Teasing - TodoKiriBaku

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[ 1440 words ]

"Where's the oil kept Katsuki? I don't see it." You mutter loudly, licking excess sugar off your fingers secretively as you fumble around in the stuffed cupboards.

You had woken up with a strong desire to wolf down sweet waffles for breakfast, and Bakugo was surprisingly quick to insist in helping you with your sudden request — your tendency to burn baked goods to a crisp probably being one of the main factors of his offering, but nevertheless, you needed all the help you could get from the best cook in house.

"It's over here idiot, I took out all the ingredients beforehand like a normal, sane human being. What would happen if you were half done through your baking, and you discover an ingredients missing, hm? It would be catastrophic... such a fucking waste..." You watch in uncanny bewilderment as Bakugo rants on about missing ingredients, taking out all his rage into the mixing bowl, making cloudy white puffs of flour spurt onto his cheeks and apron, some even deciding to rest in his hair.
"I didn't know you had that much vocabulary Katsuki, I'm impressed. So you have the oil, great." You confirm with a light hum, brushing off Bakugo's vexed glances coming your way as you start to set up the waffle machine, tangled wires everywhere confusing you endlessly as you attempt to solve them.
"Don't think you're going to get away with those little side comments Y/N. You've got a whole other thing coming." You jump in surprise at how close his voice is to your ear, and then gulp away your flustered complexion when you also take into consideration how painfully close he's standing.
"Not so tough now, are ya?" He laughs, a huge smirk evident on his face as he looks at you with big and wide mock innocent eyes.
"Why are you blushing babe? I'm not even doing anything that bad..." He teases fervidly, rocking his body into yours agonizingly slow and rolling his hips as you simply pass away in stone cold embarrassment.
"Stop..." You laugh, the batter bowl in your grasp shaking in union with your hands as his lips grace your exposed neck.

"Are the sweet waffles done yet? They sure do seem to be taking a lot of effort." Kirishima comes striding in with Shoto close in pursuit, his tone light and jokey as he slides into a kitchen chair to watch you both.
"Looks like you two are enjoying the process of making them a good deal anyway." Shoto plagues, shooting a cunning smile to Katsuki as he pulls his body away from yours in a deliberate motion, giving you a quick hair ruffle before you gather your thoughts and start pouring in the mixture with still, slightly wobbly hands.
"Mm, I don't know what he's trying to pull on me, but it's not going to work..." You mutter, rolling your eyes at all three of your boyfriends questioning expressions.
"You want to bet on that baby?" Shoto says, sliding out of his seat and walking stealthily up to you, catching your shoulder before you can turn away.
"Uhhh." You avert your eyes away from him and scrunch them up tightly, so that when you do open them, your eyes go all funny with colors and shapes dancing in your vision.
"How adorable you look when you get caught off guard, it's truly enticing you know." He smiles devilishly, his thumbs now brushing up and down your cheeks in large, gentle strokes.
You look deep into his eyes, noticing how they got closer and closer, and how his eyelashes dusted his cheeks when they shut lightly for a kiss.
No matter how much you wanted to stand by your statement, Shoto's kisses were just always magnificent and breath-taking, the way his soft lips connect briefly with yours before advancing into a different spot, the way his hands cup your jaw and guide you to the perfect spot just to weigh a little more pressure onto your lips.
It completely wins you over.
Just as you start to loose yourself in the kiss, he bites your lower lip gently whilst pulling away, surprising you too say the least, and making you want to kiss him even more.
"So you were saying..?" He laughs, walking away from you with an over-the-shoulder wink and leaving you stranded, whilst Bakugo and Eijirou whoop and congratulate him. This man would be the end of you.

"Mmmph those waffles were divine." Kirishima sighs, mellowing out into the chair and sliding his empty plate forward on the table, his eyes fluttering shut with bliss. "Hey! Don't just nap on the kitchen chair Kiri, do that on the sofa or something." You scold gently, knowing from duly noted experience that napping on those chairs gave you severe back pain for about a week.
"Oh? Maybe I should just... Nap on you instead!" Kirishima hums excitedly, leaping out of his chair and literally diving into your lap in a sitting position on your thighs.
"Ejirou—" You exhale exasperatedly, giving Bakugo a plea-for-help look as he scoops up all of your remaining plates for washing up, who blesses you with an unhelpful shrug in return.
"I got jealous of that kiss Shoto pulled on you... Can I have one as well?" He smirks, resting his forehead on yours so that fluffy red hair falls and frames your vision, a impatient look swirling behind his eyes like working cogs. "Fine, I guess it's only fair." You relent, sighing in annoyance at Shoto's and Katsuki's mimicking of your words from earlier: 'I'm not falling for it anymore.' 
You smother Kirishima in sweet and rich kisses, frowning when you look up and see him chuckling along with the others.
"I've been set up... haven't I." You groan, taking the huge hug you're pulled into by all of them as a solid yes.
"Aww don't be upset babe, we can cuddle on the couch and watch anything you want to make up for it!" Kirishima promises, squeezing your hand and bringing it to his lips for a dozen small, peppery kisses.
"The couch only fits two of us for cuddles though, why don't we just go up to the bedroom?" Shoto suggests, and you're almost sure you see a sly look flit across his face - gone before you could even process it.
"Sounds like a good idea, I could do with sleeping off those damned sweet waffles." Katsuki yawns, oblivious to Shoto's intentions whilst trudging up the stairs, dragging you all along.
You laugh nervously, tugging at his sleeve repeatedly until he turns and looks at you.
"I'm not sure th—" You're cut off by strong arms scooping you up and placing you on his back.
"Of course you're not sure if you can make it up the stairs. It's fine though, that's why you've got me after all." Bakugo sighs, pretending to be annoyed as he carries you to the bedroom.
"Not what I meant but okay..." You sigh, resting your head into the crook of his neck.

"Mm I love cuddle piles, so warm... and fuzzy..." You murmur, blissfully gracing out your neck to receive hundreds of little kisses across your skin, courtesy of Shoto.
"I swear you guys always kiss my neck, but I never kiss yours." You think out-loud, sitting upright at your conclusion.
"That would be because we don't want fucking hickeys, unlike you, who somehow also manages to make them disappear the next day no matter how much I mark you." Bakugo growls, pulling you back down so that you face him directly.
"It's called concealer Katsuki, ever heard of it?" You giggle, pinching his cheek as Kirishima laughs along with you at his peeved expression.
"Well I would totally be up for you kissing my neck babe." Kirishima suggests, nuzzling his face into your shoulder from behind, his voice sweet and raspy in your ear.
"No! They're going to kiss my neck, idiot." Bakugo mutters profusely, practically shoving your face into his neck before you can crane around and see to Kirishima.
"Mmmph,—Okay then?" You laugh, muffled by the scent of Bakugo's ruffled grey shirt.
You connect your lips to a spot below his jawline, and start trailing along slowly and gently, finding a suitable rhythm as you adjust to the new action.
It felt relaxing; something that you did rather absent minded, intent on making Bakugo feel as much pleasure as possible — which was clear from his occasional gasps, stifled unsuccessfully by the back of his hand whilst Kirishima and Shoto snicker about his feminine sounding noises, both receiving a swift kick to the calf.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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