Clubbing - TodoBakuDeku

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Requested by @purplerain229 <3

"Maybe this?" You ask uncertainly to nobody in particular, chewing your lip hesitantly and shifting your weight side to side in the mirror to get the best perception of your outfit as you possibly could. Mina had somehow managed to tempt you all to go clubbing with her after many hours of unrelenting pining, and promising that the next time you went shopping together, it was her treat - with a spending limit of course, but nonetheless. It was crazy how she had you wrapped around her little finger sometimes, knowing what made you tick allowed her to get to the relationship and convince the boys to go along too; if you wanted something, they couldn't resist but go along with your plan after just minutes of persuasion, especially if you whipped out your lethal weapon. Puppy dog eyes.

You weren't one to go all out for a trip usually, but for the circumstances you felt the urge to be more flamboyant with your look, the colours of your outfit complimenting your features outstandingly and flaunting your figure in a way girls would be jealous. You sink the tinted lipstick lid back onto its mount as you gather all of your possessions for the night, making the lid surpass a satisfying pop as its enclosed and barricaded away into a drawer.

"Ready love?"

A muffled voice calls out and you hear a patient and smooth tapping on your door just as you reach out and open it, Shoto's steady grin meeting yours. Unlike the others, Shoto had been particularly keen to go clubbing with you all, the thought of it making him unashamedly aroused and excited for what was to come. Being met with your stunning outfit, Shoto's eyebrows raise for a split second with genuine admiration before hurrying into a simple smile as if to conceal his blatant surprise. "You look exquisite darling," He sighs dreamily, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a pleasurably slow kiss. You pull away after a few seconds however, determined not to let his charm win your thoughts and rationality over moments before you were expected to leave. "We'd better get going, the other two are waiting..." You chuckle, writhing out of his grasp and billowing down the stairs at an alarming pace, slipping on your shoes and running over to the already turned on car.

The club is a secluded place, dim purple lights outside the entry enticing you in. You're met with a high pitched squeal in your ear and friendly arms being thrown enthusiastically over your shoulders as soon you step out of the car, almost tripping over your own feet with the sheer force of... Mina.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you decided to come! Even with my bribery, it'll be so worth it!" She laughs wholeheartedly, her contagious giggles making you smile uncontrollably, her bubbly presence already getting the better of you. "Mina! Long time no see!" You greet her, matching the energy created. "I managed to get them to come, as promised," You say with a hint of mischief, secretly doting on the awkward expression scrawled on Bakugo's face as he watches you both talk about the latest happenings and your opinions on them. "So enough about that... Let's stop chatting in the cold outdoors shall we? I have this place rented out for a reason y'know," She jokes, grabbing all four of your wrists somehow and marching you indoors like a soldier dedicated to duty.

The club, although not having many people, was lively yet also calm at the present moment, couples staring at each other with stars in their eyes, stowed away in small enclosed booths. The music playing was surprisingly up to date, suitable songs fitting the mood, mostly slowed and reverbed thanks to Minas doings. "So yeah the chocolate fountain is over there and the stra-" Her very helpful guide is cut off by a girl who you aren't particularly familiar with, but at first glance she looks friendly enough. "Ashido! You have to come over here, I sense a new romance budding..." She fawns, Minas eyes enlightening at the sudden intel. "I'm sorry you four, duty calls!I'll be right here if you need me," Shes dragged away from you all with an apologetic look, over to a pulsating crowd, throwing herself right into the midst of it, and it's as if you can see the air around them spark up as her cheery personality infects them all one by one.

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