Flower Fields - KamiKiri

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It had been one of your long-time dreams to experience a romantic and dreamy date in an empty and serene flower field. You used to fantasize daily about running carefree through the long stalks and delicate petals with a flowing dress billowing out behind you in an exquisite main character moment. And today, you were about to make your scenarios as real as your fingers flexing in front of you, and better yet, with your fantastic boyfriends. "Hurry up you two!" You yell from up ahead, the other two already out of breath behind you, twigs snapping as they trudge carelessly on them. "We're trying, stop going so fast babe," Kaminari whines, jogging slightly to catch up to you, Kiri following closely. He slings his arm around yours, the warm fabric of his jumper brushing against your bare skin. "Where are we even going Y/N?" You've been asked this several times now — did they ever learn when to give up?
"It's a surprise, I told you that already! I promise it's a good one." You hum happily, swinging the picnic basket merrily to your made up tune.
"I'm guessing it's a picnic, judging by the basket they're holding, and how we're outdoors for once." Kirishima continues, Denki ooh-ing at the idea.
"Is it a picnic babe? I love picnics..." He practically drools at the thought, making you smile a little. "Fine, it's a picnic, but it's more than just a picnic. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time!" You reveal enthusiastically, glancing excitedly at their impressed and inquisitive faces.

You continue up the woodland path until reaching the little rounded gate that would lead you to the perfect spot. You try to open it, but the movement and the latches of the gate is one you haven't seen before in your life, fingers fumbling over the wooden surface as you try to figure it out. Kirishima laughs and gently takes your hands off the wood, worried that you would undoubtedly get a splinter if continuing.
"What is this gate? I can't seem to open it." You exclaim with a puzzled and embarrassed look; it was probably so obvious and you'd just made a great big fool of yourself.
"It's called a kissing gate babe, look, this part slides this way and allows us to get in whilst any animals can't." Kaminari explains, pinching your cheek affectionately as he pushes past you both and opens it up with ease for you.
"A kissing gate huh? Why's it called that?" You wonder out loud at the curious name whilst waiting for them all to get through the perculiar gateway.
"Maybe lovers would kiss or something whilst passing through, way back when." Kirishima suggests with a shrug, helping Kaminari out of the gate with his hand.
"Well we wouldn't want to disrespect the tradition now... would we?" Kaminari grins cheekily, springing up onto his tiptoes to kiss Kirishima on the lips with gusto, leaving him stranded with a flushed expression on his face whilst Kaminari jumps into your arms and gives you one too.

"Woah, look at all of the flowers," Kaminari gushes, joy building up in his eyes as you all wade through the long, overgrown stalks.
"It's really pretty isn't it? I've wanted to go to a flower field for as long as I can remember." You hum, twirling radiantly through the sea of bright and sweet smelling flowers, a group of ladybugs buzzing out of nearby unfolding petals and dancing around your head like tiny, mystical faeries.
You're so engrossed in your own thoughts and the breathtaking scenery, that you don't realize Kirishima sneaking up cunningly from behind you. He taps your shoulder, making you shriek in sheer surprise at the unanticipated touch, both boys laughing cruelly as you give them a glare mixed with scolding and humor.
"For you m'lady," Kirishima bows, whipping out a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, filled with an assortment of colors; warm oranges, piercing blues, butter yellows and much more, blessing your eyes as they widen in a small thanks.
You laugh and take them from his hands carefully, giving him a small curtsy in appreciation.
It was truly something you would have fantasized obsessively about when you were younger, a man who was hopelessly in love with you presenting you with hand picked flowers. It made butterflies flutter within your stomach, threatening you to release some sort of soppy gibberish that you would look over later and be fervently embarrassed about.

You had struggled to find a good spot whilst skipping and talking through the fields, basket heavy in your hands. But soon enough you had found the perfect spot by a small winding river, the spray of the water bouncing off uneven rocks rewarding your hot faces from the blistering sun. You had laid down your picnic blanket and all of the baskets contents onto it, and the meal you ate together under the slow sinking sun was one of luxury and happiness.

"Mmmh that was delicious Y/N." Kirishima sighs, stomach full to the brim from your delicious picnic. The sky is blossoming with a calming and vibrant sunset, the stunning colors contrasting with fluffy white clouds; like a painting you would proudly hang on your wall. "We aren't done yet though," You announce, the boys groaning at the thought of even more food. "Babe your food is amazing, I don't think I could eat any more though..." Kaminari blinks, hands up in fake surrender. "No, it's nothing to do with food, numbskulls," You laugh, reaching into the basket and pulling out a small blue radio.
"I bought us a radio! I thought maybe we could dance in the flowers... But it's fine if you don't want to." You smile, passing the radio to them both, who look at it with interest.
"I don't know about Kaminari, but I'm sure up for it!" Kirishima winks, giving you a cheesy thumbs up and loving grin.
"Well duh I'm up for it." Kaminari says nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, his hair ruffling slightly in the evening wind. The atmosphere is hot, sticky and almost sweet; the pollen from all of the swaying flowers intoxicating the air with its pungent scents. Petals brush your ankles lightly as you spin around, carefree and giddy, with Kirishima and Kaminari gently holding your hand every so often to guide you into a dazzling spin, dress flowing out in ribbons behind you like a princess at a ball. Even though every step is unrehearsed, every move you make matches perfectly with theirs, the rhythm embracing you all naturally.

Soon enough, the lively music and laughter fades away, replaced by a classic slow and steady song. You blush, the warmth in your face from jumping about freely making it undeniably even worse.
"I'll turn this off," You chuckle, skipping happily over to the radio to switch it to another happy song, but a hand on your shoulder spins you right back around in your tracks. You're met with a pair of earnest eyes peering into yours, the tip of your nose brushing against his —You can tell it's Kaminari by the butter yellow hair falling down and framing his face around you both. As soon as it happens, it's over though, he pulls away slightly and gives you a tentative smile. "I would love to dance with you like this," He gestures to the music and shys away a little, pink tinting his cheeks like highlighter. You return his smile and tread towards him, his arms instinctively wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you in. You both sway to the beat for a little, the feeling of being in his warm embrace and resting your cheek against his neck making you feel all sentimental. You spot Kiri in front of you both, watching you dance slowly together with obvious pride. "Hey Kirishima, come and join us," You call him over, snapping him out of his train of thought. He gladly walks over to you both, but unsure how you would dance as a three. You pull back out of Kaminaris grasp and assess the situation. "Here, put your arm around Kams shoulder, then around mine. Perfect!" You laugh quietly, all of you in a slow swaying circle. The music takes you away into a different dimension; one where only you 3 existed and mattered. You all rest your foreheads together, an unexplainable love all coursing through your body's and emotions. "I love you both." You whisper, lips almost touching. "Love you too baby," Kirishima whispers. You all lean in for a gentle kiss as the music comes to an end, all sharing the passion and love you have for each other.

As you walk away, the flowers steadily sway in the light and warm wind, waving you goodbye. It's no doubt, you will visit this place in the future, and the flowers will be eagerly waiting upon your return, whether they will still be there after however long, or their seeds they will emit over time that will reminisce in your memory forever.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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