Bruises - KiriBaku

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[ 2322 words ]

It had been a brutal day, sleet slashing down
at speeds faster than light itself, whipping your cheeks and obscuring your vision.

You had never felt like this before, a sick, churning feeling settling in your stomach as you lay vulnerable under a small, spiky bush that looked as if it's roots would give out and send it flying into the air any minute due to the forces of these winds. This villain —you'd never seen anyone like them, their ability to manipulate the weather outmatching your quirk, which relied heavily on absorbing the suns rays. There was nothing much you could do with ominous clouds blocking its path, and with the heavy sleet, wind and snow, you felt utterly helpless. A gash was present across your face, and you were almost adamant on the fact that your arm had been fractured or broken. There were several slashes down your forearm from a heavy blast of ice, and your legs felt too weak to move — the tattered bush being your only source of protection as you willed the villain away with your mind. Not all battles could be won... you think slowly, mind pounding despite the fatigue. There were children and innocent people in this area... yet you could do nothing to stop the villain, 'chillblain' or whatever stupid-ass name they claimed to be. Shedding a tear, you whimper quietly into the ground as the wind throws you around like a tormenter, your singular functioning arm unable to grip onto the leaves of the dying bush any longer. Closing your eyes, you accept your fate, loosing grip of the leaves and let yourself tumble away into the oblivion of sleet, snow and wind.

The sound of beeping and murmuring awakens you, the feeling of warmth on your skin somewhat startling you. With your eyes flickering open and slowly adjusting to the vivid light, you attempt to look around, retinas straining as you wince looking directly into a table side lamp. "Y/N...? Y/N!" You hear a gasp of relief, and footsteps rushing towards you. Slowly gathering your vision once again, you're met with vermillion eyes, staring in awe and loving at your now moving face. It was Kirishima. Although the bandages and plasters strewn across your cheeks limit you, you muster up a weak smile, his familiarity making your tenseness ease instantly.

"Oh my God, you're safe." Kirishima weeps, burying his head into your arms and littering tiny kisses wherever he could. The nurse scolds him to some extent to be more gentle, and he's quick to apologise, her wrinkly features softening when she sees the tears glistening on his skin. "Kiri..." You beam, eyes glittering as you stroke his hair. It's swept up in a black bandana, unbrushed and straggly as your fingers comb through. "Bakugo's down in the hospital lobby, probably shouting at the medics... You were out stone cold for 8 days Y/N, 8 days." He shakes his head, and you can't help but exclaim silently in shock. 8 days? The time from when you had lost grip on the bush and then awoken here had felt like just simply blinking. You couldn't imagine the worry and heartache you must've put them through.
"H.. How was I out for 8 days? Did the villain find me or something!? I was hiding and—"
He stops your lips from moving by gently mining a zipping motion across your lips. "When the search team found you, you were out cold just by the outskirts of the area being controlled by chillblain. It's most likely a loose lamppost hit you in the head due to this gash right here." He whispers, caressing your bandage gently. As you remain in disbelief, the nurse tends to a tube linked to your arm, inserting some fluids in or something. You remain in a dizzy tornado of thoughts as Kirishima simply hugs you on the bed, until the door bursts open and a certain blonde comes barging in, sour expression on face along with dark circles embedded under his eyes.

"Hey, red, the fucking doctors said that we can't — what, they're awake?" At the sight of Kirishima kneeling by your side, his sour expression instantly fades away and progresses into worry and relief. In an instant he's jogging over to the other side of the dingy hospital bed. "You're okay? They're okay?" He asks no one, cupping your face and searching your eyes for any hint of pain or hurting.
"Y/N is in good shape for what they have endured Mr. Bakugo. Please, be calm around the patient." The nurse reassures and affirms from the medicine trolley, rolling her eyes subtly but with a small smile.
"Calm... of course," He quietly laughs in solace, nestling into your neck. "I missed you two." You manage to say rashly, voice strained from 8 days of not speaking and being under strong pain reducing medication.
"You don't understand how much we missed you, Y/N. A blow to the head from a villain as strong as chillblain? We were out of our mind with worry — hell, the whole country has been." Kirishima frowns, stroking your chin tenderly. "But... was the villain stopped?" You squeak, dread pounding away at your head. They exchange a guilty look, and you already know it's bad.
"Well... The damned villain got away to put things simply." Katsuki sighs, annoyance evident on his face.
"Don't feel disheartened though, his quirk totally counters yours. I guess that's why he sprung you and not Sero." Kirishima exclaims, locking hands with you as soon as the worry washes over you.

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