Disaster - TodoDeku

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[ 1589 words ]

When you arose out of bed in the morning, something felt abnormally... off.

Your stomach felt tense and uneasy, despite not having eaten anything alarming, and the warm air clouding around your face felt strangely peculiar — as if the air from your house had been replaced with somebody else's — a bizarre feeling that was unfamiliar.

You groaned in annoyance, letting your heavy head fall back onto the pillow, gluing yourself to Shoto's snug back, warm from the trapped air underneath the duvet.

This odd, malicious feeling was nothing new to you.

It often happened when bad things were going to occur. You and many of your friends held a running joke that it was some type of curse, binded to you and appearing every once in a while.
It was probably best for you to remain in bed for the rest of the day, although, knowing this feeling, it was almost certain that something bad would still happen — better than managing to break someones toe, you thought, a grimace on your face as you envision the memory.

"Baby? What's bothering you..." Shoto asks absently, his drowsy eyes meeting yours as he shuffles around slowly to face you, making sure to be careful whilst wriggling out of Izuku's grasp, letting him sleep on peacefully.

Your cheeks flush hot red with embarrassment.
How were you supposed to tell him that you had some kind of bad-luck attraction curse, that you could just sense was all around, smothering and crude?

"Oh, I'm fine. Just a little cold." You smile falsely, your voice unknowingly tipping an octave higher.
Shoto stares at you skeptically with his eyebrows furrowed slightly, sensing that something was up but not prying for any details.
"Come lay in my arms, then. I promise I'm warm." He holds out his arms slowly, a gesture that tempts you in just seconds to snuggle up to his chest and relax under his strong, muscled arms.

Whilst moving into his comfort, you accidentally knock your arm into the dresser beside your bed, the both of you watching in horror as the full glass of water you'd retrieved last night topples off the ledge and spills it's contents everywhere.
Even worse, the glass itself hits at a funny angle at the bottom of the dresser, shattering upon impact into trillions of untraceable sharp pieces.
"Shit, I'm... sorry." You whisper, looking down at your trembling hands.

You had no doubt it was to do with that odd feeling.
It really made you feel freaked out about how real your supposed 'curse' was — it felt supernatural in a lot of ways, and it completely threw you off your guard when it happened, because logic just isn't supposed to work that way.

You remain there shaking a little as Shoto gets up and scoops up the glass, blinking as if you couldn't believe it.
You'd been in bed for Christ's Sake, how had something bad even managed to happen already?

"Is there something you're not telling me Y/N?" Shoto asks softly, finding your strangely paling face and unusual quietness rather odd as he peaks up from beside the bed.
"If you're upset about the glass, don't worry! Shoto's cleared every last bit of it up, and although it made a scary noise, it's over now, it was just an accident." Izuku smiles reassuringly, awoken minutes ago by the loud shattering of glass against the dresser.
Why and... how, was this even happening?
Although you'd always been skeptical of your friends claims, there was no other rations explanation.
You had to be cursed, or something evil was haunting you, or maybe something even worse!

You feel the tears leak down your face as the worry and scare catches up to you in a rush of emotion.
"I'm cursed, and it's scary, and I don—" Your wrangled sobs and hiccups are drowned out by a loud noise slamming from behind your curtains, and you leap in fear onto Izuku's lap, head buried into his shoulders as the loud, insistent noise continues, and the air gradually gets colder.
"Sshh, it'll be okay, it's probably just the wind." Izuku stammers, keeping his voice steady for your sake, but secretly cowering inside at the noise, his flickering eyes pleading Shoto to sort it out.
Shoto sighs, standing up slowly on the bed and slashing open the curtains in one pull.
Gusts of cold, icy air tumble out in ribbons, making the uneasy atmosphere around you bitter and piercing.
The wind stops as you hear a muffled clunk, and you peer up at Shoto, who's heart drops slightly as he see's how scared you look.
Your eyes are red-rimmed, lashes wet with fresh tears, along with Izuku's shirt, which also bears a good dozen tear trails.

"So you're saying you're... cursed?" Shoto blinks, unable to do anything besides comforting you in this distraught state, as you had wrapped yourself stubbornly around the closest thing near you, and that had happened to be his chest.
"Pretty much..." You sniff, still shivering slightly. You weren't one to freak out often, but whenever these days came around and stuff started to actually go down, you felt paralyzed with fear.
Not only bad things happened, you felt it was you who was responsible for it, no matter how much it looked like an accident.
"Nothing on the extreme side has happened yet, it's usually just little things that cause inconveniences or scares. I find it really weird and creepy though." You shake yourself again, shuffling back into the safety of Shoto's arms. Izuku frowns, a small tick appearing on his forehead. "I'm not well acquainted with curses and such. Perhaps it's a quirk that's been affecting you from a young age?" He chews his lip carefully before continuing.
"I think it's best if we just wait it out. How long does it usually last?" He asks with a gentle kiss to your temple, his hands smoothing your skin as he waits for you to conjure up your answer.
"I... It's usually just a day I guess? I'm not a hundred percent sure though." You murmur, flinching as you hear a knock on the door.
"Mmph. Who could that even be?" Shoto says, annoyance at having to leave you laced in his tone.
"I'll be right back baby. Izuku will protect you, I'm sure of it." He says, hauling himself off the bed.
"Wait, Shoto. What if it's something bad?" You whisper as there's another knock, his face looking conflicted.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, I can defend myself. Izuku, look after them." He sighs, ruffling your hair before disappearing down the stairs.
You shake your head, burying your face into Izuku's chest.

You wait patiently upstairs for what seems like decades before you both start to grow agitated and worried. "Why don't we go downstairs? What if Shoto's injured?" You mumble in worry, Izuku settling you down with a gentle kiss to the lips, your mind melting when you feel his tongue brush against you in one swift motion, the action driving you crazy.
"Maybe we should go investigate... He's been a while and I doubt he'd keep us waiting while you're so freaked out." He frowns, pulling away from you and planting another quick kiss to the corner of your lips before picking you up off the bed and setting you down.
"Lets, check then." You agree, entwining your hands with his and fiddling with each of his fingers as you scurry down the stairs to see the door wide open, with no Shoto.
A tsunami of worry crashes over you, and your legs begin to tremble a little.
Izuku looks positively sick to the stomach, his voice scratchy as you both call out for your missing lover. "Shoto?" "Shoto," Todoroki?"

"Izuku? Y/N? Don't worry, I'm as safe as ever." Shoto comes hurtling into the kitchen from the back door, his voice like music to your ears as you and Izuku envelop him in a tight hug.
"We thought something might have happened to you," You cry, jumping up and wrapping your wobbly legs around his waist.

"I'm perfectly fine baby, I honestly didn't mean to alarm you. The neighbors cat just went missing and I... I stupidly went to go help them without telling you both first." He explains, the familiar feeling of dread pooling inside of you once again.
"Because of me right... That poor cat's gone because of me!" You wail, feeling like a horrible burden to everyone surrounding you.
"Of course not! It has to be a coinciden— Ouch! Who put that there?" Izuku yelps, retrieving a small block of lego from beneath his foot.
"That's it. I'm done. We don't even own lego." You sniff, trailing up to your bedroom, the boys hot on your heels. "Wait! What are you doing Y/N? Don't do anything stupid!" Izuku warns, turning you around to face him.
"I'm not going to Izuku. I'm going to try and go to sleep. If I'm not awake, surely this... curse... can't affect anyone. Right?" You suggest, already slipping into the comfort of your bed.
"Phew... Okay. That's a good plan. I'll join you!" Izuku smiles, getting in next to you.
"I'll stay and watch over you both, just in case something bad happens." Shoto grins, tucking you both in gently and keeping watch for the remainder of the day, and night.

The day that follows, the tense and gloomy atmosphere and occurances that seemed to happen in your prescence subside, and everything goes back to normal.
You find yourself thinking; maybe it was all just a huge coincidence, and everything just went bad for a while, right?
The neighbors cat returned, a dead mouse waiting on their doormat with a very chuffed looking (and scruffy looking) cat sitting beside it, not unlike a child with a trophy or a small plastic medal.
You prayed and hoped that it wouldn't happen again regularly; but you knew that if it did, you would have your two brave lovers to protect and help you through it again.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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