ]

This one ended up taking soo long omg, and I think it's the longest one so far!  :0 I hope you enjoy!

The door to the lounge swings open, your head peaking around the side.

"Dinners ready,"
You say indifferently, the three men sprawled out all over the room going quiet as soon as you enter. Somehow, they were oblivious as to what was causing you to be upset.
Typical men. Kirishima's mouth opens to speak, but you cut in quickly to avoid discussion.
"It's on the table." You say coldly, the slightly tense atmosphere leading you away from the room and up to the bedroom.
You can hear their quiet and concerned chatters starting up again as soon as you leave, hushed and low as if in deep discussion. Why didn't they just ask you what was wrong? You had been trying to conceal your jealousy, but in all honesty, you didn't consider yourself a great actor. Even a complete idiot could have inferred that something was bothering you.

The unusual coolness of the air caused spindling shivers to creep up your spine, fitting your sour mood exactly. You hadn't felt like this in a while, it was safe to say — your relationship was usually vibrant and fun, but the feeling of jealousy clawing at your mind made it hard for you to enjoy it, especially when the cause of it concerned them in a way. The curtains in your room billow out in ribbons, fabricated fingertips reaching out to you in muted solace. The whole house seemed to be silent, besides the low whistle of wind, which is cut off by you slamming the window shut tightly in a weak attempt to trap any wandering heat, and as a way to release some pent up anger.
You're about to collapse down onto the springy bed and flip through pages of your favourite comic to relax and burn the memories of the last couple of days back into the depths of your brain, when the evident sound of footsteps swiftly walking up the stairs cause you to stiffen and freeze.

"Baby?" You hear Shoto's gentle voice call out from behind the shut door, the blockage making his sweet voice muffled.
Despite your lack of response, you watch as the smooth white door swings open tentatively, his soft face emerging from the side.
Surveying him with heavy-lidded eyes, you notice your discarded pot of noodles, still steaming in his pale hands; saturated wisps of steam swirling and gathering at the ceiling.
Ah — you'd meant to take it up with you in secret.
"You're not eating with us?" He enquires gingerly.
Shoto wasn't dumb; he could see that tiresome cogs were whirring away in your head all day at work, your face pinched with fake smiles all-around, reactions jumpy and unpredictable.
"I'd rather not..." You sigh quietly, shade swallowing half of your face as you turn shallowly away from him.
"But you'll eat right? Please. Please eat, even if it's not with us," He negotiates, stepping closer and reaching out to give you the pot.

The steam marinating the room had your mouth salivating slightly, so you shrug and take it, directing a little smile his way in appreciation. His hand re-situates onto your shoulder once you take the pot from him, heterochromatic eyes watching you stir the noodles around with the singular wooden chopstick.
"Y/N?" He says eventually, his eyes forcing yours to meet his.
They're gentle; brimming with soft concern, and his voice sounds a little timid.
"Is everything okay? I... saw you looked troubled at work today, and the other day as well. The other two seem to think you're fine, maybe a little tired... but I don't agree." He says slowly, as if testing out the temperature of the water at a swimming pool before fully submerging.
He'd picked up on your mood? Your acting skills really must be atrocious.

"Huh? I'm perfectly fine," You assure him, eyes flittering away from his intense stare to the lobe of his ear. You couldn't look at him in the eye and lie, and the slight shift in his countenance told you he knew that as well. Ignoring this, you continue.
"The others were right, I'm just tired. That's why I was gonna go to bed now... I completely forgot about my noodles, hah." You pretend yawn, wrapping your arms around his waist in a sleepy hug, the one you usually did when you were ready for bed.

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