Flora and fauna - KamiSero

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It was early morning when you began walking again, the hazy sun just peaking above wispy clouds, a symphony of gentle oranges and glowing yellows seeping into the skyline as if it were a slightly damp canvas. The air felt sharp and refreshing against your skin unlike the stuffiness of the tent, the simple t-shirt that you wore not doing anything at all to protect you from the harsh and bitter morning chill.
"You alright there?" Sero asks from beside you, his pace matching yours as you walked on steadily but slowly. You glance at him quickly, his eyes imploring you for an answer.
"Yeah... I guess." You sigh, hiking up your backpack that seemed to be twice the size of you. That was probably the reason it kept slipping down your back repeatedly, every step of progression you achieved made it slip further and further down until you hiked it up again.
Sero blinks from you to your arms heaving at the stubborn bag, his steady arm reaching out to push it up with ease, muscles bulging. When you thank him, his dark eyes glisten with sympathy and humour.
"You really weren't made for camping, mi amour..." He chuckles, tapping your chin as you both stumble onwards through the frost swept field.

His rumpled cargo pants made a quiet noise as the fabric rubbed together in motion, oddly comforting you and keeping your stride up to scratch.

"You were so sure as well, that you'd be acclimatised to camping in seconds. That's what makes it even more funny."

At this remark, you muster up the strength to gently whack his bicep — last night had made you sleepy, you didn't get a good rest at all due to the chirruping cicadas and the deep, throaty hoots of tawny owls searching for field mice and easy prey. When he pretends to flinch, you roll your eyes, knowing it didn't hurt him one bit. Hero work has toughened him up so much that you doubted even a brick landing on his foot would do so much as make him flinch.

"I'm fine with the camping bit, Sero. I just don't see why we need to move around manually from field to field. I wasn't built for walking long distances, there's taxis and cars for that." You complain, a small smile tugging at his chapped lips. The cold climate had made all of your lips ridiculously dry, making it unpleasant to do even the simplest things, like kissing. You were regretting not packing your chapstick for this 5-day retreat, if you could even call it that. "Awh, don't be like that. I told you yesterday, I'm not particularly into this sort of stuff either, but sparky over there seems to enjoy this a lot. That's why we've gotta keep our lips sealed. I don't want any complaints around him, okay? I'm here for all of those." He breathes, pointing over at Kaminari who seemed to be a little speck in the distance.

Humming, you nod your head.

Kaminari really did love this, a freakish amount.

He was miles ahead, taking photos on his posh digital camera of all sorts of intriguing plants and anything that interested him in general. He claimed that it 'was good for his mind,' which you supported entirely of course. It still didn't make you wholly embrace the slimy, wet morning dew soaking your fluffy socks as you brushed past the grass, but knowing he was enjoying himself made it worthwhile, which was why you simply shrugged.

"Yeah yeah, I don't want to be a burden that complains the whole time. How about we catch up to him?" You suggest, Sero's eyebrows skyrocketing upwards as if you'd said something completely ludicrous.
"Y/N being positive for once? Well that's a change." He says, making you gasp in mock offence. "How dare you!" You giggle, quickening your pace to a fast and ample jog away from him. The towering trees rush past your vision in a blur, cold air masking your face.
"Wait up!" The muffled thud of footsteps thunder behind you.

It's quite a while before you catch up to Kaminari, your bag weighing you down combined with your soggy socks slowing you down considerably. You couldn't help it, the grotesque feeling of wet socks made you complain tirelessly to Sero on the run over, but once in the close vicinity of Kaminari, you kept your moaning to yourself and simply sucked your sock dilemma up.

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